Use of Derinat for inhalation for children

Instructions for inhalation with Derinat

Derinat drops are diluted with saline solution 1:1, 2 inhalations through a nebulizer are prescribed per day. The course of treatment is prescribed individually, usually at least 10 procedures are performed.

How to dilute drops

Derinat drops can be diluted with only 0.9% sodium chloride. To do this, draw the drug into a syringe in a volume of 2 ml and add another 2 ml of physiological solution to it. Since the drug is stored in the refrigerator after opening the bottle, you must first immerse the syringe in warm water (about 30 degrees) for 5 minutes.

Then the entire volume of the mixture is poured into the nebulizer container. Each time a fresh composition is prepared. If you take ampoules for the procedures, then for 1 inhalation you need 0.5 ml of Derinat and 4 ml of saline solution. For children under one year old, take 1 ml of drops and 0.25 ml of ampoule medication.

How to do inhalations for children

Inhalations with Derinat for children are carried out only as prescribed by a doctor; several conditions must be taken into account:

the right choice of attachments - nasal cannulas for a runny nose, sinusitis, a mouthpiece for diseases of the bronchi and lungs, for a small child you need a baby mask, and up to a year - a special one for newborns; before the first procedure, it is important to show how the treatment will be carried out, so as not to frighten you with the noise of the compressor; Do not start inhalation at elevated temperatures; The child should be fed no later than an hour before the session; drinking water can be given half an hour before the session; Derinat does not have an immediate effect, therefore, in case of nasal congestion, it is necessary to rinse the nasal passages and, if necessary, instill vasoconstrictor drops; in the presence of bronchial spasm, the doctor may prescribe inhalation with bronchodilators (for example, Berodual) in half an hour; Do not use cough suppressants before inhalation, as they will stimulate the rapid elimination of Derinat; for an hour after the session, active games, drinking water and food, and walking are prohibited.

How many drops are needed for a runny nose, dosage and course

Derinat in drops for a runny nose, ARVI, the first signs of a cold is used in varying dosages, the duration of the course will depend on the purpose of treatment (see table).

IndicationNumber of drops in each nasal passageFrequency of instillations per dayWell
Acute rhinitis (runny nose), sinusitis, sinusitis or exacerbation of chronic22-410-15 days
ARVI, acute respiratory infections, colds2-31 day every 90 minutes, then 3-42 weeks

viral infections, runny nose, sore throat

1-221 month
Prevention of sinusitis or at the first signs357-15

Contraindications for a child

For children, Derinat is contraindicated in case of individual hypersensitivity; it is used with caution in case of allergy to fish protein. Before starting treatment, an examination (blood and urine tests) is necessary for lymphatic diathesis, enlargement of the thymus gland

It is important to consider that children with type 1 diabetes mellitus are at risk of a sharp drop in blood sugar after administration of Derinat, therefore more careful monitoring of glucose concentrations is recommended. Watch this video about when you should take Derinat so that it is beneficial in treating runny nose in children:

Watch this video about when you should take Derinat so that it is beneficial in treating runny nose in children:

Indications for use of Derinat

Taking Derinat is justified for a wide range of pathological conditions. This medication is recommended for frequently recurrent chronic diseases accompanied by severe inflammation.

The drug can be prescribed to improve immunity in severe cases of ARVI, influenza and upper respiratory tract diseases. The use of the drug in the treatment of patients with complications of respiratory infectious pathologies can be of great benefit. The drug is often prescribed for the treatment of sinusitis and inflamed adenoids. In these pathological conditions, the remedy helps eliminate pain and fever.

The use of nasal drops helps eliminate a runny nose. The product quickly thins snot and eliminates inflammation, but does not create the effect of drying out the lining of the nasal passages. Taking Derinat is justified in therapy for patients suffering from COPD. The use of the product is recommended to eliminate allergic manifestations from the respiratory system.

Derinat for inhalation with a nebulizer

The product is highly effective in the treatment of stomatitis.

This medication can be used for oral infections. The drug is highly effective in the treatment of stomatitis that occurs during therapy with cytostatic drugs. Thanks to its immunomodulatory effect, this medicine helps to quickly suppress pathogenic microflora. The drug can improve the condition of patients suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis.

Indications for the use of the drug are also urinary tract infections, including those caused by mycoplasma, ureaplasma and chlamydia.

In urology, the drug is often prescribed for benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatitis. The medication is often used in gynecology. A positive effect with its use has been noted in diseases such as fibroids, salpingoophoritis, endometritis and endometriosis. Bacterial vaginosis is also an indication for the use of Derinat.

This medication can be recommended for the treatment of surgical infections that occur during the postoperative period. The use of Derinat is indicated in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane lining the stomach and the walls of the small, large and duodenal intestines.

Derinat for inhalation with a nebulizer

The medication reduces the risk of developing infectious complications of hemorrhoids.

The medication reduces the risk of developing infectious complications of hemorrhoids. The indication for use of the drug is erosive gastroduodenitis.

The use of Derinat is justified for obliterating atherosclerosis of the lower extremities. Due to its antiplatelet properties, the active substance of the drug improves blood supply to soft tissues. The drug has a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels, so it can be used for other diseases accompanied by damage to the peripheral vascular bed.

This drug helps improve the nutrition of functional cells of the organ and improves the general condition of the myocardium. Indications for the use of Derinat also include long-term non-healing trophic ulcers, complicated by the addition of a secondary infection.

The product can be used in the treatment of frostbite and gangrene. Thermal and chemical burns are indications for the use of this medication. The drug can be used to treat patients undergoing treatment with potent painkillers, including lidocaine.

Derinat for inhalation with a nebulizer

Derinat can be used to treat patients undergoing treatment with a potent painkiller - lidocaine.

The medication can be included in complex therapy for radiation sickness. The drug can be of great benefit to patients with hematopoiesis disorders of varying severity. Indications for the use of Derinat include secondary immunodeficiency states of various etiologies, cardiac ischemia, atherosclerosis, etc.

Opinions of foreign pharmacists

Russian pediatricians quite often prescribe inhalations with Derinat to treat viral respiratory tract infections in children. Reviews about the use of this therapeutic method are generally favorable. There are other drugs on the pharmaceutical market with similar properties. Among them is “Deoxynate”, which is also an immunomodulator. Its chemical composition:

  • sodium deoxyribonucleate;
  • sodium chloride;
  • water for injections.

Other analogues are “Panagen” and “Sodium Deoxyribonucleate”. The use of these drugs for inhalation is not yet practiced, but they are used for intramuscular administration and topically. However, abroad, sodium deoxyribonucleate and drugs based on it are not included in guidelines for the treatment of patients. These drugs are not on the WHO list or on the list of medications for the treatment of ARVI compiled by the Russian Ministry of Health. Meta-analyses and systematic reviews of the use of these agents are also lacking.

In Russia, according to patient reviews, Derinat is used quite successfully. The solution for inhalation is not difficult to prepare, and the method of treating the runny nose and other manifestations of ARVI is simple and effective. Many patients report in their reviews that, thanks to Derinat, they can get rid of sinusitis and rhinitis in a matter of days. There is also a good preventive effect of this drug.

There are no reported disadvantages of using Derinat for inhalation.

In general, the following are the disadvantages of the drug:

  • high price, especially injection ampoules;
  • short shelf life after opening the bottle;
  • the need to store the opened drug in the refrigerator, which requires heating it before use;
  • Not all patients experience a quick effect from using the drug.

Features of inhalation procedures

Derinat for inhalation with a nebulizer, is prescribed for inflammation of the respiratory tract, runny nose, and infectious lesions in children. The dosage and duration of the course of inhalation therapy is determined individually, taking into account the nature of the disease and the age of the patient.

For the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases, bronchial asthma and the relief of inflammatory manifestations of a runny nose, a 0.25% solution of Derinat is used. The daily dose of the inhaled drug for children is 2 ml of the drug diluted with the same amount of saline solution.

For obstructive bronchitis, viral respiratory tract infections, and runny nose, it is recommended to use a 1.5% solution. To carry out the inhalation procedure for children, use a drug diluted with saline in a ratio of 1:3.

As a rule, the duration of one inhalation with a nebulizer for children is no more than 5 minutes.

It is not recommended to use Derinat solution without permission, since its illiterate use can significantly harm the child’s health.

What is Derinat description. Indications for use

An important task of the drug is to stimulate the regeneration of damaged tissues. In addition, it enhances reparative functions, correcting the functioning of the immune system, increasing the body’s resistance

The composition includes sodium deoxyribonucleate, which, when applied topically, is very quickly absorbed by small capillaries. The lymphatic system then distributes the active substance throughout the body, transporting it to the patient’s organs.

Excretion is carried out mainly by the genitourinary system and kidneys. Partially excreted along with feces.

Derinat for inhalation with a nebulizer
An immunostimulant solution is prescribed for various diseases. If you take an intranasal form of release for the nose, then monotherapy is aimed at eliminating:

  • ARVI (including preventive measures during epidemics);
  • Chronic infections of secretory membranes caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses;
  • Acute rhinitis, sinusitis, etc.

At the same time, you can take Sinupret, Rinofluimucil or other tablets/liquid substances that relieve inflammation, reduce swelling and remove pathological exudate.

The immunomodulatory mixture is also recommended for pathologies of the eyes and oral cavity. Comprehensive medical care is prescribed for the following pathologies:

  • Chronic infections in gynecology;
  • Trophic ulcers, gangrene, non-healing wounds;
  • Burns, frostbite, necrosis after irradiation;
  • Hemorrhoids, gastrointestinal ulcers;
  • Oncology, hematopoiesis disorder;
  • Pulmonary obstruction, tuberculosis, ischemic heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.

At what age can an immunomodulator be prescribed? The instructions indicate that it is suitable for treating even newborn babies.

Instructions for inhalation of Derinat through a nebulizer

With the help of a nebulizer, the consistency of the medicine is converted into an aerosol as a result of its decomposition into small components. Inhalation of small dispersions leads to rapid delivery of active components directly to the site of inflammation. As a result, the medicine begins its active activity against infections immediately during the inhalation session.

It is not recommended to use the drug in its pure form in the device; it must be diluted with a sodium chloride solution, the concentration of which is 0.9%. One milliliter of the medication is diluted in a similar amount of saline immediately before the inhalation session. You should begin the process of inhaling medication vapors immediately after receiving the composition.

You should not limit yourself to one session of the procedure per day; for effective treatment, at least four respiratory processes will be required over the course of a week. According to doctors' indications, the number of sessions per day can be increased. The doctor also has the right to change the concentration and proportions of its dilution with saline.

Dosage for children

"Derinat" as a medicine was initially approved by leading pediatricians as an excellent medicine not only for combating respiratory infections, but also as a prophylactic agent that helps boost the body's immune system.
The drug can be used from very early childhood, if there are certain indications for its use. Most often, special children's drops are used to treat various types of ailments of the upper and lower respiratory tract. However, the use of Derinat in a nebulizer is an effective and safe method of treatment even in early childhood.

The dosage of the drug in this case is based on the lowest concentration, depending on the age of the child. Typically, pediatricians prescribe 1 mg of Derinat per 4 mg of saline solution. Having mixed the two components, you should immediately begin inhalation, the duration of which should be no more than five minutes. Sessions should be carried out 1-2 times a day, and the course of treatment is ten days.

For adults

Dilution of “Derinat” for adults is carried out depending on the type of disease, as well as the individual characteristics of the adult’s body. Most often, the dosage of the solution is determined by the ratio of one milligram of the drug to 3-4 mg of saline solution.

If the upper respiratory tract disease is too severe, dilution should be 1 to 1, which will allow you to obtain a higher concentration of the drug

It is worth noting that the medication, despite its safe composition, may cause some adverse reactions, which is why it is important to first consult a doctor about the dosage

Nebulizer inhalations using Derinat should be carried out over a course of ten days, and at least two such procedures will be required daily. The choice of the correct dosage, frequency and duration of the course is carried out depending on the disease.

For pregnant

The opinion of doctors about the possible safe use of Derinat drops during pregnancy is not clear. This is due to the lack of any official studies that would confirm the presence of a negative effect of this drug on the fetus.

According to the instructions, prescribing Derinat to a pregnant woman is possible only if the need for its use for therapy is more significant than the possible negative consequences. Most often, the doctor prescribes the medicine as a composition for inhalation with a nebulizer. The dosage of the drug is equal to that for children, but it can be changed by the doctor if necessary.

Derinat for inhalation with a nebulizer: instructions for use

Colds, which are accompanied by cough and runny nose, very often affect young children. This is due to the poor functioning of the unformed immune system. During seasonal epidemics of infectious diseases, caring parents should take care to activate the defenses of the child's body.

To do this, they use various methods and drugs. One of the effective means is inhalation with Derinat for children, and it is recommended to carry it out using a nebulizer. Let us consider in more detail how to correctly carry out this procedure.

Adverse reactions

According to the manufacturer, there are no side effects when using the drug Derinat topically. Nebulizer inhalations for children are considered the most gentle and safe method of treatment. However, in children with individual intolerance to the components of this drug, an allergic reaction may occur, manifested by a rash. It quickly spreads throughout the child's body and causes itching, anxiety, and moodiness. Intolerance to the components of Derinat is extremely rare, but the pediatrician prescribing this medicine must make sure that it is suitable for the small patient. In adults, when using the drug externally, there are no complications or side effects.

It is important to note that so far there have been no rigorous studies of the effect of sodium deoxyribonucleate on the embryonic development of the fetus. Therefore, despite the claim that it does not have a teratogenic effect, it can only be used by pregnant women after consulting a doctor.

Application in gynecology

Inflammatory processes occupy a leading place in the structure of gynecological pathology. Starting with an acute form, they gradually turn into chronic, leading to various disorders of sexual and reproductive functions in women.

Derinat for inhalation with a nebulizer

Considering the amazing properties of the drug to accumulate in affected tissues and stimulate natural defenses, it is actively used to treat problems in gynecology and obstetrics:


For cervical erosion, colpitis and endocervicitis, an external solution of 0.25% is used. It causes stimulation of natural reparative processes and leads to restoration of the mucous membrane. 2

For uterine fibroids and endometriosis. It is taken in combination with other methods. This combination therapy gives a lasting positive effect. 3

For infertility. You can often hear from women: “I can’t get pregnant, they prescribed Derinat injections, but I don’t know why.” This medicine helps to cope with inflammatory processes in the body, which often become the main cause of infertility.

During pregnancy, its administration in the form of injections is contraindicated, since there is no proven clinical data on the effect on the fetus.

Derinat drops instructions for use dosage

Despite the fact that in each specific case the doctor independently decides how to take the drug, there are certain algorithms for using the drug in various clinical cases declared by the manufacturer.

I. Prevention of respiratory diseases. This is relevant in the autumn-winter period, when both adults and children often have to stay in enclosed spaces with poor ventilation, where many other people are also present.

For such an event, it will be enough to administer 2 drops of the drug 4 times a day. The course of prophylactic administration of Derinat ranges from 7 to 14 days.

The main indication for the use of an immunomodulatory drug as a prophylactic agent is the occurrence of an epidemic of respiratory infections.

Treatment of early stages of ARVI

If, despite all precautions, ARVI takes hold of you, you should administer 3 drops up to 6 times a day for one day. From the second day you can return to the standard dosage, and the duration of administration will be from 5 to 30 days

II. Sinusitis. If you are overcome by acute sinusitis, you should use the drug in a dosage of 3-5 drops in each nasal passage every 4-6 hours (that is, no more than 6 times a day, but not less than 4). Treatment lasts from 7 to 14 days.

III. Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity (gingivitis, glossitis, stomatitis, and so on). In this case, you should divide one bottle into 2-3 rinses and rinse up to 6 times a day (the course of treatment lasts from 5 to 10 days).

IV. Diseases of the visual organs and auxiliary systems

If you are faced with such a problem, then, in addition to the main treatment, you can pay attention to Derinat spray. By using it 1-2 drops per day in each eye, you will help the body cope with the disease faster and become more resistant to such infections

Paying attention to the indications for use, you will note that the drug is also indicated for other diseases and conditions. For many of them, the doctor selects the dosage individually, so there are no general recommendations regarding dosage

We will give just a few examples of how Derinat is prescribed:

  • For diseases of the genital tract in women, the drug is prescribed as a solution for tamponade, which should be done 1-2 times every week for 1-2 weeks. It is also possible to apply the drug by irrigation;
  • Treatment of hemorrhoids involves introducing 15-40 milliliters of solution into the ampulla of the rectum for 5-10 days;
  • If we are talking about gangrenous or necrotic skin lesions, then the drug should be used for application dressings in parallel with other therapeutic agents for 1-3 months.

Please note that the ampoule should be stored for no more than 14 days after opening, otherwise the drug will lose its properties and will not have the expected effect.

What patients say


Since starting kindergarten, the child (3.4 years old) has been consistently ill with acute respiratory infections every month, and an antibiotic was prescribed several times. The last time the pediatrician at the complex prescribed Derinat inhalations for a course of 10 days. With the use of an immunomodulator, the child’s condition improved already on the 3rd day, the signs of inflammation were stopped. I found no side effects. The downside is the price. I paid 238 rubles for the solution, despite the fact that the shelf life of an open bottle is 2 weeks. After completion of treatment, 2.5 months passed, and there were no new outbreaks of respiratory infections.


The doctor prescribed Derinat for my daughter as an inhalation for a sore throat. It is difficult to determine the effect of the immunocorrector (the treatment was complex using Bioparox, Rotokan, Loratadine). The disease resolved without complications within 8 days. I cannot recommend it as an effective drug in the treatment of ENT pathologies; it can only be used as a preventive measure for ARVI in the autumn-winter period.

What is a nebulizer

A nebulizer is a type of modern inhaler that produces not vapor, but a healing aerosol consisting of tiny particles. This device is used to treat even newborn children. Features of inhalation with a nebulizer:

  1. Allows you to instantly act directly on the area of ​​inflammation.
  2. There are no side effects in other organs of the child’s body, due to the fact that the active substance practically does not penetrate into the child’s blood during such inhalation.
  3. Only a nebulizer helps deliver the drug to the pulmonary alveoli.
  4. The therapeutic aerosol contains the minimum dosage of the drug.
  5. The procedure can be carried out even if the child has a fever.
  6. Inhalation through a nebulizer is completely safe and eliminates the possibility of getting a burn.
  7. The device can be used to moisten the mucous membrane of the child’s nasopharynx if he has been in a room with very dry air for a long time.
  8. Several medications can be used in a nebulizer at once.
  9. Easy to use.
  10. Inhalations with a nebulizer can alleviate the symptoms of the disease and promote rapid recovery.
  11. This procedure can be carried out almost unnoticed by the child himself (a newborn baby sleeps while inhaling healing vapors).

If the child is under three years old, then a compressor-type nebulizer should be used, which releases a cloud of healing aerosol under strong pressure. To more effectively influence the infant’s respiratory tract, use a special mask, which is included with the device.

In this case, the medicine does not scatter around the room, but gets to where it is needed. If a child is over three years old, he can breathe through a special mouthpiece. When performing pediatric inhalation with a nebulizer, the following is prohibited:

  1. Dilute the prepared solution with plain water, as this can provoke bronchospasm.
  2. Use any oils, because they can harm the child’s organs.
  3. Independently change the dosage of the drug recommended by your doctor.

Derinat for inhalation

This drug is often prescribed by pediatricians, as it is harmless and effective for the treatment of viral diseases. It also helps strengthen the immune system, relieves pain and promotes healing of the skin when damaged. Inhalations with Derinat are carried out in the following cases:

  • tracheitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • tonsillitis;
  • inflammation of adenoid tissue;
  • runny nose;
  • laryngitis;
  • inflammation of the sinuses;
  • acute respiratory viral infections.

The same procedure is also carried out for bronchitis. For inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, inhalations are prescribed to restore affected tissues. In addition, thanks to the strengthening of the immune system, the child recovers faster.

Derinat is well tolerated, so it is prescribed to most children. Introduced into the child’s body, and without encountering any opposition, the drug begins to spread quickly, activating the immune system.

The drug Derinat has the most beneficial effect on the functioning of the circulatory and lymphatic systems. Positive dynamics begin to be felt 30 minutes after the procedure.

The drug is completely eliminated from the body after three days. During this time, Derinat actively affects its cells and tissues. Since this medicine can accumulate and be retained in the child’s body, it is enough to use it once a day.

Instructions for the procedure

The drug solution is used for inhalation in case of respiratory diseases. Sometimes Derinat is prescribed to infants for a runny nose. According to the instructions for use, the dosage of the drug depends on the nature of the disease:

  1. For the treatment of infectious pathologies of the upper respiratory tract and bronchial asthma, a 0.25% solution of the drug is used. For this purpose, 2 ml of the drug is mixed with the same amount of physiological solution.
  2. For the treatment of viral respiratory infections and obstructive bronchitis, a more concentrated solution (1.5%) is used. In this case, 1 ml of Derinat is diluted in 3 ml of saline solution.

The procedure should last 5 minutes and it is recommended to do it for 5–10 days. The recommended inhaler is a compressor-type nebulizer.

Effect of the drug

What is Derinat's effect on the body based on? This immunomodulating agent actively strengthens the immune system weakened by colds. It is often prescribed to boost immunity, however, the effect of the drug is not limited to this. Derinat successfully fights rhinitis, sinusitis, relieves the child of snot, eliminates pain from cuts and burns (in the form of drops), and restores the integrity of the mucous membrane. Inhalations with Derinat in a nebulizer are also carried out for the following diseases:

  • tracheitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia.

Inhalations with Derinat for children and adults through a nebulizer help the mucous membranes recover. This occurs due to intracellular renewal while strengthening the local immunity of the mucous membrane.

Note! Inhalation of Derinat in a nebulizer is indicated for any respiratory diseases.

Relief occurs within 20-30 minutes after the procedure. The medicine tends to accumulate in tissues and remain for up to three days. Due to the cumulative effect, inhalation for runny nose and colds can be carried out only once a day - this is quite enough. Doctors say that the effect of the drug lasts a whole week after completion of treatment sessions.

Inhalations for colds

How the drug works

The drug Derinat belongs to the category of immunomodulators. Such drugs act on agents of humoral and cellular immunity, stimulating them to action. In the chain of response in the body to the penetration and vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms, the most important role is played by B-lymphocytes and T-helpers.

Thanks to these cells, the body recognizes pathogenic agents (whether they are viruses or bacteria) and begins to produce antibodies to fight them.

Immunomodulatory drugs stimulate the body's nonspecific defense, accelerating the resolution of inflammatory processes.

The active ingredient of this drug is sodium derinate, which activates the lymphatic system, due to which the body is detoxified.

The drug demonstrates high effectiveness when administered to individuals with weakened immune systems after treatment with radiation therapy or chemotherapy.

In addition to improving the function of the lymphatic system, Derinat has a positive effect on the production of blood cells, increasing the population of platelets and phagocytes.

Special instructions and precautions

When prescribing Derinat, inhalations of which are very effective, the doctor takes into account the characteristics of the child’s body.
This drug may cause allergies that may cause adverse health effects. In this case, rashes quickly appear on the skin and begin to spread rapidly. Dealing with them is quite difficult. Before carrying out the procedure, the specialist must make sure that the child does not have an undesirable reaction from the body.

If the drug is poorly tolerated, then it is necessary to select analogues of Derinat. To increase effectiveness, the drug can be combined with other medications

But it is important to take into account the fact that some drugs do not have good compatibility

When several active substances enter the body, the activity of some decreases and the activity of others increases. Sometimes poisoning and intoxication of the body can develop, which is dangerous for the child’s life. If Derinat is used together with coagulants, their activity increases, and this poses a danger.

Thus, Derinat is a drug that helps strengthen the immune system and restore the body after suffering a serious illness. Thanks to inhalations with a nebulizer with such a medicine, the child recovers faster

But you need to remember that Derinat can cause an allergic reaction, so it should be used with caution

Pharmacological description of the drug

Derinat is a medicinal solution that contains sodium deoxyribonucleate. The drug is used externally and locally, as well as for inhalation procedures. The pharmaceutical production method is a transparent, colorless substance that does not have other components or impurities.

Derinat for inhalation with a nebulizer is used as an immunomodulatory and regenerative agent. After the component composition enters the inflammatory focus, it rapidly activates the immune system at the cellular and humoral levels.

When using a nebulizer, the regenerative process is enhanced, the affected epithelial muscle tissue is softened, and restored independently in a structured manner.


Most often, Derinat spray and drops are prescribed for influenza or ARVI, as well as for prophylactic purposes to protect the child from colds and viral infections of the nasopharynx. In such cases, the medication can be used independently as monotherapy.

Other reasons to prescribe the drug are:

  • Inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, such as otitis media, pharyngitis, tonsillitis or adenoiditis. For such pathologies, Derinat is often used as one of the drugs in complex treatment, supplementing antibiotics, antivirals, antipyretics and other medications with this drug.
  • Stomatitis, gingivitis and other lesions of the oral cavity. For these pathologies, rinsing or local treatment with a spray is prescribed.
  • Ophthalmological diseases occurring with a dystrophic or inflammatory process. For conjunctivitis and other diseases, drops are usually prescribed.
  • Burns, infected wounds, trophic ulcers, consequences of frostbite and other skin damage. Their treatment uses local treatment with a solution and gauze bandages.
  • Prolonged rhinitis, adenoids, bronchial asthma, hay fever and similar diseases. Therapy for such pathologies may include inhalations with Derinat.
  • Radiation damage, resistance to cytostatics, lung diseases, sepsis and other serious pathologies. Such diagnoses require injection of medication.

Is the drug suitable for inhalation?

One of the promising directions in combination with etiotropic and pathogenetic therapy of ENT diseases is the use of immunotropic drugs. The selection of means for correcting the biocenosis and activating the immune system should be carried out taking into account the condition of the external respiratory organs, the nature and duration of the main treatment tactics, the stage of the inflammatory process, the patient’s age, and the results of the diagnostic search.

For reference! Restoration of the immune status and normalization of microbiocenosis in an insufficient volume causes frequent relapses of the disease, viral persistence, and subsequent infection with infectious agents of a different etiology.

Among the wide arsenal of pharmaceutical products, the domestic drug Derinat stands out . (FP "Tehnomedservice"). The active ingredients of the solution as an external and local agent are sodium deoxyribonucleate (2.5 mg) and sodium chloride (1 mg). Available without a prescription at an average price of 230 rubles.

The Derinat solution
has an immunomodulatory effect on all mechanisms of the immune response (cellular, humoral, viral), activates tissue regeneration and repair, limits the activity of inflammation, and normalizes hematopoiesis .
The pharmacological action is supplemented by antioxidant, antiallergic and analgesic abilities. Is it possible to inhale with Derinat through a nebulizer? Definitely. The drug has no age restrictions and is approved for use in children in the first days of life . In ENT practice, dispersed spraying of a medicinal product provides a high percentage of recovery in the treatment of the following abnormalities:

  • ARVI, influenza;
  • severe acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the oro- and nasopharynx;
  • bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • adenoids and hay fever;
  • ophthalmological pathologies.

In combination with the main treatment of respiratory infections, the immunocorrector allows you to reduce the doses of antimicrobial drugs and improve the functional parameters of the respiratory system.

Pediatricians recommend inhalation of Derinat to increase immunity during the period of beginning visits to preschool educational institutions for preventive purposes. It provides favorable adaptation to kindergarten, increases the body’s resistance to “kindergarten infections”, and reduces the incidence of ARVI.

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