Using an inhaler for bronchial asthma

Inhalers for bronchial asthma: names and prices of drugs

For asthma, stepwise therapy is prescribed.
It involves the inclusion of an increasing number of drugs in the treatment depending on the severity of the disease. A significant portion of medications are administered directly into the respiratory tract using inhalers. The article will discuss which inhalers can be prescribed for asthma. We also provide a table of trade names and approximate prices for these medications.

In the treatment of asthma, two fundamentally different directions are used: basic and symptomatic therapy. Basic therapy agents have an anti-inflammatory effect and are designed to stabilize the course of the disease. With the right choice, asthma control can help you get rid of attacks or reduce their number.

If basic therapy is not effective enough, asthma attacks or coughing occur. In these cases, quick-acting medications that dilate the bronchi come to the rescue. They have no therapeutic effect, but they quickly alleviate the symptoms of the attack.

List of asthma inhalers

The contents of inhalers from a specific manufacturer are certain drugs that help relieve an attack of bronchial asthma or are used for long-term treatment. The list of inhalers is constantly changing; some drugs, for example, phenamine benzedrine, are discontinued, and new drugs are being released that have less noticeable side effects.

Devices and medications are not produced separately; it is impossible to replace the contents of the device yourself, so when choosing an inhaler you should pay attention to the names of the active substances. Medicines for asthma are divided into anti-inflammatory drugs, which eliminate the very cause of the disease, and bronchodilators, which relieve asthma attacks.

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Hormonal inhalers based on glucocorticoids have an anti-inflammatory effect and relieve swelling of the mucous membrane under the influence of the hormone adrenaline. A course of aerosol inhalation with steroids is prescribed after tablet treatment. Steroid anti-inflammatory drugs enter directly into the respiratory tract, bypass the blood, so they have no side effects, do not affect metabolism, but also do not relieve asthma attacks. Examples of hormonal inhalers for asthma:

  • flixotide;
  • flunisolide;
  • budesonide;
  • becotide;
  • beclomethasone;
  • beclomet;
  • benacort;
  • fluticasone;
  • ingacort.

To stop an attack

Respiratory allergies are dangerous due to attacks of suffocation, which can be relieved with bronchodilators of several subtypes:

  1. Sympathomimetics (pirburetol, levalbuterol, salbutamol, terbutaline). They expand the lumens of the bronchi, stimulating their receptors.
  2. M-cholinergic receptor blockers (atrovent or ipratropium). Relaxes the bronchi.
  3. Methylxanthines (aminophylline, theophylline). They block certain enzymes and relax the bronchial muscles.

Inhalers used in basic asthma therapy

A metered dose aerosol inhaler is the simplest device.

For regular use, your doctor may prescribe one or more of the following:

  • inhaled glucocorticoids (ICS);
  • Cromons;
  • combined products that include several components at once.

Another group of drugs for basic therapy - leukotriene receptor antagonists - is available in the form of tablets for oral administration.

Inhaled glucocorticoids

This is the basis of basic therapy. In most cases, asthma cannot be avoided without regular use of these drugs.

One of the following ICS is prescribed:

Depending on the dosage form, the drug is administered in the form of an aerosol, using a nebulizer (suspension or solution) or special devices (powder).

These drugs are safer than ICS. Therefore, they are often used to treat asthma in children. However, their main effect is anti-allergic; anti-inflammatory properties are less pronounced.

Types of inhalers by purpose

Step therapy is used to treat bronchial asthma. This means that the doctor prescribes treatment with the lowest possible doses of the drug. Gradually, the concentration of the active substance increases until all symptoms of the disease are completely relieved.

This dose is individual for each patient and depends on the severity of the disease.

Most drugs are delivered directly to the site of pathology through inhalation.

In the treatment of bronchial asthma, two main approaches are used:

  • basic therapy;
  • symptomatic (to relieve an attack).

Basic therapy is aimed at relieving inflammation and preventing exacerbations of the disease. Properly prescribed medications reduce the frequency and intensity of attacks. If, however, an attack of suffocation does occur, then aerosols prescribed for asthma to relieve symptoms come to the rescue. They do not affect the cause of the disease, but significantly improve the patient’s condition.

For basic therapy

The main goal of basic therapy is continuous control over the course of the disease. Aerosols prescribed for bronchial asthma in this case have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Inhaled drugs are used daily, which reduces the frequency and intensity of attacks.

For effective treatment, the doctor prescribes one or more basic remedies from the following list:

  1. Inhaled glucocorticoids. This is the basis of basic therapy. They are the most effective drugs aimed at treating asthma. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to use them in combination with non-hormonal drugs. Depending on the form of the active substance, it is possible to administer the medicine by inhalation using a nebulizer, as well as a powder dispenser.
  2. Cromons. These drugs are recommended for the treatment of children, since their use is accompanied by a minimum number of side effects. The main effect of these drugs is aimed at suppressing the body's allergic reaction. The anti-inflammatory effect is weakly expressed.

3. Combined products. As the name implies, such inhalation preparations include several active ingredients.

To relieve an asthma attack

An asthma attack is accompanied by severe suffocation and can threaten the patient's life. That is why the patient must always have with him an inhaler that can stop the manifestations of an exacerbation of the disease.

The following groups of medications are used to relieve symptoms during an asthma attack:

  1. Sympathomimetics. They directly affect the bronchi, providing a dilating and stimulating effect. The most popular include: Levalbuterol, Salbutamol, Terbutaline.
  2. M-cholinergic receptor blockers. They give a bronchodilator effect. These include Ipratropium bromide and Atrovent.
  3. Methylxanthines. The mechanism of action of these drugs is based on blocking enzymes that cause bronchospasm.

An asthma attack does not always begin while the patient is at home. Therefore, nebulizers, despite their high efficiency, cannot be classified as first aid devices. Most likely, in this situation, you will need to use a pocket-sized powder or aerosol device.

Hormonal inhalers have shown good results. They contain drugs based on glucocorticoids and significantly reduce swelling of the bronchial tissue, improving the patient's condition. This therapy is gentle, since the active substance is practically not absorbed into the blood.

Combined products

For more convenient treatment of asthma, multicomponent drugs have been created. They contain complexes for basic therapy, for symptom relief, and sometimes drugs from both groups at the same time.

Using these tables, you can select analogues of prescribed medications and check with your doctor about their effectiveness and safety. Good asthma medications are not always provided free of charge, so the price/quality ratio is of particular importance. Do not buy these drugs without a doctor's prescription - in this case they can be deadly.

Inhalers for bronchial asthma

Bronchial asthma is a complex disease that cannot be treated without an inhaler. Asthma is characterized by the fact that chronic inflammation causes increased sensitivity of the bronchi.

If there are provoking factors in the environment (cold air, stress, allergens), the patient experiences a spasm during which he feels suffocated.

It is very important to respond to bronchospasm instantly, otherwise the person will begin to suffocate.

Treatment of bronchial asthma

Medicine has made great progress in the treatment of bronchial asthma. Medicines that are administered into the body using a special device – an inhaler – help control the disease and avoid severe exacerbations.

As soon as the drugs enter the respiratory tract, they immediately begin to act.

The device is the best way to deliver drugs into the respiratory tract.

Operating principle of inhalation devices:

  1. The inhaler is filled with water or gel, which is sold complete with a cap. The device is a conductor that emits an ultrasonic vibration into the cap.
  2. When you inhale, the drug enters the lungs due to ultrasonic vibrations.
  3. Drug particles inhaled may vary in size. The more you inhale, the more they decrease, and accordingly, their penetrating ability increases.

That is why inhalers are used in emergency situations. And in the period between attacks, treatment of bronchial asthma is carried out by conventional means - injections, syrups, tablets.

Types of inhalers

Inhalers used for bronchial asthma are divided into several types.

Each manufacturer produces a type of inhaler developed by it, filled with a specific medicinal content.

There are even devices with different taste qualities.

Aerosol or spray

This type of inhaler is used mainly for severe bronchial asthma. The main content is a medicinal liquid, which, when sprayed, is converted into a fine suspension.

It should be noted that, unlike powder, the aerosol is heavier, so some of it settles in the mouth. The device is used mainly in hospital settings.

At home, it is permissible only with the permission of the attending physician.

However, its advantage is that the device does not require the patient with bronchial asthma to follow the rules of inhalation and exhalation - the maximum dose of the drug freely penetrates to the organs.

Turbo inhaler

A portable device that delivers a medicine in the form of a dry powder in a small dose, thereby eliminating the risk of a coughing attack.

Equipped with a built-in indicator that allows you to determine the amount of powder remaining inside.

The additional device is large, making the inhaler unsuitable for pocket use.

Disc inhaler

In bronchial asthma, it acts on the principle of an automatic system. The device uses a powder, the dose of which can be precisely controlled.


The supply of the medicinal substance in it is regulated automatically at the inhalation stage. Thanks to this property, the device is considered the most convenient and easy to use.

Made in the form of plastic or metal chambers attached to the inhaler. They work on the principle of a valve mechanism - as soon as a person suffering from bronchial asthma inhales, the medicine enters the lungs.

When you exhale, the valve closes automatically. This type of inhaler is easy to use because it ensures maximum delivery of the drug into the respiratory tract.

It is advisable to use a spicer in the treatment of bronchial asthma in children, since they do not always breathe correctly during inhalation, and the device, regardless of breathing, will ensure that the medicine gets directly into the lungs.

Inhaler with dispenser

This is the most convenient and popular device among most asthmatics. The device is presented in the form of a canister in which the medicinal substance is under pressure.

Before using it, you should exhale the air, and when inhaling, inject the drug.

It operates according to a scheme similar to a conventional aerosol: the medicine is released when the cap is pressed and penetrates the lungs.

Difficulties using the device can only arise in people with sore hand joints or poor coordination of movements.

Such a wide variety of inhalers allows a person suffering from bronchial asthma to choose the best option for themselves.

The device should be constantly available to asthmatics so that they can respond as quickly as possible in the event of an attack.

The inhaler will relieve acute symptoms of the disease in just a few seconds.

This effect is achieved due to the fact that it uses small doses of drugs. Additionally, this virtually eliminates the occurrence of side effects.

List of types of inhalers for the treatment of asthma

Inhalers are devices that very quickly deliver medication into the respiratory tract. Nowadays you can find many varieties of these devices. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Bronchial asthma can manifest itself differently in each patient. Therefore, it is better to entrust the choice of inhaler to your doctor.

Types of inhalers:

  1. Spacers. They are indispensable for the treatment of bronchial asthma in children, since they ensure that the medicine reaches the bronchi regardless of breathing.
  2. Nebulizers. They provide maximum spraying of the medicine over a small area of ​​the bronchi.
  3. Metered liquid aerosol. It is very easy to use, but the medicine enters the respiratory system only when inhaled.
  4. Dosed powder. They help ensure that the required dose of the dry drug enters the patient’s body.
  5. Hormonal. They allow the use of broad-spectrum glucocorticosteroids.

Use of nebulizers

Nebulizers deliver medications directly to the lungs. They convert liquid medicine into an aerosol, but at the same time all properties are preserved. Small aerosol particles are delivered to the respiratory tract almost without loss, and the therapeutic effect is felt almost immediately (after inhaling the medicine, relief is felt).

Nebulizer models and how to use them correctly:

  1. Compressor nebulizers. They create an aerosol cloud thanks to a compressor that delivers a strong stream of air with medicine through a narrow opening. These models are the most common. They can nebulize almost all medications.
  2. Electronic mesh nebulizers. They create an aerosol cloud using a vibrating plate that has many small holes. The medicinal solution passes through these holes, the structure of the substances is not disturbed and there are no restrictions on use.
  3. Ultrasonic nebulizers. They create an aerosol cloud due to the effect of high-frequency ultrasonic flow on the medicinal solution. However, such models can destroy some drugs, for example, mucolytics, hormonal and antibacterial agents. They are not suitable for all medicinal solutions.

How to use steam

Steam inhalers are used for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

This type of inhaler has an affordable price. It is excellent for treating bronchial asthma.

The principle of operation of a steam inhaler is based on inhaling hot steam. We can say that this device is an analogue of my grandmother’s method, when inhalations were done over a pan of boiled potatoes or herbal decoctions.

Despite all the advantages, steam inhalers have a number of disadvantages:

  • Cannot be used by small children.
  • Additional thermal effect is contraindicated in some diseases.
  • Prohibited if you have vascular diseases.
  • Many medicinal solutions cannot be used.
  • Cannot be used at high temperatures.

Instructions for using devices

Regardless of what base is contained in the asthma inhaler, it is important to use it correctly.

It is better for the initial skills to be demonstrated by representatives of the medical staff.

  1. Rinse your mouth so that no food remains remain in it.
  2. Grasp the can: place your thumb under the bottom, and your index finger on top.
  3. Remove the cap and shake the can.
  4. Exhale completely.
  5. Cover the mouthpiece tightly with your lips.
  6. Inhale while pressing the index finger on the canister.
  7. Remove the inhaler from your mouth.
  8. Hold your breath for 5-10 seconds.
  9. Exhale.
  10. Close the can.

Rules for using inhalers

Rules for using inhalers
In order to quickly stop a patient’s asthma attack and avoid wasted use of medications, you need to remember the simple rules for using inhalers:

  • if there are food residues in the mouth, the mouth must be rinsed;
  • the can must be grasped correctly: the thumb should be under the bottom, and the index finger on top;
  • you need to remove the cap from the can and shake it;
  • the patient should exhale and wrap his lips around the mouthpiece;
  • you need to inhale while pressing the upper part of the can with your index finger;
  • try not to breathe for about 5-10 seconds, after which you can exhale.
  • after a minute, if necessary, you can inject another dose of the drug.
  • at the end of the procedure, the can is closed and put back in place.

Before you start using the product you purchased, you need to study the instructions - quite often after the procedure it is recommended to rinse your mouth with clean water so that the medicine does not cause candidiasis or stomatitis.

How to choose a device

Inhalers for bronchial asthma should be selected exclusively by the attending physician.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account that the device with the medicinal product meets the basic requirements:

  • simplicity and ease of use;
  • compliance with the form of the disease;
  • ensuring the optimal amount of drug that should enter the respiratory tract.

It is also prohibited to determine the dose of the drug yourself. When using an inhaler for bronchial asthma, the specialist must monitor the patient and gradually (if necessary) reduce the dose of the medication used.

Indications for using a nebulizer

It is important to remember that you should not constantly breathe through this inhalation device. Drug nebulizer therapy is prescribed by a doctor individually and only in the following cases:

  • Symptomatic initial therapy,
  • basic treatment
  • then worsening (exacerbation of asthma),
  • and planned (annual) treatment with allergens according to the ASIT program.

The rest of the time, the nebulizer is not used, and the supply of vital medicinal substances into the bronchioles is ensured using metered-dose inhalation aerosols ( compact inhalers ).

If you have bronchial asthma, you cannot breathe through a nebulizer with means not prescribed by a doctor; increasing the dosage of the prescribed medication is prohibited. Self-medication is dangerous due to bronchospasm, pulmonary edema, or intoxication.

What affects the cost

The price of asthma inhalers varies depending on its type and the drug it contains. The manufacturing company plays a significant role in this.

The cheapest inhalers are steam inhalers. The cost of ultrasonic nebulizers varies depending on the number of functions the device is equipped with, as well as the popularity of the manufacturer.

The most expensive is the convection type of compressor inhaler for bronchial asthma.

This is due to the fact that these devices are equipped with special valves that regulate the dose of the sprayed aerosol.


To prevent attacks of bronchial asthma, you should lead a healthy lifestyle: do not overcool, do not be nervous, moderate physical activity, avoid allergens and tobacco smoke.

Interesting Facts

The first mention of an inhalation device dates back to the 4th century BC. The device, developed by Hippocrates, was a pot with a straw in the lid.

Through it, a patient with bronchial asthma inhaled smoke from burned herbs that had bronchodilator properties.

In 1190 AD, the thinker and physician Maimonides wrote a treatise on bronchial asthma. It also recommends that patients inhale smoke from burned medicinal herbs - lobelia, henbane, datura, belladonna.

The first analogue of a modern inhaler for bronchial asthma was developed by the English doctor J. Mudge in 1778. The device resembled a tin mug through which the patient inhaled opium. Now that opium has been proven to cause drug addiction, opium is no longer used as a drug. Opium addiction is now being treated, including with the help of high-quality kratom.

The first portable nebulizer with a manual pump was invented by J. Sales-Girons in 1858.

The device was intended for inhalation using thermal water.

The first inhalation center opened in London, where procedures were carried out using compressed oxygen, menthol, eucalyptus and even turpentine.

Inhalers for bronchial asthma

Bronchial asthma is a complex and dangerous disease of the respiratory system, which is characterized by a chronic course.
During an attack, the patient must immediately help himself, as suffocation can be fatal .

The most effective and progressive means are inhalers, with which you can quickly relieve an attack of suffocation by delivering medications directly into the respiratory tract.

What is an inhaler?

An asthma inhaler is a special device with which medications are delivered into the respiratory system by aerosol . It is used in emergency cases, as a result of which the medicine relieves an attack with lightning speed.

The inhaler contains a certain drug that relieves the negative effects of bronchial asthma and allows the patient to fully inhale and exhale air.

Using an inhaler, the medicine in the form of tiny particles after injection settles in the pharynx, larynx, trachea and bronchi, relieving spasms. Due to the aerosol, the medicine can reach the alveoli directly without any obstacles.

The use of an inhaler enhances the therapeutic effect of the disease and reduces the side effects of other medications taken. It can be used as an emergency or daily treatment depending on the severity of the disease.

The choice of inhaler for the treatment of bronchial asthma should be agreed with the attending physician.

When do you need an inhaler for asthma?

One of the main dangers of an asthma attack is the development of a state of suffocation of varying severity.

The main symptoms of an incipient attack include:

  1. Cough, mainly in the morning or at night.
  2. Discharge of clear sputum.
  3. Inhalation is short and difficult.
  4. Exhalation is longer than inhalation.
  5. Change in breathing rhythm.
  6. Wheezing can be heard in both lungs.

If the patient is not given timely assistance, symptoms may worsen. Respiratory failure and shortness of breath develop.

An asthma inhaler is the fastest and most effective way of prevention and treatment. With its help, the medicine enters directly into the bronchi, which ensures maximum speed of action.

Several types of devices for inhalation administration of drugs have been developed.

There are stationary and portable devices.

For the treatment of bronchial asthma at home, inhalation through a nebulizer is recommended. This is a stationary device that provides the most effective delivery of medication to the most distant parts of the bronchial tree.

It is used both to relieve attacks and for basic treatment of the disease. The nebulizer is widely used for preventive purposes.

Pocket inhalers are well suited for self-help with bronchial asthma on the go. They are easy to carry and use in case of urgent need due to their light weight and compactness.

Types and principle of operation

There are several types of devices used by asthmatics. Each of them has its own characteristics, operating principle and structure. In addition, inhalers have their advantages and disadvantages , which must be taken into account when purchasing a device.

This is the simplest of devices in which, under the influence of high temperature, the drug is converted into steam. By inhaling steam, the patient improves blood circulation in the respiratory system and removes mucus, which allows the asthmatic to breathe efficiently.

The disadvantage of such a device is a less pronounced therapeutic effect , since many medications lose their medicinal properties when exposed to high temperatures.

This type of inhalation cannot be used by patients with problems of the cardiovascular system, tuberculosis, bleeding, or people who have recently suffered serious illnesses.


The device includes a compressor that creates high pressure. The drug is pushed out through a small hole in the form of an aerosol. These are universal devices that can be used at any stage of the disease .

Compressor inhalers allow the use of various medications, as well as antiseptics, expectorants and antibiotics.

The downside is the large size of the device , as well as slight noise during its use.


The device operates using sound waves that break down medications into the air flow.

When using the device, the medicine quickly enters the respiratory system, relieves spasms and prevents suffocation.

The device is small in size, operates silently, and is convenient to use in any environment .

Electronic mesh

The operating principle of such a device is associated with the generation of low-frequency ultrasonic vibrations.

The inhaler has a special membrane, which promotes the production of waves. They break down medicinal substances, which quickly enter the human respiratory tract and relieve an attack in a matter of seconds .

Various types of medications can be administered when using the device . The device is also small in size and does not make any noise when in use.

Types of pocket inhalers

The modern medical arsenal includes many pocket inhalers, both bronchodilators and anti-inflammatory (hormonal) ones.
Bronchodilators differ in their mechanism of action, the speed of onset of the effect and its duration. Short-acting medications (4-6 hours) are usually prescribed when an attack is needed. And long-acting drugs (12 hours) are used for continuous treatment to prevent the manifestations of the disease (in addition, they allow the use of smaller doses of inhaled hormones). At the time of an attack, you can use only medications that quickly exert their effect: any short-acting drugs, and of long-acting drugs - only formoterol. Pocket inhalers for bronchial asthma are represented by two types of devices - metered dose aerosol inhalers and powder inhalers. Metered-dose inhalers contain a solution or suspension (suspension of particles) of a drug in a propellant (carrier). To release a dose of the drug, you need to press on the can, and the propellant, expanding, forms a “cloud” of aerosol. Powder inhalers contain fine powder - in a multi-dose container, multi-dose blister pack, or single-dose capsule. The rules of inhalation differ for each of the powder inhalers, but in any case, the release of the medicine occurs under the influence of the force of inhalation. Both types of inhalers have their advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of powder inhalers include good delivery of the drug to the lungs, as well as the fact that there is no need to synchronize inhalation with activation of the device. Their disadvantages are the risk of errors in the technique of using the inhaler (with insufficient training) and the need to take a strong and fast breath. The latter is not always possible due to age (children, elderly people), severe course or exacerbation of the disease, as well as concomitant diseases. In addition, powder inhalers are quite expensive. Metered-dose aerosol inhalers are easy to use, reliable, compact and relatively inexpensive. The distribution of the drug in the bronchi does not depend on the inhalation rate. However, difficulties may be associated with the need to press the canister simultaneously with the start of inhalation. Patients should pay increased attention to the inhalation technique, because the effectiveness of treatment depends not only on the properties of the drug itself, but also on the completeness of its delivery to the bronchi.

In order for the drug to better reach “where it should”, it is recommended to use a spacer - a chamber that is attached to the inhaler. The injection from the can is made not into the mouth, but into a spacer, and from there the medicine is inhaled by the patient. At the same time, the need to coordinate inhalation with pressing the canister disappears, the percentage of the drug entering the bronchi increases and its settling in the mouth and throat decreases. Overall, this increases the effectiveness of treatment and reduces the risk of adverse events.

Pocket inhaler for emergency use

An asthma attack can happen anywhere. Therefore, it is important to have a device that can be easily used in any conditions: especially on the street and outside the home.

In such situations, a pocket inhaler is most effective. It is small in size, lightweight and easy to use.

There are several types of such an inhaler:

  1. Powder , which delivers drugs into the respiratory system in the form of a dry mixture. The device can be disk. In this case, the dose of powder is adjusted automatically, and the turbo inhaler in the device delivers small doses that the patient needs.

The device has an indicator that shows the amount of medicine remaining.

What medications are used in inhalers?

There are several types of medications that are used for bronchial asthma.
First of all, these are bronchodilators .

Their use allows the patient to expand the lumens in the bronchi and relieve bronchospasm, affecting the respiratory organs.

They also help eliminate the causes that caused the narrowing.

The most effective anti-asthma drugs are:

Bronchodilators are taken only as prescribed by a doctor.

The patient also needs to take medications that help thin the sputum . The list of effective drugs includes:

This group also includes:

  • hypertonic solution NaCl 4%;
  • saline sodium chloride solution 0.9%.

Complex treatment also includes antibacterial drugs . They come in aerosols and sprays, and are recommended for use in the form of inhalations. These are drugs that have the following names:

Anti-inflammatory drugs play an important role in treatment . The most effective are:

  • Pulmicort;
  • Cromohexal and other hormonal drugs.

Antitussives are prescribed for dry cough, laryngitis and tracheitis.

A description of the action of all drugs can be found in the instructions.

Inhalation with a nebulizer

When using a nebulizer, all medications enter the patient’s respiratory system, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract and without penetrating the circulatory system .
Due to this, the patient does not experience any side effects.

The device can be used as an emergency aid during an attack or as basic therapy.

A positive effect in the treatment of bronchial asthma with a nebulizer will be achieved if the device is used correctly :

  1. Inhalations should be carried out an hour after meals and after physical activity.
  2. To make breathing easier, you need to free the neck area from clothing.
  3. Before inhalation, it is not recommended to take medications that dilute sputum.
  4. The procedure with medications should be carried out 3 times a day.
  5. After the procedure, the patient should not speak for another 20 minutes.
  6. It is not recommended to drink or eat food within 30 minutes after inhalation.
  7. After inhalation, the oral cavity is rinsed with water at room temperature.
  8. If the patient has used a mask, wash eyes and face.

Before treatment with a nebulizer, you must consult a doctor.

Using an inhaler - list of contraindications

An asthma inhaler is not a panacea for an incurable disease. By using it, people significantly improve the quality of their lives. But not everyone can use it. The device for inhalation procedures works in conjunction with a medicine containing certain medicinal substances. Spraying them is contraindicated in the presence of the following pathologies:

Safety instructions for using the inhaler

  • cough with bloody sputum;
  • lung diseases;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the hematopoietic system;
  • after heart attacks and strokes.

There are many drugs that should be used with caution by pregnant women, children and the elderly. When starting inhalation treatment for asthma, you should consult your doctor.

It is advisable to carry out the inhalation procedure a couple of hours after eating. Do not smoke after using the inhaler. Even passive inhalation of tobacco smoke can lead to the development of an even more severe asthma attack.

Video: Types of inhalers for the treatment of bronchial asthma

Indications and contraindications

The use of inhalations is not allowed for all patients. Especially if the steam method is used. Before carrying out such a procedure, you should consult a doctor.

Inhalation should also be avoided by those patients who:

  • increased body temperature;
  • if the disease relapses more than 2 times within a week;
  • if formations are found in the brain or respiratory system;
  • with purulent processes in the respiratory tract;
  • if bleeding in the bronchi or lungs is diagnosed;
  • if the patient has a purulent sore throat;
  • if purulent sputum comes out when coughing;
  • for grade 3 hypertension;
  • if swelling of the mucous membranes is diagnosed.

In addition to bronchial asthma itself, the use of inhalation is indicated :

  • with pneumonia;
  • if tuberculosis is diagnosed;
  • if the patient has cystic fibrosis with pulmonary syndrome;
  • in bedridden patients with congestive pneumonia.
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