Staphylococcus during pregnancy in a smear: causes in women

A huge number of microorganisms, including staphylococci, live on the human skin and mucous membranes. They belong to opportunistic microflora. This means that in good health they do not cause disease. Their activity increases with low immunity.
Undoubtedly, immune defense fails in a variety of diseases: acute respiratory viral infections, intestinal infections, and so on. Immunity also decreases during pregnancy. This, on the one hand, is a protective mechanism: the fetus is not perceived as something foreign. On the other hand, opportunistic microorganisms are activated, which can lead to the development of various diseases.

Types of staphylococci

The name of the bacteria comes from the Latin "bunch of grapes". They are widely distributed in the air and soil. There are three types:

  1. Staphylococcus aureus: This species brings together pathogenic microorganisms.
  2. Epidermal: unites opportunistic staphylococci that colonize human skin and mucous membranes.
  3. Saprophytic: Includes non-pathogenic bacteria that are often isolated from the external environment.

Staphylococcus aureus poses the greatest danger, since it is the one that has the most pronounced pathogenic properties and is most often involved in the development of inflammatory pathology.


During pregnancy, a woman undergoes a thorough examination several times, taking all kinds of smears. At the same time, she may be diagnosed with pathologies and diseases that the expectant mother did not even suspect about. This is not surprising, since a significant part of the ailments can pass without obvious symptoms, but at the same time threaten the health of the woman and child.

The usual conditionally pathogenic flora that lives on the body of many people does not manifest itself in any way under usual circumstances. But during pregnancy, microbes can become active and cause serious damage to health. Therefore, a pregnant woman needs to undergo numerous smears.

It is ideal to undergo testing for staphylococcus at the stage of pregnancy planning. At this time, you can be treated without interference if tests reveal the presence of opportunistic varieties of staphylococci on the skin, mucous membranes, in the urine or gastrointestinal tract.

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Few people can boast of perfectly clean tests. One of the most common pathologies in bacterial culture is an increased number of staphylococci. The bacterium can be detected in pregnant women in a swab from the nose, throat, or vagina.

What is the danger?

Planning for pregnancy is definitely the right approach to it. But often the news of pregnancy is pleasant, but unexpected. Therefore, all examinations are carried out when the woman is already pregnant.

Staphylococcus during pregnancy is a problem that threatens both the mother and the fetus. In women, it can cause various inflammatory diseases of the skin (furuncle, panaritium) and internal organs (pyelonephritis, cystitis). After childbirth, bacteria can enter the mammary gland through microcracks in the nipple. A woman develops mastitis. There are many postpartum diseases (endometritis, etc.), which can also be caused by Staphylococcus aureus.

During pregnancy, microorganisms in the blood can enter the fetal membranes and cause inflammation. When a child passes through the birth canal, it is also possible to become infected with staphylococcus and develop purulent skin diseases in the newborn.

Staphylococcus during pregnancy: what is dangerous

Staphylococcus aureus is able to reproduce, as you understand, anywhere! That is, there is no such body where it could not exist. Once in the systemic bloodstream, it surrounds itself with a protective membrane so as not to be recognized by immune cells, and together with the blood it easily penetrates into any organs. Purulent inflammatory processes in the kidneys, liver, intestines, heart, brain... Otitis, conjunctivitis, cystitis, urethritis, mastitis, pneumonia, sepsis (blood poisoning), osteomyelitis (bone inflammation)... All these and many other diseases are caused by this malicious bacterium. Most often, food poisoning occurs, since staphylococcus multiplies very quickly in food products (its “favorites” are canned food, meat and vegetable salads, and butter confectionery creams).

Consequently, this microbe can cause infectious processes in any organ or part of our body (even in the blood and bones). This can manifest itself in different ways and have a variety of consequences: from a common pimple on the skin to purulent meningitis or inflammation of the membranes of the heart. If the infection actively develops in a pregnant woman, then there is also a threat of infection of the fetus and membranes: if a newborn has spots or blisters on the skin in the form of burn marks, then this is the work of staphylococcus.

Staphylococcal infection during pregnancy is dangerous for both the expectant mother and her child. Therefore, treatment must be started even during this period if an infection is diagnosed.


Every pregnant woman should have the following attitude: with any ailment or deterioration in health, contact a specialist, since not all medications can be taken during pregnancy; they need to be carefully selected. Self-medication should be excluded.

A woman may be bothered by a sore throat, runny nose, and sore throat that does not go away for a long time. It is worth paying attention to such symptoms and consulting a therapist or otolaryngologist.

More serious complaints are also possible: pain in the lumbar region, painful urination, frequent urge to urinate. This should immediately alert you and become a reason to contact a urologist.

How to treat the disease during pregnancy?

Treatment of staphylococcus in pregnant women is complicated by the inability to take a number of medications that can have an extremely negative effect on the fetus.

If Staphylococcus aureus is found in the nose or throat, the woman is prescribed rinsing the sinuses with oil solutions (Chlorophyllipt) and rinsing with alcohol-containing preparations. Treatment necessarily includes taking gentle antibiotics. Without them, it is not possible to eliminate Staphylococcus aureus. Depending on the location of the bacteria, topical preparations can be used - these are antibacterial ointments. Medicines that stimulate the immune system are prescribed. Regular quartzing is carried out. To prevent infection of the unborn child, the mother is given an injection of staphylococcal toxoid.

Treatment of staphylococcus during pregnancy should be under constant medical supervision. Using traditional medicine methods and practicing self-therapy is strictly prohibited.

To avoid serious consequences, pregnancy must be planned in advance. In this case, the woman will have time to undergo all necessary medical tests and carry out timely treatment of infectious diseases that can lead to complications during pregnancy.

If staphylococcus was detected already during pregnancy, do not panic. The main thing is to follow all the instructions of the attending physician and regularly undergo tests to study the dynamics of the fight against such a pathogen as staphylococcal infection.

Detection of bacteria

Not all women experience symptoms of staph infections, but this does not mean they are free of pathogens. They can be identified during testing. Staphylococci can be detected in studies such as:

  1. Swab from the nasal cavity and throat. Most often, Staphylococcus aureus settles in these areas, causing prolonged runny nose and nasal congestion.
  2. General urine analysis. Saprophytic staphylococcus lives on the skin of the genital organs. If hygiene is not observed, it can enter the bladder through the urethra and cause cystitis, as well as “rise” higher and cause the development of pyelonephritis. In these diseases, bacteria can be found in the urine.
  3. Vaginal smear. The presence of staphylococci in the vagina is dangerous for the child during childbirth: there is a possibility of infection.

Staphylococcus aureus lives in teeth affected by caries, in the pharynx and nasopharynx. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, every woman should consult a dentist and otolaryngologist. Also, these specialists are visited at least once during pregnancy.

A smear for vaginal flora and a urine test are taken when registering for pregnancy at the antenatal clinic.

Evaluation of results

First of all, determine the type of staphylococcus and its quantity. Do not forget that these microorganisms are also present in a healthy person. Therefore, it is important to determine their number. We can talk about pathology if the number of staphylococcus colonies is more than a thousand or their abundant growth is detected.


The presence of bacteria in urine is called bacteriuria. It is often asymptomatic: the woman is not bothered by anything, but a urine test reveals bacteria. Some women experience an exacerbation of the infection (cystitis or pyelonephritis).

Bacteria can be found in urine if the sample is collected incorrectly. Urine is collected for analysis in the morning, after toileting the external genitalia. You should wash them with unidirectional movements (front to back) with warm running water. Do not touch the test collection utensils with your body. If these rules are not followed, bacteria may enter the collection container, which will lead to incorrect results. In this case, the study should be repeated.

What threatens staphylococcus during pregnancy: consequences

Many (if not all) associate it with something terrible and doomed. In fact, staphylococcus lives on human skin quite peacefully. It belongs to the opportunistic flora, that is, to the category of those microbes that are capable (just capable, and do not necessarily do so) to cause the development of certain diseases. Infection occurs during a period of decreased immune defense of the body, for example, during or after an illness, against the background of chronic fatigue or malnutrition, with regular exposure to stress and other factors. Pregnancy is also a factor in the natural suppression of a woman’s immune system. But does it mean that a microbe found in a pregnant woman should be regarded as a potential threat?

Staphylococcus is in fact the most terrible microorganism in terms of survival and ability to harm humans during its active development. It thrives and reproduces in the most unfavorable conditions: at extremely high temperatures (it does not die when boiled), in solutions of high concentrations of table salt, in pure ethyl alcohol. Therefore, it is impossible to destroy the bacterium even in a hospital setting. Moreover, it is in medical institutions that staphylococcus lives in high concentrations, very resistant to all methods of destruction and to most of the most commonly used antibiotics, because it easily develops immunity to them. According to WHO, a third of all hospital infections are due to staphylococcal infections.

However, living on the mucous membranes and epidermis, staphylococcus is absolutely harmless to us if our health is in order. But as soon as it becomes more active, a staphylococcal infection begins to develop, which poses a threat, and during pregnancy - a double threat, because the unborn child also comes under attack.

Therefore, there is a huge difference between staph and staph infection and this needs to be understood. In the first case, the bacteria detected in the tests are the absolute norm and do not require any action or intervention. If there are signs of infection, then treatment is simply necessary.

Contact a specialist

Indeed, testing to detect various infections and their early treatment is an important component of pregnancy planning. But, if during pregnancy staphylococcus is detected in the urine, vagina or nasopharynx, there is no need to panic, just as there is no need to ignore this problem.

With the results of the tests, you must contact the obstetrician-gynecologist who is managing the pregnancy. The doctor will select an effective and safe treatment for the mother and unborn child. You should not take medications without a doctor's prescription.

Test for staphylococcus during pregnancy: normal

But the most important thing to understand from this article is that treatment is required only in isolated, isolated cases when a staphylococcal infection develops. If you simply have Staphylococcus aureus in your throat, or you have had a urine culture done during pregnancy - and the result showed staphylococcus, or the bacteria are detected in any other way, then this is absolutely normal!

We once again draw your attention to the fact that the presence of this microbe on or inside the human body is an absolute norm and does not pose a danger until this very microbe becomes active and begins to actively multiply, thereby causing the onset of a staphylococcal infection, which needs to be treated .

The fact that an inflammatory process is taking place is indicated by an increase in the number of staphylococci: they exceed 104. The presence of an infection in the body may also be indicated by the mark “extensive growth” as a result of the analysis.

Treatment options

Treatment begins with identifying which staphylococcus caused the disease. Many strains have managed to develop immunity to most antibiotics. Therefore, for treatment to be effective, it is necessary to test the sensitivity of bacteria to medications. Based on the results of this study, the doctor will be able to determine which drug can relieve the expectant mother of the infection.

Antibacterial drugs are used orally and locally. During treatment, be sure to drink probiotics, which protect beneficial intestinal microflora from destruction by aggressive antimicrobial drugs.

There are antibiotics that are safe for pregnant women. The doctor may prescribe:

  • penicillin derivatives;
  • cephalosporins;
  • macrolides.

It is undesirable to be treated with antibiotics in the first trimester, when the most important internal organs and systems are formed in the fetus.

The method of treatment depends on the location where the staph infection developed. When localized in the throat, rinsing with bactericidal solutions based on Chlorophyllipt and Furacilin . For staphylococcal infections of the urinary system, Canephron , a herbal preparation with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It should be taken into account that Canephron enhances the effect of antibiotics .

A woman should take care of her immunity, strengthening her body. This requires a full night's sleep, daily walks in the fresh air, and a varied diet containing all the necessary micro- and macroelements.

It is necessary to maintain hygiene, treat scratches and any violations of the integrity of the skin with a solution of brilliant green and hydrogen peroxide. It is especially important to prevent intestinal infections, as they are fraught with intoxication of the body and fetus. To do this, the products are thoroughly washed, storage rules are followed, culinary dishes are limited or with butter creams, and so on.

Symptoms and signs of infection

What doctors say about parasites

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Gandelman G. Sh.:

I have been detecting and treating parasites for many years. I can say with confidence that almost everyone is infected with parasites. It's just that most of them are extremely difficult to detect. They can be anywhere - in the blood, intestines, lungs, heart, brain. Parasites literally devour you from the inside, at the same time poisoning your body. As a result, numerous health problems appear, shortening life by 15-25 years.

The main mistake is delaying! The sooner you start removing parasites, the better. If we talk about medications, then everything is problematic. Today there is only one truly effective anti-parasitic complex, this is Toximin. It destroys and sweeps out all known parasites from the body - from the brain and heart to the liver and intestines. None of the drugs existing today is capable of this.

Within the framework of the Federal program, when submitting an application before October 12. (inclusive) every resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS can receive one package of Toximin for FREE!

Symptoms of damage to the body by staphylococci depend on the place of their introduction. If pathogens multiply in the throat, tonsillitis or sore throat will begin. On the skin, Staphylococcus manifests itself as dermatitis, boils, blepharitis, eczema, and acne.

The presence of bacteria in the intestines has symptoms of indigestion. Microorganisms that have settled in the nose and oropharynx can cause coughing and runny nose.

Bacteria that have colonized the urinary tract manifest themselves as pain during natural discharge, pain in the lower abdomen, and fever.

During diagnosis, it is important to identify that the pregnant woman’s condition is a sign of staphylococcal damage to an organ or tissue, which is fraught with serious consequences.

The main symptom of staphylococcal infection is a purulent process. Pus can be found in the urine, throat, feces, and on the skin. There is no staphylococcal infection without pus. The second symptom is fever.

If these symptoms are not present, you cannot talk about a staphylococcal infection, even if tests show the presence of bacteria in the body - in this case we are simply talking about carriage.

The norm of staphylococcus during pregnancy

An indicator of 10 to the fourth degree or more indicates an abnormal proliferation of staphylococci. The expectant mother should be wary if in the research form opposite the column “staphylococci” there is a doctor’s note “abundant growth”, which indicates the activation of the pathogen.

Staphylococcus aureus (and other varieties of the pathogen) less than 10⁴ is not dangerous to health and does not require treatment.

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