Burning in the chest when coughing and without fever

A sore throat that causes coughing is the first sign of colds and flu, and is also observed with allergies and a number of non-infectious pathological conditions.

It is believed that a sore throat is caused by irritation caused by inflammation or dryness of the epithelial lining of the larynx.

  • Treatment of dry cough for colds
  • Treatment of allergic cough
  • Therapy for neurotic cough
  • Treatment of prolonged wet cough

When there is no inflammation

In the inflammatory process we are talking about diseases:

  1. nasopharyngitis;
  2. pharyngitis;
  3. ARVI;
  4. ORZ.

The disease begins with severe irritation of the mucous membrane of the nose and pharynx. At this moment, a dry cough and sneezing occurs. The mucous membrane thus protects the body from harmful viruses and bacteria.

If the pathological process is not stopped, the inflammation drops lower and lower. Damage occurs to the lungs, bronchi and trachea. When there is no timely treatment, the patient's condition rapidly deteriorates.

The first thing to do is gargle. You can use both medications and traditional recipes. Very often, doctors advise gargling with medicinal plants and solutions. Additionally, the nasal passages are washed, clearing them of accumulation of infection and mucus.

You can treat your throat with propolis tincture. It is sold in pharmacies or from beekeepers, and you can use it by gargling with propolis tincture. Special cough drops will also help relieve sore throat. They are often made from honey and eucalyptus. There is nothing harmful in them.

It is important to consult a physician if your throat tickles and your dry cough does not go away within a few days. The patient will be recommended treatment depending on his disease. These will not only be nasal aerosols, tablets and lozenges, but also drugs that eliminate the cause of the painful condition:

  • antivirus;
  • anti-inflammatory.

If you want to cough and have a tickle in your throat, these may be symptoms of a disease of non-inflammatory etiology. What diseases does this occur in? Among them are the following health problems:

  1. diabetes;
  2. throat neurosis;
  3. pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  4. allergic reactions;
  5. occupational diseases;
  6. reflux esophagitis.

With throat neurosis, the patient will note other symptoms. There are usually complaints of numbness, tingling and soreness around the neck or ears. These signs indicate a violation of the nervous system of the throat. You will need to undergo serious diagnostics of the body, because the nerve endings of the throat are connected to the entire nervous system.

Sometimes there is a constant sore throat and a dry cough in case of severe damage to the nervous system, syphilis or tumors in the brain.

Another thing is with allergies. It becomes a reaction to an external stimulus and goes away after it disappears. Coughing and tickling in the throat area intensify as the allergen approaches. To accurately determine the reasons, you should consult an allergist.

A dry cough and dry mucous membranes sometimes cause changes in blood glucose levels. A sip of clean still water will help relieve these symptoms. If the tickle repeats again and again, this is most likely the onset of diabetes.

There is a urge to cough and a tickle in the throat if the patient has been smoking for a long time. But some professions can also leave an imprint on your health. Harmful working conditions often leave a serious mark on the mucous membrane of internal organs. For example, a sore throat and a dry cough develops in:

  • metallurgists;
  • miners;
  • builders.

The main reason is prolonged exposure to high temperatures, smoke and dust on the breathing apparatus.

Constantly irritation and sore throat occurs in people who, due to their professional activities, strain their vocal cords for a long time.

If there are problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland, then this may also be a prerequisite for the fact that from time to time you want to clear your throat. You cannot do without examination by an endocrinologist.

Endocrine pathologies

Includes three main conditions associated with improper functioning of the hormonal system.


Provokes metabolic disorders at local and generalized levels. Promotes the development of spasms of large muscles (of various types), and in such a situation, pain in the sternum and a lump in the throat are a natural result of the course of the disease.

Diabetes mellitus develops in most cases due to dysfunction of the pancreas, which is unable to produce full-fledged insulin. Hence the problems with metabolism.

A thorough diagnosis is required. In rare cases, diabetes is provoked by the patient's excess body weight (due to lipid metabolism disorders).

The symptoms are quite typical. This is a sharp increase or decrease in weight, severe thirst, especially at night, diabetes (polyuria, production of excess urine per day), changes in the dermis, a long period of regeneration of even small wounds (cuts, for example).

What diseases cause chest pain and nonproductive cough?

In addition to pericarditis, tuberculosis and pulmonary embolism, the causes of a dry cough and chest discomfort may be the presence of a bacterial and viral infection. Today, more than 10 species of bacteria that cause similar symptoms have been studied. However, when treating a nonproductive cough, the viscous sputum begins to drain over time.

In addition, a feeling of chest congestion can occur with psittacosis caused by chlamydia, which has not been cured. In this case, pneumonia becomes a complication of the disease.

Also, intracellular pathogenic microorganisms (tick-borne fevers, typhus) contribute to the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the respiratory organs. Similar symptoms can also be caused by a mycoplasma infection transmitted by airborne droplets.

Moreover, the appearance of a dry cough is promoted by fungal diseases that arise as a result of prolonged use of antibiotics that suppress the immune system. In this case, the pathogen penetrates the mouth, and then the larynx and lungs.

However, often with a fungal infection there is an unclear clinical picture. Therefore, the disease is often confused with viral or bacterial pneumonia, or inflammation of the bronchi.

Therefore, it is possible to diagnose a fungal infection if the chest cough lasts for a long time, and purulent impurities are visible in the sputum secreted. However, if treated incorrectly, the disease develops into a severe form, resulting in fibrous or exudative pleurisy.

In addition, if the breast is congested, but there is no viral infection, then the causes of this condition may lie in the presence of allergies. Often the causative agents of the disease are: dust particles, plant pollen, animal hair, etc.

A feeling of tightness in the chest and a dry cough also accompany some occupational diseases.

Respiratory lesions

In acute inflammatory processes resulting from infection with bacterial or viral pathogenic flora, breathing becomes difficult in an adult or child, the sternum hurts when coughing, as well as when sneezing in the solar plexus or on the right (left). The temperature in adults may be absent, but in children and the elderly it always rises. This indicates diseases such as:

  1. Bronchitis. Initially, a dry, debilitating cough appears, which turns into a wet, productive cough. With the obstructive form, shortness of breath begins, during attacks the chest hurts on the left (right), if bronchitis is one-sided. But usually, when the focus of inflammation spreads to the entire bronchial tree, pain occurs in the solar plexus.
  2. Bronchiolitis (an inflammatory process involving the bronchioles at the ends of tree branches). In this case, pain in the chest area occurs when coughing due to tension in the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. It becomes difficult for an adult or child to breathe. The face becomes puffy, the nasolabial triangle turns blue, and wheezing is heard when exhaling. The cough is annoying, there is a burning sensation in the throat, or one-sided pain appears during swallowing, for example, on the right or the other side, as well as in the solar plexus.
  3. Tracheitis. The main symptoms of the disease are rough, loud coughing attacks. May be initially dry, then become moist with phlegm. There is weakness and fever. During attacks there is pain (stabbing, burning) behind the sternum, between the shoulder blades. The child’s nose is blocked, he sneezes, his throat becomes inflamed, and his lymph nodes become enlarged.
  4. Pneumonia. Since during pneumonia, pleural pain in the chest when coughing can be very severe, sometimes this sign is considered the defining symptom of the disease. The temperature may rise to 40 or be low-grade. Concomitant signs of pneumonia are headaches and laryngeal pain. The face swells, turns pale, and a blush may appear on the side of the pleural lesion. Breathing is difficult, it is impossible to take deep breaths, and an attack immediately begins. It is also difficult to exhale.
  5. Inflammation of the lower lobe of the lung by damage to the pleural lobes. In such a situation, there is pain in the chest when coughing from the side, for example, on the right.
  6. Inflammatory process in the membranes of the pleura, extensively penetrated by nerve endings. In this case, severe pain occurs in the chest part of the body, radiating to the abdomen or back.
  7. Tuberculosis. Initially, a child (adult) shows signs of acute respiratory viral infection - soreness in the throat, high fever, and runny nose. Symptoms of Koch bacillus infection develop over a long period of time. The main indicator of the disease is a cough that gets worse day by day (with sputum production), then shortness of breath and hemoptysis appear. When the pleural lobes are damaged, a dull pain occurs in the chest area at the location of the inflammation.
  8. Cancer. Initially, the development of tumors is accompanied by various types of pain. For a long time they may be insignificant. At the same time, the pain syndrome is diverse in localization: it occurs in the solar plexus, can surround the entire sternum or be one-sided - on the right or left. After the metastases spread to the vertebral bone parts, it hurts very much with any movement.

Why does my throat hurt at the same time as I cough? Almost all diseases of the respiratory tract are the consequences of infection from the nasopharynx, so the initial symptom of infection is usually fever and weakness. Then, when pathogenic microbes spread deep into the respiratory system, a burning or stabbing sensation begins in the chest when coughing, and is also localized - for example, on the right.

How to get rid of unpleasant symptoms?

The choice of treatment for chest cough, when there is no sputum, depends on the factors of its occurrence. After all, even if congestion in the sternum is caused by a virus, its incorrect therapy can lead to adverse consequences.

When a feeling of congestion in the chest and a dry cough are provoked by an infection of the respiratory system, the main goal of therapy is to liquefy and stimulate the discharge of sputum. First of all, it is important to ensure that the air in the patient’s room is humid (up to 60%) and cool (20-22 degrees).

At the same time, it is necessary to carry out daily wet cleaning. Thus, the intensity of the dry cough will decrease, and the feeling of tightness in the sternum will disappear.

It is equally important to drink plenty of fluids when treating a nonproductive cough. This will help restore water balance after fever, moisturize the mucous membrane and thin the sputum. After all, liquid secretions are easier to cough up, so they do not stagnate in the lungs.

Sometimes it becomes difficult for a person to breathe after intense physical activity, which causes muscle strain. In such a situation, treatment is carried out by a surgeon who prescribes warming ointments to the patient to relieve muscle pain.

It is worth noting that in case of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, there is no need to take antitussives, since this can only contribute to stagnation of mucus. The main goal of therapy is to transform a dry cough into a wet one. For this purpose, the doctor prescribes expectorants or combination medications, such as:

  • Dr. MOM;
  • Bronholitin;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Gerbion;
  • Gedelix;
  • licorice root syrup and others.

Referred pain and pain syndromes

We looked at the main causes of pain behind the sternum. It remains to discuss the most interesting thing - referred pain. This situation arises if the disease affects one organ, but the pain does not appear in its projection (which would be expected), but in a completely different place.

There are two types of diseases that can lead to the development of pain of this type - diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and some diseases of the spine.

"Tricky" ulcer

“Trivial” and well-known peptic ulcer disease has one very interesting property - in some cases it very successfully and quite accurately disguises itself as angina pectoris.

Moreover, the symptoms seem so reliable that a person cannot even think that the problem is in the stomach, but begins to swallow “handfuls” of heart pills. Naturally, they do not give an effect and, after suffering for some time, the person goes to the doctor and is surprised to learn that his heart is fine (because the pressure is normal, there is no angina), but there is a peptic ulcer.

However, some specialists who do not have the proper qualifications and experience sometimes make mistakes themselves when making a diagnosis, which leads to the prescription of incorrect treatment. And only after time does the real cause of the pain become clear.

As we have already said, the symptoms of a peptic ulcer can be very similar to angina pectoris - a dull pain appears on the left behind the sternum, which can “radiate” to the hypochondrium and under the left shoulder blade. At the same time, pain does not always occur after eating - its “behavior” can be quite chaotic.

But there are certain differences. So, blood pressure and pulse remain normal. You should also pay attention to the duration of painful attacks - with angina, the pain usually lasts for several minutes, but with an ulcer it torments a person much longer - several hours.

Also, for stomach diseases, conventional antispasmodics work well to relieve pain, but for diseases of the cardiovascular system, they are not so effective.

What to do?

It’s a common story when people, not knowing the causes of the problem, try to eliminate cough and throat discomfort simply at home. Doing this is not always justified. Symptoms cannot be treated without identifying their cause.

For inflammatory diseases, the doctor will prescribe not only antiseptics, but also plenty of fluids. Inhalations will help treat dry cough. It is useful to breathe over hot boiled potatoes or specially steamed herbs.

Perfectly relieves cough:

  • pine needles;
  • pharmaceutical chamomile;
  • eucalyptus leaves.

Gargle with other decoctions or infusions if there is no intolerance. To do this, take calendula, chamomile or sage. But treating your throat with a cocktail of iodine, soda and salt is undesirable. This mixture will not only greatly dry out the mucous membrane, but will also intensify the cough.

The causes of allergic cough will be eliminated by antihistamines. Thanks to such medications, it is possible to treat a cough that tickles the throat not only effectively, but also quickly.

When there are no obvious reasons, and the throat is constantly sore, you will need to undergo diagnostics by a neurologist. In this case, lozenges and similar products will not help you clear your throat. The same rule is relevant for pathologies of the thyroid gland. If there are no other serious disorders, treating the disease will not be difficult.

Treatment with folk remedies

If there are no contraindications or allergic reactions to herbs, then dry cough and chest pain can be treated with unconventional methods, which will be an excellent addition to drug therapy.

So, to thin phlegm and moisturize the respiratory tract, you should drink healthy drinks:

  1. herbal decoctions;
  2. Tea with lemon;
  3. berry juice;
  4. dried fruits compote;
  5. tea with raspberries.

Also, if you have a non-productive cough, you can drink warm berry or fruit juice (grape, orange, currant, apple). Such treatment will not only eliminate local symptoms, but also saturate the body with vitamins and increase immunity.

Inhalation is an effective way to treat chest pain and nonproductive cough. However, they can only be carried out if there is no temperature.

So, you need to add saline solution (1:1) to hot water, and then inhale the vapors for 10 minutes. Also, such treatment will eliminate nasal congestion, runny nose and moisturize the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

Another dry cough can be treated with essential oils. To carry out inhalation, add 2 drops of fir, eucalyptus extract or tea tree oil to 0.5 hot water.

The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes. It is worth noting that essential oils are allowed to be used only if there are no contraindications (allergies, age under 5 years).

Inhalations can also be carried out using regular potatoes. To do this, the vegetable is boiled in its jacket, and then a puree is made from it, over which you need to breathe for 15 minutes. This treatment not only helps relieve work, but also eliminates rhinitis and makes breathing easier.

Moreover, for chest discomfort, pine buds are used. 10 g of raw material is poured into 240 ml of boiling water and left for 30 minutes. Afterwards, the patient inhales the healing steam for about 15 minutes.

Honey-based inhalations are also very useful. For this, 2 tbsp. l. pour 250 ml of boiling water over the product, and when the mixture has cooled slightly, inhale the steam for 10 minutes. But before carrying out the procedure, it is important to make sure that the person is not allergic to honey.

In addition, for non-productive cough and chest pain, it is useful to carry out inhalation treatment based on calendula, thyme, chamomile, sage and St. John's wort, but only if there is no allergy to these plants. The herbs are poured with boiling water, left for 20 minutes, and then the medicinal vapors are inhaled. How you can treat a cough with folk remedies is the topic of the video in this article.

When the problem is really in the heart

Heart problems are the most dangerous cause of this type of pain. Of course, such diseases are not the most common cause of such pain in young people, but this issue is relevant for older people.

Therefore, it is useful to know what diseases and disorders in the functioning of the heart such painful sensations can indicate. This may be:

Angina pectoris

Angina pectoris (otherwise known as coronary heart disease) manifests itself as a dull aching pain that is localized behind the sternum on the left side. A fairly characteristic sign that the problem is in the heart is the fact that the pain spreads to the left hypochondrium, left shoulder and shoulder blade.

The pain mainly appears during exertion—fast walking or running. It is enough to rest a little - and the pain gradually recedes.

Myocardial infarction

In essence, this is a clinical form of angina in which necrosis of a portion of the myocardium occurs. The symptoms of this condition are similar to coronary artery disease, but several times stronger.

The pain in this case is relatively long-lasting (more than 15 minutes - up to an hour, although short attacks of pain are more typical for most heart diseases) and goes away after a few hours.

It is also interesting that this disease in some cases is painless, that is, there is only a feeling of anxiety, discomfort, and shortness of breath.

One of the most serious consequences of a heart attack is arrhythmia, i.e. a disturbance in the rhythm of the heart. That is why it often happens that the only symptom of this disease is cardiac arrest.

It is these two causes of pain that are considered the most dangerous due to the possible rather unexpected death.

But in general, coronary disease (the consequence of which is a heart attack) can be treated quite successfully, although it requires the patient to strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations. Attempts at self-medication in such a situation can lead to disastrous results.

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