Can ice cream help with a sore throat?

Is it possible to eat ice cream if you have a sore throat? Treatment of sore throat in children at home

Sore throat is an extremely unpleasant illness that most often affects children. Severe sore throat and discomfort when swallowing food bring a lot of trouble. Therefore, you need to consider what you can eat if you have a sore throat, and what foods you should avoid. It is best to eat non-spicy foods.

There is an opinion that with the help of ice cream you can get rid of pain. Is it so? Is it possible to eat ice cream if you have a sore throat? If yes, in what quantities?

Is it possible to eat ice cream if you have a sore throat: myths and truth

Every second person on the planet has experienced a sore throat at least once in their life. This is a very unpleasant disease, characterized by acute pain in the throat, aggravated by swallowing. In medical practice, viral tonsillitis is called tonsillitis - inflammation of the mucous membranes of the larynx by harmful microorganisms.

Therapeutic therapy for sore throat involves the use of tablets and injections of antibiotics, but there are also traditional methods that help minimize discomfort.

One such way is eating ice cream. Doctors have still not come to a common opinion regarding this panacea, but most experts still adhere to the classic position: ice cream during the inflammatory process causes additional harm and causes complications. But how true is this statement?

The effect of ice cream on the mucous membranes of the throat

Incredible sore throat, high fever, general weakness of the body - all these are signs of acute tonsillitis. Undoubtedly, the course of treatment in this case should be prescribed and monitored by a qualified physician. This is due to the fact that sore throat comes in different types, and for some types of it, independent methods of therapy can only aggravate the situation.

Many people believe that cold food is strictly forbidden for a sore throat, but this is a common misconception. Quite the contrary, it is ice cream that can alleviate the patient’s condition and have a healing effect on a sore throat.

The milk and milk fats included in the product help to narrow the blood vessels in the larynx, thereby reducing swelling. In addition, the same fats cleanse the mucous membranes of purulent secretions. The temperature of the sweet dairy product has a soothing effect on a sore throat, not to mention how much ice cream improves your mood when you are sick.

Of course, ice cream is not a way to get rid of the disease and you cannot refuse drug treatment. But a dairy product is quite capable of reducing pain when swallowing and reducing discomfort. However, there are certain rules for eating ice cream that should be followed to avoid complications.

How and when to eat ice cream during a sore throat

For inflammation localized in the throat, the use of ice cream is indicated only in a slightly thawed form. The temperature of the ice cream should be equal to room temperature; the best option is to slightly warm the product in the microwave before use. In addition, preference can be given only to products made from natural ingredients that do not contain artificial flavors, additives and dyes.

That is, fruit ice is absolutely not suitable as an anti-inflammatory agent. Ice cream must contain a sufficient amount of natural cream or milk and not contain additives.

Foods in waffle cones, chocolate chip and nut ice cream, cookies and other irritating ingredients should be avoided. All this will complicate the situation, and instead of the expected positive effect, you will get even more discomfort and pain.

The best option is creamy ice cream in tubs. It should be eaten carefully, slowly dissolving on the tongue. In total, for sore throat, it is allowed to consume no more than 5 tablespoons per day. After ice cream, you should not drink cold drinks. Also, using the product is prohibited after a hot shower or bath.

Negative sides

Despite the bright softening and analgesic effect, experts believe that eating ice cream is one of the most extreme methods and categorically do not recommend eating the product without prior consultation. A dairy product can contribute to a deterioration in well-being and lead to the development of a more serious pathology if the rules and recommendations are not followed.

Consuming more than the recommended daily intake will inevitably lead to complications. The analgesic effect is achieved due to the temperature of the product, constriction of blood vessels and fats, but this also leads to disruption of blood flow in the inflamed area. The result is insufficient regeneration of healthy cells in tissues and a new round of viral tonsillitis.

In addition, ice cream contains a lot of sugar, which is an ideal habitat for pathogenic microorganisms. Sugar settles on the tonsils and mucous membranes, causing active reproduction of viruses. To avoid this, after consuming a dairy product, it is recommended to rinse your throat thoroughly with an antiseptic solution, for example, furatsilin.

It is important to understand that ice cream can only be consumed if you have tonsillitis. Any other viral infections accompanied by fever and sore throat are a direct contraindication.

Sore throat as a result of eating ice cream

Surely, in childhood, everyone heard from their parents that eating ice cream in large quantities leads to inflammatory diseases, including sore throat. Moreover, even modern parents today scare their children with an acute sore throat if the child does not moderate his ardor for the delicacy.

To some extent this is true. Eating a large amount of sweet dairy product sometimes causes a sore throat, but only in isolated cases. A sore throat will only occur if you consume ice cream when you already have a cold or acute respiratory viral infection.

The temperature of the product affects the pathogenic microflora present on the mucous membranes, causing the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms to increase. However, in the early stages of tonsillitis, consuming ice cream after consulting a doctor will benefit the patient.

Ice cream after complications of tonsillitis

In some situations, an ordinary sore throat develops into a more serious disease and surgical intervention is no longer necessary - removal of the tonsils is required. During the postoperative period, ice cream is strictly prohibited, as are other dairy products.

The acids contained in them form phlegm and cause coughing, which negatively affects healing. In addition, the cough itself often causes bleeding in damaged tissues, so repeated medical intervention is sometimes required.

Well-known medical experts insist on the exceptional benefits of ice cream for the throat during a sore throat. However, most people are not ready to give preference to this method of treatment. In fact, you really shouldn't start eating ice cream if you haven't had a craving for the cold treat before. You shouldn't force yourself.

Also, it is not recommended to give it to young children who have not previously consumed ice cream for the first time during a sore throat. If you decide to try this unconventional method, it is better to choose natural ice cream with a minimum content of artificial ingredients. If desired, it can be replaced with milk jelly, which has identical properties.

How does ice cream help a sore throat?

This delicacy can actually relieve pain, but it will not help get rid of the disease. Ice cream in small quantities can be used only as an adjuvant, subject to complex therapy. It’s worth getting a specialist’s opinion on this matter first.

Ice cream for sore throat has a positive effect due to its fat content, coolness and some physical properties. When a cool dessert enters a person’s throat, it provokes a narrowing of blood vessels in the tonsil area. Thanks to this, the area of ​​inflammation decreases for some time. However, the effect of ice cream for a sore throat will be temporary if this is the only treatment.

In addition, a cold dessert is good at clearing plaque from the tonsils. This helps to get rid of the disease faster. Also, the fat contained in this product lubricates the tonsils well, making it easier to swallow food. In addition, this component frees wounds from pus formed due to the activity of pathogenic bacteria.

How does ice cream affect the disease?

Is it possible to eat ice cream if you have a sore throat? As already mentioned, doctors adhere to different theories on this matter, but supporters of such therapy tend to claim that this product is able to stop the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria in the throat and “freeze” the infectious process.

So can a sore throat be treated with ice cream? Indeed, when cold hits the surface of the inflamed tonsils, the dilated vessels undergo significant narrowing. The infectious process is preserved, since in a cold state the blood cannot actively circulate through the capillaries and deliver decay products produced by pathogenic microorganisms. As a result of such treatment procedures, the level of inflammation actually decreases.

In areas of the tonsils where the capillaries have undergone narrowing, there is practically no inflammation, and the area of ​​the lesion is noticeably reduced. Treating a sore throat with ice cream speeds up the healing process, clears the throat of bacterial plaque, increases tone and improves the patient’s mood. However, this method of therapy cannot be perceived as the only one; you should definitely take medications prescribed by your doctor.

Is it possible to eat ice cream if you have a sore throat: how much should you take?

If a person experiences pain in the throat, then it is allowed to eat no more than one glass of a sweet product per day. Before using it, it is recommended to warm it up a little so that it does not resemble a block of ice. When the mass reaches a creamy consistency, it can be eaten.

When buying ice cream for a sore throat, you should choose natural creamy ice creams. It is better to refrain from additional fillers in the form of nuts and fruits. Such components will irritate a sore throat.

However, only adults can conduct such experiments on their throats. To treat sore throat in children at home, slightly different procedures are recommended.

This method of treatment is considered one of the most effective. It is best to use natural products for inhalation, for example:

  • Onion. It must be grated on a coarse or fine grater and placed in a glass. After this, you need to roll up a tube from a clean towel and breathe through it over the onion for 3-5 minutes. This composition can only be used once. If the onion stands for some time in the open air, it will quickly lose its nutritional qualities necessary for effective inhalation.
  • Garlic and onion. For this inhalation, you need to grind the components in equal quantities and place them in a plastic bag. You can also breathe over such a mixture only once, after which the ingredients need to be renewed.

Ice cream for a sore throat, what doctors say

Today, such treatment is not considered official medicine, although it is an effective means of natural medicine. The opinions of doctors vary, some say that ice cream treatment is a very good method and can be eaten, others say that the inflammation process will stop for a while, but will not go away. However, although official medicine has not recognized this treatment, some doctors in Germany, as well as in Russia, also tell their patients that they can eat ice cream or popsicles, which consist only of natural ingredients. It has been proven that many people with tonsillitis simply instinctively reach for cold foods. Doctors agree that if you have had surgery and your tonsils have been removed, you should completely abstain from cold dairy products. Since they provoke the formation of phlegm in the throat, which stimulates a cough. Coughing in the period after surgery is completely undesirable, because its consequences are bleeding, which slows down the tissue healing process, and ice cream will only add complications. However, doctors do not deny that if you really want a cold product, you should replace it with an analogue, for example, fruit ice or cold candies. But, only in cases where it really alleviates the patient’s condition and contributes to his recovery. Doctors who categorically disagree with this method give their arguments and say:

  • There is another proven point that while a treat reduces pain in the throat, it can become a microenvironment for the development of infectious organisms. Because the product is sweet, and as you know, in such a beneficial environment, bacteria multiply much faster. It is because of this that it is suggested to use not very sweet fruit ice as an alternative.
  • It is worth noting that the onset of a disease such as tonsillitis is accompanied by other ailments, against which they occur. For example, scarlet fever and diphtheria originate just like tonsillitis, with exactly the same symptoms. As a result, the patient thinks that ice cream will help him, but in fact, such self-medication will lead to unforeseen and negative consequences.

From the opinion of doctors, we can conclude that in some cases ice cream can cope with the disease and the patient will be on the path to recovery, but this rarely happens, in most situations, the course of the disease is complicated. However, many otolaryngologists believe that treatment with ice cream alone is not acceptable. The disease itself is too dangerous and serious, which must be treated with complex complexes of medications, using different types of drugs. It is imperative to seek help from a qualified doctor who will prescribe the necessary treatment. Ice cream, in fact, in some situations, speeds up the healing process for tonsillitis, but only if you eat it very little, without overusing the treat. With all this, do not forget about conservative treatment methods. It is worth noting that a sore throat may not always be a sore throat; before treating yourself with ice cream, it is important to consult a doctor and undergo an examination so that there is no doubt about the diagnosis. If the doctor allows additional treatment in such an unconventional way, you should definitely know that after this product, you need to gargle to clear it of sweetness. You can use, for example, gargling with chamomile. Some people may be shocked by the fact, like ice cream and a sore throat, but in fact, even official medicine, although it does not recognize it as a method of treatment, does not undertake to deny that there is a positive effect in curing the disease. From all this it follows that the opinion of doctors is divided into two groups, some are categorically against, and some are completely in favor of this technique, and say that a little more time will pass before medicine recognizes ice cream as an official cure for sore throat . The educational video in this article will tell you about ice cream and sore throat. Latest discussions:

Sore throat is an acute disease that occurs as a result of infection of the tissues of the palatine tonsils by pathogenic microorganisms. Inflammation that appears at the site of infection brings many unpleasant symptoms. It becomes difficult for the patient to breathe, it is very painful to swallow, high fever and weakness appear. There are many proven ways to help alleviate the patient’s condition, including eating ice cream.

Sea water

Rinsing is also a fairly effective method. However, you need to use real sea water for this. It, like ice cream, quickly relieves swelling in case of sore throat and heals purulent wounds.

If it is not possible to purchase real sea water, then you can prepare it yourself at home. To do this, pour warm boiled water into a glass, add a spoonful of salt, 10 drops of iodine and half a teaspoon of soda. You need to gargle with this solution at least 2 times a day. In this case, you need to ensure that the child does not swallow the composition.

Infusion of raspberries, ginger and honey

These ingredients are often used to treat sore throat in children at home. This infusion allows you to quickly relieve inflammation and pain. It is best to prepare the medicine every day before going to bed. To do this, mix a handful of raspberries, a pinch of chopped ginger and a spoonful of honey. Additionally, you can add a little natural olive oil to the mixture. The resulting composition is poured with a glass of boiling water. After this, the infusion is wrapped up and put away in a warm place overnight. The next morning, it is enough to strain the liquid and take a third of a glass three times a day shortly before meals.

Raspberries, ginger and honey for sore throat are considered very effective remedies.

Traditional recipes for sore throat: onions and cabbage

This culture has a lot of beneficial properties, so it is recommended to eat it not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of viral diseases. To quickly get rid of a sore throat, it is recommended to use onions in the following form:

  • Squeeze the juice out of it. You need to take this “potion” 1 tablespoon in the morning and evening every day. If a child suffers from a sore throat, then you can add a little honey to the onion juice, then the liquid will not be so disgusting.
  • Arrange on a plate. First, the onion must be thoroughly chopped. If such a “dish” is placed in the apartment, it will help disinfect the air and speed up the healing process.
  • Apply a night compress to the neck. To do this, you need to use cabbage leaves, to which you can also add fresh onions. The components need to be tied to the throat and the lotions should be changed every 2 hours. In this case, you need to tie a warm scarf over the compresses.

You can also add two parts of the volume of onion peels to 0.5 liters of water and boil the ingredients for about 5 minutes. After this, the composition is infused for 1 hour and filtered. You should rinse your larynx with the resulting liquid as often as possible.

Everyone knows very well about the medicinal properties of this fruit. To quickly get rid of pain from a sore throat, it is enough to slowly dissolve a lemon drop for 20 minutes. After this, it must be swallowed. However, this method is most likely not suitable for small children. To smooth out the unpleasant taste of lemon a little, you can lubricate it with honey.

It is also recommended to periodically drink natural lemon juice. However, before using this fruit, you should make sure that the patient is not allergic to citrus fruits.

Is it possible to eat ice cream if you have a sore throat?

Ice cream for a sore throat is a well-known and paradoxical method of treating inflammation of the tonsils. The main symptom of tonsillitis is severe pain when swallowing. Pain can be relieved with foods that are used in the daily diet. Considering the high incidence of sore throat in children, treatment with jelly, ice cream, and yoghurt is incredibly popular.

However, the opinions are strikingly different: on the one hand, ice cream really relieves pain and helps remove pathogenic media from the body, and on the other hand, in some forms of sore throat, ice cream can play the opposite role, increasing inflammation and provoking the spread of the infectious focus.

Is ice cream good for a sore throat?

Ice cream consists of sugar (15%), fats (0-15%), amino acids and fatty acids, vitamins, mineral salts, enzymes. There is an opinion among doctors that cold food aggravates the course of the disease. However, you can eat ice cream when you have a sore throat; it helps in treatment. The main thing is to know how to use this product correctly.

Acute tonsillitis is characterized by unbearable pain in the throat. Cold ice cream has a pain-relieving effect, but the pain will only subside for a short time. The anesthetic effect is based on the effects of cold, which narrows the blood vessels and lacunae of the inflamed tonsils. After eating, be sure to rinse your mouth with water, since the sugars contained in the product will promote the proliferation of pathogens.

Ice cream reduces the area of ​​inflammation, thereby speeding up recovery

It is advisable to eat it in small pieces and keep it in your mouth until dissolved. Ice cream helps in the treatment of sore throat at the initial stage of the disease, when there are no acute symptoms, but only a sore throat. Bacteria and viruses reproduce poorly in the cold and at the very beginning, until the microorganisms have spread widely, the cold will block them and prevent further spread. It should be noted that sweet cold only helps treat the disease and does not exclude traditional medicines. Ice cream can be eaten without additives, nuts, chocolate, raisins, pieces of fruit, or condensed milk. Treats with additives will only once again irritate the mucous membrane of the throat.

Can I eat ice cream after tonsillectomy?

The sweet dairy product promotes the formation of sputum, which in turn strengthens the cough reflex. After surgery on the tonsils, any irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat is undesirable. This can provoke postoperative bleeding, in which case the complication will also have to be treated. It is not recommended to consume products containing milk after tonsillectomy for 14-20 days after tonsil removal.

At the moment, there is no consensus among doctors about whether ice cream helps in the treatment of sore throat. The properties of this product are too contradictory. If the tonsils are inflamed after eating cold food, then it is definitely not recommended to treat tonsillitis with ice cream. Treatment for tonsillitis should only be prescribed by a specialist, and regarding the use of ice cream in treatment, you must always consult with your doctor.

Sore throat is a very insidious disease that occurs unexpectedly and at any time of the year. It is characterized by an infectious origin that affects the palatine tonsils.

A comprehensive treatment is prescribed, which includes anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antipyretic, and vitamin preparations.

However, there are supporters who claim that for sore throat, ice cream is an indispensable product that will lead to recovery faster than any medicine and will prevent recurrence of the disease, that it is not only possible to eat, but also necessary!

Some people are treated with conservative methods, while others prefer ice cream or just ice water, stating that in this way they “freeze the inflammation,” which declines and then disappears altogether. It’s worth figuring out whether ice cream can really be treated, can you eat it if you have a sore throat, and how much?

Doctors' opinions

So, is it possible to eat ice cream if you have a sore throat from the point of view of official medicine? Conservative medicine does not encourage traditional methods of treatment for almost any disease of an infectious-inflammatory nature. According to doctors, ice cream does not affect the patient’s recovery in any way, and in some cases contributes to the development of complications. The arguments look like this:

sugar and fats are a favorable environment for the development of bacteria;

it is impossible to independently differentiate a sore throat from scarlet fever, diphtheria and complications of influenza;

complications if the form of sore throat is purulent.

For example, diphtheria and scarlet fever have similar symptoms in the early stages of the disease, so consuming ice cream will not only be ineffective, but also dangerous for complications. Self-medication only in rare cases helps to achieve high therapeutic results. Usually, after self-treatment, patients consult a doctor already at the stage of severely advanced sore throat.

Sore throat is a serious disease that requires immediate and adequate treatment. The lack of conservative therapy leads to rapid chronicization of the pathological process. Chronic tonsillitis in children often contributes to the development of other otolaryngological diseases. In the early stages of the disease, you can eat ice cream in small, low-dose portions. Treating sore throats only with ice cream and other alternative medicine methods should not be the only ones. Such prescriptions must be combined with drug therapy.

Is it possible to treat a sore throat with ice cream?

For a sore throat during a sore throat, treatment should be comprehensive, including:

  • Antipyretic drugs;
  • Mucolytics;
  • Pain-relieving sprays and lozenges;
  • Antibiotics;
  • Immunomodulators.

You can treat a sore throat with ice cream, but only in small quantities and as an auxiliary therapy. Fans of this product are sure that this delicacy “freezes” the inflammatory process in the throat. From a medical point of view, cold food simply constricts blood vessels, which reduces blood flow to the site of bacterial growth. A fatty structure combined with a high amount of sugar can become a good environment for the life of staphylococci or streptococci. After eating ice cream, be sure to drink plain water and gargle well with antiseptic solutions.

Frequent rinsing, taking antibiotics and antipyretics is the only sure way to treat acute tonsillitis. If all the doctor’s recommendations were followed correctly, the prognosis for recovery will be favorable. Complex treatment can relieve a patient of a sore throat within a week. If the patient does not listen to the recommendations of the otolaryngologist, then there is a high probability of developing a number of complications. Untreated sore throat can cause pathological processes in the heart and kidneys.

Is it possible to treat a sore throat with ice cream?

The question of how sore throat and ice cream are combined worries most patients who have been recommended such extreme treatment. Let's try to answer it, starting with how cold affects a sore throat.

Although ice cream itself can cause the development of a disease such as tonsillitis, sometimes it actually alleviates the condition of people suffering from this disease. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that exposure to cold actually promotes vasoconstriction of the inflamed tonsils. Inflammatory processes occurring in the tonsils subside due to circulatory disorders (the blood practically stops spreading the infection throughout the body), and then self-destruct.

In addition, ice cream for a sore throat:

  • helps cleanse the tonsils of plaque (pus in the purulent form);
  • reduces the severity of pain - cold plays the role of an anesthetic;
  • relieves irritation of mucous membranes;
  • lifts your spirits and improves overall vitality.

Even the beneficial properties of ice cream do not make it the only remedy for treating throat diseases. Therapy should include medications.

Is it possible to eat ice cream if you have a sore throat and does it help treatment?

There are many traditional methods for treating tonsillitis, such as honey, propolis and salt rinsing - they do not cause controversy, since doctors and patients have long been convinced of the effectiveness of such therapy. However, among the recipes “from grandmothers” there is also ice cream for a sore throat. It is worth figuring out whether the product really helps to cope with the symptoms of the disease, whether it can be eaten and how to properly carry out such treatment.

It is worth figuring out whether the product really helps to cope with the symptoms of the disease, whether it can be eaten and how to properly carry out such treatment.

Ice cream for sore throat: benefit or harm

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To forget about parasites once and for all, while maintaining your health, experts and scientists advise taking.....

Those who adhere to such an unconventional method as ice cream treatment confidently declare that this cold delicacy can “freeze inflammatory processes in the throat.”

But in reality?

Cold actually affects the foci of inflammation in the tonsils, as a result of which the vessels begin to narrow, which leads to:

Inflammatory processes are suspended because blood circulation is disrupted, and it no longer delivers decay products on the same scale, which are released by infectious microorganisms. As a result, the movement of inflammatory processes decreases, then completely subsides. But this does not mean that relapses are excluded. In those areas of the tonsils where the vessels have narrowed, there is virtually no inflammation, and the surface itself becomes smaller. The healing process of the body is accelerated, because the ice cream itself cleanses the tonsils of plaque, helps reduce pain, relieves irritation of the mucous membranes, increases overall vitality, and in general the patient feels great.

However, this delicacy should not be the only “medicine”; it can be used as an additional treatment for tonsillitis. If the patient nevertheless decides on such alternative traditional medicine, it is worth knowing a few rules:

It can only be eaten at room temperature and no more than 150 grams at a time. Eat only in small pieces. Warm the piece in your mouth before swallowing. Under no circumstances should you eat under the scorching sun. Take short breaks between eating ice cream. It’s better to eat regular ice cream, without adding chocolate, nuts, waffle cones or other additives.

Many people suggest using popsicles instead of ice cream. There is an opinion that if you eat fruit ice, the benefits will be much greater, because it contains useful substances of natural origin that will spur treatment and speed up the healing process.

Everyone who is treated with a sweet and cold product says that during such treatment it is necessary to drink antibiotic drugs, which, in symbiosis with cold ice cream, will bring the most effective effect.

It’s better to eat regular ice cream, without adding chocolate, nuts, waffle cones or other additives.

Is it possible to eat ice cream in large quantities if you have a sore throat?

Despite the fact that ice cream brings relief to a sore throat, you should not eat it more than once a day (a serving should be about 150 grams). This is explained by the fact that the sugar contained in the product settles on the tonsils, creating a sweet environment that is optimal for the proliferation of pathogenic microflora. Therefore, eating a large amount of cold ice cream can cause the opposite effect - the disease may worsen.

Is it possible to eat ice cream if you have a sore throat and does it help treatment?

If everything is clear with eating ice cream in the acute phase of a sore throat, then what do doctors say about eating the product after tonsil removal?

What are the risks with this method of treatment?

Consumption of ice cream for a sore throat should be small, otherwise instead of the expected relief, the opposite effect will occur . The patient should absorb the cold product in small pieces and slowly.

It must be remembered that tonsillitis occurs with the same symptoms as scarlet fever and diphtheria, and with these pathologies you definitely cannot eat ice cream. Therefore, you can begin treatment with this method only after an accurate diagnosis has been made.

After eating ice cream, you should thoroughly rinse your mouth and throat with slightly salted water . The product contains a lot of sugar, the remains of which will become a favorable environment for the growth of various bacteria.

Ice cream treatment is not approved by all doctors, but this method of treatment can be used in addition to the main therapy.

Relieves irritation and reduces the number of pathogenic microorganisms.

Are ice cream and sore throat compatible or not?

What guides those who advise consuming cold dessert in case of a serious illness? The answer would seem to be simple.

Sore throat is caused by a bacterial infection, in which there is always an inflammatory process in the throat. Human antibodies and bacterial antigens fight, and an immune response occurs. This is a serious protective reaction of our body, which it must cope with on its own. We can help him with this to a certain extent with the help of medications.

Rules for eating ice cream

As you know, the drugs used in the treatment of certain diseases can not only be beneficial, but also harmful. The ice treat, beloved by many, is no exception to this rule. In order for the treatment of sore throat with ice cream to give a positive result, this product should be consumed correctly:

  • eat slowly, taking small bites;
  • Before swallowing a piece, warm it in your mouth;
  • do not eat under the scorching rays of the sun;
  • use a regular ice cream without filler - nuts, raisins, and other solid particles can injure a sore throat.

According to some experts, it is possible to replace ice cream with fruit ice, which contains vitamins and microelements necessary for an organism weakened by illness.

Contraindications to the use of ice cream

Like any other remedy used to treat a sore throat, ice cream also has contraindications. So, this product should not be used by people suffering from:

  • scarlet fever;
  • diphtheria;
  • sore throat, accompanied by complications affecting other organs and systems of the body besides the throat;
  • individual intolerance to product components.

Another contraindication for eating ice cream is the removal of tonsils performed to treat a sore throat. This is explained by the fact that any dairy products contribute to the body’s production of sputum, which provokes a cough. Because of it, the healing of damaged tissues slows down, and complications may develop (for example, bleeding requiring repeated medical intervention).

Homemade ice cream

Homemade ice cream will be much more beneficial than store-bought ice cream. You can prepare it as follows.

Ice cream. Pre-whipped 30% cream is mixed with the same amount of condensed milk, stirred until smooth, and placed in the freezer until fully prepared (for 3-6 hours, the time depends on the technical characteristics of the refrigerator).

Milk ice cream. A bag of vanilla sugar is mixed with 25 grams of milk powder and 75 grams of granulated sugar. The resulting mixture is diluted with 340 grams of milk. Ten grams of corn starch are diluted with 50 grams of milk. The resulting mixture is poured into a saucepan, mixed thoroughly, and brought to a boil, stirring constantly. After thickening, remove from heat, cool, and transfer to the refrigerator. After an hour, the mixture is poured into a deep dish and then frozen (it needs to be stirred every 15 minutes).

To get delicious ice cream, you should approach the choice of its components with all responsibility - the better quality they are, the tastier the final product will be.

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