What to do: ARVI during pregnancy in the 1st trimester
Acute respiratory diseases (ARI) include infectious diseases that affect the upper respiratory tract. Main
Staphylococcus during pregnancy in a smear: causes in women
A huge number of microorganisms, including staphylococci, live on the human skin and mucous membranes.
Inhalations with saline and chamomile during pregnancy
Let's find out whether it is possible to do inhalation with saline solution for pregnant women: recommendations from experts
Medication treatment is contraindicated for pregnant women, with rare exceptions. What to do with a cold and cough?
Green snot during pregnancy: how to treat it
Traditional medicine How to treat green snot, what medications and methods of therapy to use to
Antibiotic Astellas Vilprafen (Josamycin) - negative reviews. Neutral. Positive. + Leave a review Negative reviews Alexandra Miller https://deti.mail.ru/forum/v_ozhidanii_chuda/b
Taking antibiotics is an integral part of the treatment of bacterial forms of sinusitis of the maxillary sinus. Much has been developed
Are Doctor Mom Lozenges Possible for Pregnant Coughs?
Doctor Mom presents a number of drugs in various dosage forms, each of them can
Why do you dream that your nose is bleeding?
Since ancient times, blood has been directly compared to life; if it is not there, there is no existence.
runny nose during pregnancy
Aquamaris during pregnancy
Runny nose and pregnancy In the body of the expectant mother, hormonal changes occur and immunity decreases. First
Can pregnant women use allergy drops?
A pregnant woman is responsible not only for herself, it is important for her to give birth to a healthy child. But,
Pectusin during pregnancy - instructions for use, reviews
Often in the autumn-spring season there is an increase in the number of colds, which are accompanied by a severe cough. For