The drug Aqualor is completely natural, it is made from the salty waters of the Atlantic. A foreign drug is being manufactured
Home → Diseases → Otorhinolaryngology Young parents often face the problem of childhood cough. Especially
Gelisal cough syrup: % instructions for use for children, composition, analogues Cough -
A little physiology The functionality of the middle ear is to conduct sound by transferring wave-like vibrations of air,
Causes of a feeling of tightness in the throat A feeling of tightness in the throat can appear under the influence of various
Otitis externa is a disease accompanied by inflammation in the outer ear. Contacting medical
A runny nose (another name for rhinitis) is a common illness in winter. It's very easy to catch a cold. This
Often, when we have a cold, we think of this traditional folk medicine, like mustard.
What is thrush in children in the mouth Fungal stomatitis, causing inflammation of the mucous membrane
The benefits of iodine for sore throat Iodine mesh for acute tonsillitis is used as an adjuvant in