delayed menstruation due to a cold
Delayed menstruation and ARVI: a subtle connection
The effect of a cold on menstruation The monthly changes that the female body undergoes are due to the production of reproductive
Maxillary sinusotomy
How is endoscopic maxillary sinusotomy performed?
Preparation and features of the operation Before performing a maxillary sinusotomy, the doctor will order a set of additional studies:
E.O. Komarovsky - symptoms and treatment of sinusitis in children 2020
Rhinitis and sinusitis According to Dr. Komarovsky, there is a big difference between ordinary rhinitis (runny nose)
Why does a child speak through his nose but does not have a runny nose?
A child speaks through his nose. Most often, the precursors of temporary nasality are a runny nose and a cold. The
Why does snoring occur and how can a woman cope with it?
Snoring in women: causes and treatment – ​​MEDSI
Women's snoring, just like men's, can be very loud, sometimes reaching 80
Pneumonia may cause a cough with fever
Symptoms of high fever, cough, runny nose in an adult
Cough with fever is the first manifestation of most colds. These symptoms indicate
Photo: baby has a cold
How to protect your infant from colds and flu?
Infants have a very difficult time dealing with colds. If your baby has a runny nose or cough, he may
Bronchi hurt, cough no how to treat
Author's rating Author of the article Elena Stanislavovna Zelenaya Otolaryngologist of the second category Articles written 665
dna and rna
Instructions for the use of streptocide in cats and dogs. Calculate the optimal dose of the drug. Explore the breadth of antibacterial effects of streptocide powder for small pets. Improve the effect
Pharmacological action of Streptocide powder has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It stops reproduction and growth
Why is there pressure on the bridge of the nose and a headache?
Throughout life, each person may encounter various diseases, each of which can
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