Symptoms and treatment of tracheitis in children

What is tracheitis in children?

Tracheitis is a diffuse inflammatory process that occurs in the mucous membrane of the respiratory tube - the trachea. In pediatrics, the disease is considered one of the forms of ARVI, and therefore is not an independent disease. Tracheitis is often combined with:

  • rhinitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • bronchitis.

In most cases, the infection occurs in the form of laryngotracheitis or tracheobranchitis. The disease is often diagnosed in children of early and preschool age.


The trachea is a tube consisting of open rings of cartilage connected by muscles and ligaments. The inside of this tube is covered with a mucous membrane. When it is affected, tracheitis develops. This disease can be of three types depending on the pathogen. If the causative agent is a virus or microbes, we can talk about viral or bacterial tracheitis. In addition, inflammation can also be allergic in nature.

Acute tracheitis almost never occurs on its own and, as a rule, occurs in combination with other respiratory diseases, such as rhinitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis.

The main causes of acute inflammation of the tracheal mucosa:

  • Flu, ARVI and other viral infections;
  • Bacteria (streptococcus, staphylococcus, hemophilus influenzae, etc.);
  • Hypothermia;
  • Dry, cold or polluted air.

Chronic tracheitis occurs as a complication of the acute form of the disease.

If the disease is not treated, and exposure to harmful factors is not excluded, tracheitis will become chronic. Therapy in this case will be much more difficult and longer.

Predisposing factors for chronic tracheitis include:

  • Hypothermia.
  • Inhalation of dry or cold air, gases, dust and chemicals that irritate the mucous membrane of the trachea.
  • Smoking and alcohol abuse.
  • Chronic lung or heart diseases.
  • Inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, and pharynx.

Tracheitis of allergic etiology is an allergic reaction that developed in response to inhalation of various allergens:

  • Household, industrial or library dust;
  • Plant pollen;
  • Microparticles of animal hair;
  • Chemical compounds contained in the air.

Causes of tracheitis in children

The respiratory system of children is often attacked by harmful viruses. First, they settle in the nasopharynx and larynx, and then move to the trachea. There, the inflammatory process affects the mucous membrane, resulting in the formation of tracheitis.

The disease occurs not only against the background of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, but also due to the penetration of physical or chemical irritants into the tracheal epithelium. Therefore, the inflammatory process can be of infectious or non-infectious origin.

The non-infectious form of tracheitis occurs as a result of inhalation of:

  • paint fumes;
  • varnishes;
  • household chemicals;
  • smoke, aerosols;
  • icy, hot or dry air, allergens.

The infectious inflammatory process is caused by:

  • measles;
  • whooping cough;
  • pneumococci;
  • respiratory viruses.

The chronic form of tracheitis in children occurs against the background of stomatitis, adenoiditis and sinusitis. Acute inflammation occurs sharply and suddenly. It affects mainly children 5-7 years old, and infants less often. Combined with bronchitis, pharyngitis.

Tracheitis symptoms

In most cases, tracheitis occurs in an acute form; chronic is rare. An acute inflammatory process develops after a short period of malaise, runny nose and pain when swallowing. Possible increase in body temperature. The clinical picture directly depends on the type of causative agent of the pathological process. The child may be bothered by:

  • scratchy dry cough;
  • intoxication;
  • body aches;
  • heat.

Parainfluenza causes the following symptoms:

  • hoarseness of voice;
  • dysphonia;
  • barking cough.

Tracheitis of bacterial origin often drags on and occurs against the background of untreated ARVI.

It can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  1. Initially, the child has a dry and unproductive cough. Sputum is not produced at all or in small quantities. Viral sputum is light and transparent, but bacterial sputum is yellow, purulent or yellow-purulent. With the flu, bloody streaks may be visible in it.
  2. The cough is paroxysmal in nature. Occurs mainly when inhaling cold air, laughing or crying. It becomes more frequent at night when the child is in a horizontal position. In the morning, accumulated mucus makes the cough moist.
  3. Preschool children complain of a sore throat and a feeling of rawness in the chest.
  4. The temperature can remain at 38 degrees or rise higher. Young children experience diseases more acutely and more severely.

What will help with cough with tracheitis

You can cope with a cough due to tracheitis with the help of many medications; for this, doctors have a large range of drugs in their arsenal that have different effects. The therapeutic effect mainly depends on the correct diagnosis and choice of therapeutic agents.


Sinecode for tracheitis is one of the main drugs specially designed to eliminate attacks of debilitating cough without the formation of sputum. It is also prescribed for inflammation of the bronchi, as it has bronchodilator properties - it relieves spasms of smooth muscles and relaxes them. As a result, the passage of air is normalized, the blood is more fully saturated with oxygen, and the patient becomes much better.

The action of Sinekod is achieved thanks to its main component – ​​butamirate. It affects the cough center located in the brain, reducing its excitability. After taking the medicine, attacks of dry cough become fewer or disappear completely.

The drug is available in several pharmaceutical forms, which allows it to be used for patients of different ages. Babies can be treated with Sinekod from three months of age - syrup and drops have been developed for this. It is not advisable to take the drug during pregnancy and lactation, and it is also prohibited to take it if there are pulmonary hemorrhages.

Sinekod syrup is not recommended for alcoholics due to the presence of alcohol in its composition, as well as for people driving vehicles or machinery. The drug should not be taken with any medications that affect the functioning of the central nervous system - drugs for thinning sputum (for example, with Lazolvan), hypnotics, barbiturates, etc.


The drug is prescribed for tracheitis, if it is necessary not only to relieve cough, but also to reduce swelling of the mucous membranes of the trachea.

The therapeutic effect is achieved thanks to the active substance – fenspiride. The component has a bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory effect. It effectively relieves swelling and inflammation of mucous tissues, prevents or relieves bronchospasms. In addition, Erespal blocks the activity of receptors that promote increased mucus production.

The drug is available in the form of tablets and syrup for children. The pills can be taken only from the age of 18, the syrup is for adults and children from the age of two. It should not be taken during pregnancy; use during lactation is possible with the consent of the doctor. The administration of syrup requires caution if the patient has diabetes mellitus, congenital deficiency of sucrase or glucose-galactose malabsorption.

Erespal should not be combined with alcohol-containing drinks, medications, or sedatives.


The drug is based on ivy extract, has a mucolytic effect - thins mucus. It also activates the work of the ciliated epithelium to promote sputum, suppresses the development of infection, and relieves spasm of the bronchopulmonary muscles.

The herbal remedy can be treated from the first days of life; for this purpose, several forms of the drug have been created with different dosages of the active component. Prospan is produced in two types of syrup - for children and adults, in drops for oral administration and inhalation, and effervescent tablets.

  • It is not advisable to take any type of Prospan during pregnancy. Breastfeeding women are allowed to drink with the consent of a doctor.
  • Drops are not prescribed to children under two years of age, as well as to people with a predisposition to laryngospasms or bronchial asthma.
  • The syrup should not be drunk if you have fructose intolerance, congenital glucose-galactose malabsorption, or problems with alcohol.
  • Prospan can be combined with antibiotics.

Lazolvan for tracheitis

The medicine is prescribed to thin the mucus and stimulate the motility of the respiratory system. The therapeutic effect is achieved thanks to the active substance – ambroxol. In addition to thinning sputum, it supports the formation of surfactant - substances lining the alveoli. This prevents them from sticking together and maintains the functioning of the organ at the proper level.

The drug is taken orally - syrups, tablets, lozenges, and drops have been developed for this purpose. The latter form can not only be drunk, but also used for inhalation using a nebulizer.

Lazolvan should not be taken in the first trimester of pregnancy, and in subsequent periods - in case of emergency and under the supervision of a doctor, and breastfeeding women are recommended to abandon breastfeeding during treatment.

An analogue of the drug is Ambrobene. The drug has the same active substance and a similar effect.


The drug is prescribed for acute tracheitis, when the disease is accompanied by the formation of viscous, difficult-to-remove mucus. The action of the drug is based on the properties of the active substance acetylcysteine. The substance quickly penetrates the respiratory system, destroys biochemical bonds that contribute to the formation of viscous mucus. Thanks to this action, sputum loses its cohesion and is easier to evacuate from the respiratory tract.

The drug is available with different contents of the active substance (100, 200 and 600 mg), has several pharmaceutical forms: powders and tablets for dissolution, solutions for injections, children's syrup.

ACC should not be taken in children (under 2 years of age for syrup, under 6 and 14 years of age for tablets, depending on the dosage), hypersensitivity of the body, or pregnancy. During lactation, use is possible with the consent of the doctor.


The drug is based on two active ingredients - butamirate and guaifenesin. The first component has a local anesthetic effect on the nerve endings in the bronchi, which reduces their sensitivity to irritants. This eliminates the cause of the dry cough attack. And the second substance enhances the secretory function of the bronchial glands and reduces the viscosity of the secretion. Thanks to this, mucus activates the work of epithelial villi, which stimulates faster evacuation of sputum.

The combined effect of the drug components also determined its use. Stoptussin is approved for treatment of acute tracheitis - to eliminate attacks of dry cough, inflammation of the bronchi or lungs, as well as other respiratory diseases, if they are accompanied by an unproductive cough.

It should not be taken if you have a wet cough with abundant sputum production, bronchial asthma, if you previously had peptic ulcers or gastrointestinal tract diseases, as well as during their exacerbation, pregnant and lactating women. Stoptussin can be used to treat children only from one year of age.

The product is available in several pharmaceutical forms, designed for use by patients of different age groups: tablets (from 12 years), drops (from 6 months). The dosage is calculated based on the condition and age of the patient.

Although tracheitis is not at first glance a life-threatening disease, this should not be a reason to refuse or neglect treatment. Advanced inflammation of the trachea can, in turn, cause serious complications in the functioning of the respiratory system. This means that negative consequences will affect the condition of the whole organism. Therefore, you should not delay treatment under any circumstances. In order for the disease to recede as quickly as possible, it is necessary to undergo comprehensive treatment, an important point of which is the correct selection of drugs for tracheitis.

Treatment of tracheitis in a child

Only a doctor should prescribe an effective treatment regimen. This may include antibiotics, antivirals, and cough suppressants.

List of medications for tracheitis:

  1. Antiviral medications. They are indicated provided that tracheitis is of viral origin and are effective if taken in the first 3 days from the onset of the disease. Use: Viferon, Interferon, Amiksin, Arbidol, Grippferon, Kagocel.
  2. Antibiotics. They are prescribed for a bacterial infection, which is characterized by fever and purulent sputum. The required drug and its dosage are determined taking into account the patient’s age and the severity of the inflammatory process. The course of therapy is also determined by the attending physician.
  3. Antitussive drugs. For the treatment of tracheitis in children, these drugs are rarely prescribed, only in the first days of the illness, when the child is tormented by a strong, debilitating cough. Use: Sinekod, Glauvent, Libexin, Tussin Plus.
  4. Antipyretic drugs. They should be taken only at body temperature above 38 degrees, for children under 3 months and for diseases of the lungs and heart.
  5. Anti-inflammatory drugs. They are prescribed to reduce swelling of the mucous membrane and the severity of cough. Shown: Erespal or Siresp.

We recommend: Hypothyroidism in children

Treatment with folk remedies

In addition to the main treatment, the doctor may recommend the following alternative medicine:

  1. Massage. In order to facilitate the removal of mucus from the lungs when coughing, you need to do percussion massage. A physiotherapist should perform it for the first time, and if the mother remembers the sequence of actions, then she can then do the massage herself.
  2. Honey and black radish. It is necessary to cut the black radish into 2 parts. Make a hole in the larger half and add honey. Leave for 2 hours so that the root vegetable releases its juice. The contents of the recess should be taken 1 tsp. 2 times a day.
  3. Blackberry leaves. They are great for thinning thick mucus. They need to be placed in a glass jar, filled with boiling water and taken instead of tea.
  4. Anise seeds. This remedy has a pronounced expectorant effect. Just take a tablespoon of seeds and pour 2 cups of boiling water. Simmer the composition in a water bath for 30 minutes. Then cover the container with a lid and leave for 20 minutes. Take 20 ml infusion 3 times a day.

What to take for tracheitis in adults

Cough with tracheitis develops when the mucous membrane is damaged by bacteria and viruses. In addition, during illness a person suffers from sore throat, hoarseness, fever, and weakness. After 3-4 days, the dry cough turns into a wet one, which indicates the effectiveness of the treatment. Therapy includes the following groups of drugs:

  1. Antitussives - suppress the chest cough reflex. These include Codelac, Sinekod, Bronholitin.
  2. Expectorants – promote the transition of a dry cough into a wet one. This is Askoril, ACC, Lazolvan.
  3. Antibiotics kill pathogenic microflora and improve the patient’s condition. This is Flexoxin Solutab, Ampicillin.

Chronic tracheitis develops after the acute stage of the disease with insufficient or poor-quality treatment; it can be caused by pulmonary emphysema, cardiac pathologies, and inflammation in the nose. Its main symptom is a debilitating paroxysmal night and morning cough, accompanied by copious purulent sputum. If the disease is caused by viruses, antiviral drugs are prescribed, and antipyretic drugs are prescribed to eliminate fever. Mucolytics will help stop a wet cough, and antitussive medications will help stop a dry cough.


Antibacterial agents treat tracheitis caused by staphylococci, streptococci, but not viruses. They are indicated only for adults; pregnancy, lactation, and old age are indicated as contraindications. In the treatment of tracheitis, the effectiveness of penicillins (Augmentin), fluoroquinolones (Moximac), cephalosporins (Aksetin), macrolides (Sumamed) has been proven. Popular tablets and local remedies:

Drug name Compound Dosage Price
Flemoxin solutab Amoxicillin trihydrate 500-750 mg three times a day for 5-10 days 360 for 20 pieces 500 mg
Augmentin Potassium clavulanate, amoxicillin trihydrate 2 pieces twice a day 705 for 28 pieces
Sumamed Azithromycin dihydrate 400 milligrams once a day an hour before or 2 hours after meals 365 for 6 pieces 250 mg
Bioparox Fusafungin 2-4 inhalations into the mouth or nose twice daily 400 per 10 ml 50 mg

Expectorant tablets

Medicines for cough tracheitis should thin and improve the discharge of viscous sputum. Popular drugs are represented by lozenges and tablets:

Drug name Compound Dosage Price
Ambrobene Ambroxol hydrochloride 1-2 tablets 2-3 times daily 155 for 20 pieces 30 mg
Mukaltin Dry marshmallow root extract 1-2 pcs. three times a day for a course of 1-2 weeks 65 for 20 pieces 50 mg
Tantum Verde Benzydamine hydrochloride 1 tablet three times a day 270 for 20 pieces 3 milligrams
ACC Acetylcysteine 2 tablets 2-3 times a day, mixed with a glass of water, course 5-7 days 265 for 20 pieces 100 milligrams

Advice from Dr. Komarovsky

The famous pediatrician Komarovsky advises using antibiotics only as a last resort when treating tracheitis in children. He believes that only the right regimen will help cure the child. To do this, parents need to follow the following recommendations:

  1. In the room, the air temperature should not be higher than 20 degrees and the humidity should not be 60%. To moisturize, a special humidifier is suitable, or you can hang wet towels around the room.
  2. The house needs to be wet cleaned frequently. Then dust particles will not penetrate the child’s respiratory tract and provoke coughing attacks.
  3. Ventilate the room frequently. This must be done in any weather. During ventilation, children should be in the next room or wrapped warmly.
  4. If there is no high temperature, then the child is allowed warm baths. Inhaling steam will soften the laryngeal mucosa and reduce inflammation.
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