Flemoxin or flemoklav solutab difference

Comparison of drugs


Medicines have an identical principle of action and contain the same active element.
Their active substances are placed in microspheres that have increased resistance to acids. In addition, these medicines do not contain gluten and glucose, so they can be used by diabetics.

As directed by a doctor, both drugs can be used in pediatrics, lactation and pregnancy.


Flemoklav has a wider spectrum of action than Flemoxin, because it additionally contains clavulanic acid. In addition, the presence of this ingredient provides a more pronounced antibacterial effect and makes it possible to reduce the dosage of amoxicillin in the drug. Therefore, during treatment with this drug, side effects are less likely to develop.

Which is cheaper?

The cost of Flemoklav is higher than Flemoxin. The difference in prices is explained by a broader spectrum of action and the presence of clavulanic acid in the composition of the first drug.

At first glance, the two medications are very similar - brand, packaging, purpose. The difference in price is 50 rubles maximum. But there are a couple of distinctive features between them. Flemoclav was released later than its brother, based on clavulanic acid, it creates the necessary tandem with the penicillin series of substances. This union is effective against foreign strains of bacteria, breaking bonds and destroying them more efficiently and quickly.

Flemoxin can be used by pregnant and lactating women, while Flemoklav is not recommended.

Flemoklav and Flemoxin have both common and distinctive features.


The similarities between the drugs are:

  • release form (both drugs are intended for oral use);
  • common active ingredient (Flemoxin and Flemoklav tablets are produced on the basis of amoxicillin);
  • the effectiveness of the drug against certain types of pathogens;
  • Possibility of use for the treatment of infections in children.

What is the difference

The main difference between Flemoclav is the presence of clavulanic acid in its composition, which prevents the destruction of amoxicillin under the influence of bacterial enzymes. This gives the drug the following advantages:

  • expansion of the spectrum of action by increasing the list of sensitive microorganisms;
  • high clinical effectiveness;
  • the possibility of using lower doses, reducing the risk of side effects.

Which is cheaper?

The cost of Flemoklav is approximately 30% higher than the price of Flemoxin.

Which is cheaper?

Comparison of Flemoklav Solutab and Flemoxin Solutab

The drugs contain amoxicillin, but belong to different pharmacological groups and have slightly different therapeutic properties, which must be taken into account when choosing.


Both drugs include the same active substance with antibacterial properties and have the same principle of action on pathogenic microorganisms. They are effective against diseases against which amoxicillin is active.

If prescribed by a doctor, the drugs can be used in pediatrics.

Antibiotics are available in tablet form and are manufactured in the Netherlands.

The main components are enclosed in microspheres that are resistant to acidic environments, due to which the tablets reach the zone of maximum absorption unchanged, which ensures high effectiveness of the drugs.

They do not contain glucose or gluten, therefore they are suitable for patients suffering from diabetes.

If prescribed by a doctor, they can be used in pediatrics, as well as for the treatment of pregnant and lactating women, after taking into account the potential risks.


Unlike Flemoxin, Flemoklav has a wider spectrum of action, since it contains clavulanic acid, which ensures the antibiotic’s resistance to microorganisms that inhibit the work of amoxicillin.

The presence of clavulanic acid, which has a slight antibacterial effect, allows you to reduce the dose of amoxicillin in Flemoklav.

Which is cheaper?

Despite the fact that both antibiotics are imported drugs, the price of a package of Flemoklav Solutab is slightly higher than Flemoxin. The difference in the cost of antibacterial agents is due to the more saturated composition and wide spectrum of action of Flemoklav.

Due to the clavulanic acid in its composition, Flemoclav Solutab is effective against diseases caused by amoxicillin-resistant bacteria.


According to pharmaceutical data, Flemoxin is an analogue of Flemoklav. Many pharmacists offer it as an alternative to their customers if the prescribed medicine is out of stock. In fact, this is not entirely correct. And now we will explain why.

The active ingredient of one and the second drug is amoxicillin. It is an antibiotic of the penicillin series, known for its broad spectrum of action and effectiveness against a large number of pathogenic microorganisms. At the same time, Flemoclav also contains clavulanic acid, which not only protects antibiotic cells in the internal environment of the body, but also exhibits its own antibacterial activity, enhancing the effect of amoxicillin.

Here is the first difference - different pharmacological groups. Flemoxin is a penicillin antibiotic, and Flemoklav is a combination drug, penicillins with beta-lactamase inhibitors.

Moreover, the amount of mg. shows the content of the active ingredient in 1 tablet form. Each tablet is engraved with the exact amount of active ingredient indicated. The exact content of clavulanic acid is added to the dosage of amoxicillin in Flemoclav. The tablets are also labeled with the amount of active ingredients listed in mg.

  • 125 and 31.25;
  • 250 and 62.5;
  • 500 and 125;
  • 875 and 125.

Advice: when the patient cannot take the medicine in tablets, it can be prepared in the form of a suspension, which will have a rather pleasant taste.

Many people cannot decide which is better, between Flemoxin or Flemoklav, or how to make a choice in favor of one drug or another. First of all, the combination drug is prescribed when pathogenic bacteria have developed resistance to amoxicillin. This often happens when using Flemoxin Solutab on your own or stopping the drug too early. Most often this situation occurs with the following diseases:

  • otitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • genitourinary infection;
  • abscess after tooth extraction.

In medicine, an experiment was carried out in which children were treated for reactive arthritis for 30 days with Flemoxin and Flemoclav. In the group taking Flemoxin, complete cure occurred in 48% of cases. Those who were treated with the combination drug were cured in 58%. The same results were observed in the treatment of gastric ulcers caused by the Helicobacter bacterium. Therapy with Flemoklav gave complete recovery in 92%, and with a single dose of amoxicillin, a positive result occurred in 85% of cases.

In addition, operative surgery notes that the combination of amoxicillin with clavulanic acid leads to a reduction in the period of complete recovery. Typically, during recovery, patients taking this drug experience faster relief from swelling and less pain than those treated with Flemoxin.

What is the difference between Flemoklav Solutab and Flemoxin Solutab?

Penicillin antibiotics have a wide range of effects and are active against many pathogenic strains. This group of drugs includes Flemoklav Solutab and Flemoxin Solutab. They have both similarities and differences.

Penicillin antibiotics with a wide range of effects include Flemoklav Solutab from Flemoxin Solutab.

Which is better: Flemoklav Solutab or Flemoxin Solutab?

Flemoclav is effective for pathologies caused by microorganisms resistant to amoxicillin. It is advisable to prescribe this drug for undiagnosed pathogens.

If the disease is caused by bacteria for which amoxicillin is effective, experts recommend using Flemoxin, which is less likely to cause side effects.

It is up to the doctor to choose the antibiotic.

Release form and dosage

Flemoxin Solutab and Flemoklav Solutab are produced (Netherlands). Release form: dispersed tablets, easily soluble in water.

As for the dosage, some differences are already found here. Thus, Flemoxin is available in the following dosages:

  • 125 mg (231);
  • 250 mg (232);
  • 500 mg (234);
  • 1000 mg (236).

Where mg is the amount of active ingredient amoxicillin in 1 tablet. Each tablet has an engraving corresponding to the dosage. For convenience, we have indicated it in parentheses.

The dosage for the drug Flemoklav indicates the amount of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid:

  • 125 mg 31.25 mg (421);
  • 250 mg 62.5 mg (422);
  • 500 mg 125 mg (424);
  • 875 mg 125 mg (425).

The tablets also have markings corresponding to the amount of active substance.

The release form of the antibacterial drug Solutab was patented by a Japanese pharmaceutical manufacturer several decades ago. The essence of the innovation is that the antibacterial drug is produced in the most convenient form - in the form of microspheres with an active ingredient contained inside.

The fundamental difference between the Solutab form and others is that:

  • The destruction of microspheres occurs precisely in the area of ​​the absorption window, making it possible to increase the useful concentration of the antibacterial agent and prevent premature destruction of the drug.
  • Thanks to this form, an increase in the concentration of the drug in the blood is achieved without increasing the dosage, and the biological activity of the drug increases.
  • The risk of common side effects from the ventricle and intestines is reduced.
  • Placing the active substance in microspheres not only helps to reduce the size of the tablet, which makes taking the drug more convenient for the patient, but also frees it from excipients: sugar and gluten, which is fundamentally important for patients suffering from diabetes and gluten intolerance.
  • The tablet is quite easy to swallow whole due to its small size, or pre-dissolve with water, which does not affect the therapeutic effect of the drug.

Using this type of placement of the medicinal component, today the company produces antibacterial drugs: Flemoxin Solutab, Flemoklav Solutab, Unidox Solutab.


All drugs whose main active ingredient is amoxicillin: Flemoxin and Flemoclav, Flemoxin Solutab and others, despite their structural features, shape and composition, have similar indications for use:

  1. Almost all uncomplicated respiratory infections and ENT diseases.
  2. Infections of the genitourinary tract - inflammation of the bladder, urethra, infectious kidney diseases.
  3. Infectious peritonitis, colitis, enteritis, inflammatory processes of the biliary tract.
  4. Infectious lesions of the skin and soft tissues.
  5. Prevention of postoperative infectious complications.
  6. Treatment of peptic ulcer in combination with metronidazole.
  7. Can be used as part of a combination treatment of various septic conditions.


Contraindications for taking medications whose main active ingredient is amoxicillin are:

  • The presence of intolerance to penicillin antibiotics.
  • History of colitis caused by taking antibacterial agents.
  • Manifestations of allergic diathesis, bronchial asthma.
  • Severe blood diseases.
  • Severe renal failure.

For pregnant and breastfeeding patients, flemoklav and flemoxin are prescribed only after assessing all the risks of possible undesirable effects. The active ingredient, amoxicillin, passes into breast milk quite easily and can cause unwanted side reactions in the baby.

Side effects

All antibiotics in this group can cause the following adverse reactions:

  • Allergic manifestations: urticaria, erythematous changes on the skin and mucous membranes, anaphylaxis.
  • From the digestive tract: nausea, vomiting, stool disorders, increased levels of liver enzymes, intestinal dysbiosis, colitis.
  • Neurological disorders: insomnia, psychomotor agitation or depression, seizures.
  • Headache, dizziness.
  • Changes in the level of platelets, eosinophils, leukocytes in peripheral blood.
  • Shortness of breath, tachycardia, joint pain.

Admission rules

During treatment, it is fundamentally important:

  • Maintain equal intervals of time between taking the drug.
  • Compliance with prescribed dosages and duration of treatment.
  • The drug can be taken regardless of meals; as a rule, it is well tolerated by patients. In order to reduce the likelihood of possible undesirable reactions from the digestive system, it is better to do this during or immediately after eating.
  • With long-term use, it is necessary to monitor biochemical and general blood parameters.

Safety of Flemoxin and Flemoklav: is there a difference?

And after all this, a completely logical question arises: if combined antibiotics are so effective in fighting bacterial infections, then why produce single drugs at all? But, as we found out, Flemoxin differs from Flemoklav in its level of safety. Moreover, he is the leader in this category.

We all know about the side effects of taking amoxicillin. But clavulanic acid itself can cause unwanted reactions. Therefore, when taking combination drugs, the risks of developing these side effects significantly increase, and the list of contraindications expands.

Therefore, you should not self-medicate and choose medications at your own discretion. Without wanting to, you risk seriously undermining your health by not getting rid of the first problem - a bacterial infection.

It would seem that after receiving general information about both Flemoxin and Flemoklav, it is extremely difficult to identify any differences between the drugs. However, this is a rather erroneous judgment, since, delving into the study of antibiotics more deeply, a number of differences can be identified between them. Our resource has carried out this procedure and is ready to present you with its results.

First of all, we note that Flemoclav Solutab contains clavulanic acid, but its opponent does not. This difference makes the first antibiotic more resistant in the fight against bacterial microflora, since it is clavulanic acid that binds to bacterial beta-lactamases, which helps protect the antibiotic from the adverse effects of particularly strong microorganisms and their enzymes that can destroy the drug and neutralize its effects. Such a minor nuance puts Flemoklav Solutab in a more honorable position relative to his today's opponent.

In addition, the combined use of clavulanic acid and amoxicillin allows Flemoclav to provide additional benefits:

  • increase the versatility of the drug, that is, this antibiotic is able to fight a larger list of bacteria than its opponent - Flemoxin
  • reduce the dose of the antibiotic taken, since amoxicillin is supplemented with an appropriate dose of clavulanic acid (for example, 250-62.5 mg or 875-125 mg)

Despite the smaller list of pathologies for the treatment of which Flemoklav is used, it is more universal, especially in the treatment of respiratory tract pathologies. It is worth noting that both drugs we are considering are produced by the same pharmacological company from Holland. In fact, they are close analogues with slight differences in composition, which modify the method and effect of the drugs.

Comparing the statistical data collected by specialists regarding treatment with Flemoxin and Flemoclav, the following can be highlighted:

  • When using the first antibiotic, about 50% of people notice a noticeable effect from the drug
  • when using a medication containing clavulanic acid, this effect is noted by more than 60% of patients

There are no other differences between the drugs, except for their cost. On average, Flemoklav costs 10-20% more than its opponent when used in similar situations.

Do not forget that both antibiotics are quite potent and should not be prescribed for self-medication by the patient himself or his relatives.

Which of them is most optimal for use in a particular case can only be determined by the attending physician who has the necessary information about the pathology and clinical picture of the patient’s illness. Improper organization of antibacterial therapy is a dangerous practice that can cause some complications in the patient, remember this.

Summarizing today's material, we note that Flemoxin and Flemoklav are highly soluble and very similar antibiotics, but they still have differences between themselves. The most significant of these is the general principle of influencing unfavorable microflora. It can be stated that Flemoclav is a more universal antibiotic that will perform slightly better than its opponent.

Timely prescription of medications and a well-designed drug therapy regimen are an important condition for the treatment of bacterial infections. Modern pharmacology offers a huge list of means to suppress the activity of pathogenic microflora

They all have different properties and characteristics

But today we decided to focus our attention on the drugs Flemoxin and Flemoklav. Is there a difference between these two drugs?

Now let's move on to the question of what is the main difference between Flemoxin and Flemoklav. From a chemical point of view, amoxicillin is similar in structure to ampicillin. Both antibiotics have the same spectrum of action against pathogenic microorganisms. At the same time, amoxicillin is absorbed 50-60% better when taken orally.

Amoxicillin, like other penicillin antibiotics, is called beta-lactam. The principle of operation of antibiotic molecules on the cells of pathogenic microorganisms is very simple. Due to its chemical structure, its structural components have the ability to bind to the center of the enzyme responsible for accelerating the production of peptidoglycan.

Peptidoglycan is an important component of the cell wall of pathogenic bacteria. Violation of the synthesis process of this important element interferes with the process of division of cellular structures.

The mechanism of development of bacterial inflammation is active cell proliferation, in which two daughter units are formed from each parent unit. Inhibition of the process of peptidoglycan production leads to a failure of the well-functioning mechanism and, as a consequence, the death of these cells.

But, unfortunately, not only humanity has evolved in our world, but also bacteria. Many of them have managed to develop a kind of protection against antibacterial drugs - beta-lactamase enzymes, which have the property of breaking down antibiotic molecules. This concept is better known to us as antibiotic resistance or resistance of pathogenic microflora to the action of a drug.

It is for such cases that combination drugs were developed, one of which is Flemoklav. Unlike Flemoxin, it contains clavulanic acid. When ingested, clavulanic acid molecules bind to bacterial enzymes and block their work.

Difference in Action

In terms of its chemical structure, amoxicillin is closest to ampicillin. It has the same spectrum of antibacterial action, but unlike ampicillin, it is 40-60% better absorbed when taken per os (orally) and thus provides a higher concentration of the active substance in the blood.

Antibiotics of this series (penicillin, ampicillin, oxacillin, amoxicillin, etc.) are also called beta-lactams, because in the structure of their molecule they contain the so-called beta-lactam ring. Therefore, their mechanism of action on a bacterial cell is similar. It lies in the fact that, thanks to this chemical structure, the antibiotic binds to the active center of the enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of peptidoglycan.

Peptidoglycan is a vital component of the bacterial cell wall. If it is not produced, the bacteria cannot complete the division process. When bacteria multiply, two daughter cells arise from one parent cell. However, when peptidoglycan synthesis is inhibited, the new cell will never receive its own “separate apartment” and will not bud off from the parent. As a result, both cells die.

If the mechanism is so simple and reliable, why come up with combination drugs? This is necessary because bacteria have natural protection. During evolution, they developed beta-lactamase enzymes that hydrolyze beta-lactam antibiotics.

So, Flemoklav, in addition to amoxicillin, contains clavulanic acid. This substance irreversibly binds to beta-lactamases and inactivates them. As a result, the antibiotic is saved from the damaging effects of the enzyme and can achieve its antibacterial effect.

"Solyutab" - packages of 250, 500 and 875 mg

Pharmacological properties

Now let's move on to the question of what is the main difference between Flemoxin and Flemoklav. From a chemical point of view, amoxicillin is similar in structure to ampicillin. Both antibiotics have the same spectrum of action against pathogenic microorganisms. At the same time, amoxicillin is absorbed 50-60% better when taken orally.

But, unfortunately, not only humanity has evolved in our world, but also bacteria. Many of them have managed to develop a kind of protection against antibacterial drugs - beta-lactamase enzymes, which have the property of breaking down antibiotic molecules.

The basis of this medication is amoxicillin trihydrate. The substance is effective against many gram-negative and gram-positive pathogens, including intestinal pathogens.

The drug does not affect bacteria that are resistant to amoxicillin, Proteus and Enterobacter.

The medicine is quickly absorbed in the esophagus. Its maximum plasma concentration is observed 1-2 hours after entering the body. The substance is removed from the body during urination.

Flemoxin Salutab does not act on bacteria that are resistant to amoxicillin, Proteus and Enterobacter.

Flemoxin is prescribed for the following indications:

  • respiratory system infections;
  • infectious skin lesions;
  • infections of the reproductive and urinary system;
  • intestinal infections.

The product is not used in patients with individual sensitivity to penicillin and cephalosporin antibiotics or excipients from its composition.

The drug is prescribed to pregnant patients after a thorough analysis of possible complications. If you are breastfeeding and need to take medication, it is advisable to stop breastfeeding.

The medication causes the following negative conditions:

  • candidiasis;
  • anemia;
  • convulsions;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • allergenic manifestations;
  • anemia;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • diarrhea;
  • jaundice;
  • hepatitis.

In case of an overdose of Flemoxin, an increase in dose-dependent side effects is observed.

In adolescents and adults with a body weight of 40 kg or more, the drug is used in dosages of 500 to 700 mg twice a day. The daily dosage for minor patients weighing less than 40 kg is calculated from the ratio of 40-90 mg of active substance per kilogram of body weight. The prescribed amount of the drug should be divided into 3 doses.

The average duration of a course of medication is no more than 1 week. If necessary, the doctor may prolong the treatment.

Properties of Flemoxin Solutab

Flemoxin Solutab is an antibacterial drug based on amoxicillin trihydrate, which is active against some gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and is effective in the treatment of intestinal infections.

It has no effect on pathogenic microorganisms that are resistant to amoxicillin due to the production of beta-lactamase, as well as on indole-positive Enterobacter and Proteus.

The drug is quickly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and is almost completely absorbed. The maximum concentration in the blood is observed 1-2 hours after ingestion. Metabolized to active metabolites and excreted from the body mainly in the urine.

Flemoxin Solutab is an antibacterial drug based on amoxicillin trihydrate.

Prescribed for infections caused by microorganisms sensitive to amoxicillin:

  • respiratory tract diseases;
  • infections of soft tissues and skin;
  • infectious lesions of the genitourinary system;
  • infections of the gastrointestinal tract, including peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum associated with Helicobacter.

Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to cephalosporin and penicillin drugs, additional components included in Flemoxin.

Can be used to treat pregnant women as prescribed by a doctor and after assessing the potential risks. Can be used during breastfeeding. If a child shows signs of gastrointestinal distress or skin rashes, stop taking the drug.

In some cases, possible side effects include:

  • candidiasis of the mucous membranes and skin;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • anemia;
  • allergic reactions;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • convulsions;
  • hepatitis;
  • cholestatic jaundice;
  • interstitial nephritis.

Which drug to choose: effectiveness assessment

Considering the difference in pharmacological properties due to the composition of the drugs, their therapeutic effect will also differ. And where Flemoxin cannot effectively resist microorganisms that produce beta-lactamases, Flemoklav will cope with this task perfectly.

The main advantages of the combination antibiotic:

  • a wide range of applications due to the expansion of the list of bacteria sensitive to the action of the drug;
  • higher clinical effectiveness of the drug;
  • reducing the dose required to achieve a therapeutic effect.

Based on all of the above, we can draw the right conclusions that Flemoxin or Flemoklav is better. Thus, Flemoclav becomes the first choice drug for infectious diseases caused by bacteria that have already developed resistance to antibiotics. Among them:

  • otitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • skin and soft tissue infections;
  • abscesses of the oral cavity (including for the prevention of complications after surgery, tooth extraction).

Some facts in favor of Flemoclav indicate the following:

  1. Patients diagnosed with reactive arthritis (children). For a month, one group of patients was treated with amoxicillin, and the second was treated with a combination drug with clavulanic acid. The results of antibacterial therapy of the first group - 48% of children showed an improvement in their condition. The results of treatment with amoxicillin in combination with clavulanic acid were higher - 58% of young patients showed positive dynamics.
  2. Surgical dentistry. According to the observations of dentists, taking combined antibacterial agents can not only shorten the rehabilitation period after surgery (tooth extraction), but also significantly alleviate the patient’s condition.
  3. Complex treatment of gastric ulcer caused by Helicobacter pylori. Treatment with a combination antibiotic and clavulanate helps achieve complete recovery in 92% of cases. At the same time, a single dose of amoxicillin gives indicators not exceeding 85%.

Having examined the substances that make up these two drugs, we see that flemoklav is able to effectively fight microorganisms that are capable of producing beta-lactamases; Flemoxin has nothing to oppose to this group of bacteria. Although, in some cases, flemoxin is able to cope with the infection.

Thus, if the causative agent of the disease is unknown, then it is preferable to use flemoclav, since this medicine has a better chance of coping with the infectious lesion. In addition, the inclusion of clavulanate in the antibiotic composition allows, in some cases, even to reduce the amount of antibiotic taken (by increasing its effectiveness).

It should be remembered that antibiotics are not as harmless as you might think when you see them on the market. You should not use them without consulting a doctor, nor should you decide on your own which antibiotic to prefer.

Let the final decision on what to choose in each specific case - flemoxin or flemoclav - be made by the attending physician, taking into account the characteristics of the course of the disease and the properties of the drugs.

Which product to choose

Obviously, with differences in composition, the therapeutic effect will also differ. For example, there is no point in using Flemoxin to fight bacteria that synthesize beta-lactamase, since the action of the antibiotic will be blocked.

This can be solved with Flemoklav, which contains clavulanic acid. Taking this medicine provides important benefits:

  • expansion of indications for use and the list of bacteria that can be combated,
  • reducing the daily dose of the drug,
  • increasing the effectiveness of the drug in a lower dosage.

It can be concluded that a combined antibiotic is necessary for diseases caused by bacteria that synthesize beta-lactamases:

  • sinusitis,
  • bronchitis,
  • otitis,
  • skin and urinary tract infections,
  • inflammation in the oral cavity and subsequent suppuration (abscess).

Some research was carried out to select the proportions of the two active ingredients of Flemoclav in order to achieve good treatment effectiveness. At the moment, there are several ratios, but the Flemoklav packaging usually indicates the ratio of antibiotic to acid in a ratio of 4:1 or 7:1.

Statistics have established that therapy for childhood reactive arthritis, which included a combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid, gave results after a month of stable use. At the same time, the proportion of patients who took a combination antibiotic were cured faster than those who took only amoxicillin. Also, observations by dentists showed the effectiveness of Flemoklav in the postoperative period: swelling and pain subside much faster. Therapy for peptic ulcer disease also requires a combination medication to achieve rapid recovery and reduce the risk of relapse.

It is important to note that the differences lie not only in the therapeutic effect, but also in safety. The fact is that the use of clavulanic acid is fraught with adverse reactions. Thus, there are more contraindications for taking Flemoklav than for Flemoxin. Adverse reactions include stomach upset, nausea and vomiting, the risk of liver disease also increases significantly, and damage to the kidneys occurs.

Can it be taken together?

Antibiotics reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills and medications that stimulate the synthesis of vitamins B10 and H1 due to the effects of amoxicillin.

If you take medications simultaneously with bactericidal antibiotics, the drugs will increase their effectiveness, but if you use bacteriostatic agents, the effectiveness will decrease.

Amoxicillin should not be taken together with laxatives, antacids and glucosamine, since the medicinal effect of antibiotics will be significantly reduced due to poor absorption in the intestine. However, ascorbic acid, on the contrary, improves the absorption of amoxicillin.

Features of taking medications

Both remedies are good in that even a child can use them, but the medication should only be prescribed by a pediatrician, after conducting a preliminary examination of the small patient. The instructions state that Flemoklav can be given to children over 3 months old, and the dosage is no more than 30 mg per 1 kg of body weight once a day.

Antibiotics are suitable for women during pregnancy at any stage of fetal development. Studies have shown that the combination has no effect on intrauterine development and does not cause congenital anomalies. Despite this, doctors are reluctant to prescribe Flemoclav, preferring Flemoxin, which does not contain clavulanic acid.

If a woman is breastfeeding and has been prescribed a course of antibiotic therapy, then it is worth stopping breastfeeding and switching the baby to formula milk. The bottom line is that amoxicillin easily passes through the placental barrier and is mixed with breast milk, which may well cause sensitization in a small child and the appearance of diarrhea or candidiasis. Although your baby may not experience side effects, it’s not worth the risk.

For adults and children over 12 years of age, the doctor prescribes a dose according to the instructions. If the case of the disease is severe, then the attending physician doubles the dosage, but you should not take more than 1000 mg of amoxicillin in 8 hours. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor depending on the severity of the disease, the tendency to recovery and other factors.

Tablets dissolve in a glass of water

The regimen for taking the drugs is simple - the tablets are dissolved in 1/3 glass of cool water or swallowed and washed down with liquid. In addition, the tablets can be crushed and made into syrup with sugar (a good option for children). You should take the antibiotic before meals because it causes irritation to the digestive tract if you take the medicine on an empty stomach.

How does Flemoclav Solutab work?

The basis of this antibiotic is clavulanic acid and amoxicillin. Their combination is effective against many pathogens, including penicillin-resistant bacteria.

Amoxicillin promotes the destruction of bacterial cell membranes, causing their rapid death. Clavulanic acid reduces the activity of pathogenic beta-lactamases, enhancing the medicinal effect of amoxicillin.

The medicine is quickly absorbed. The peak of its concentration in blood plasma is observed 60 minutes after oral administration. The medication is eliminated by urination.

Flemoklav Solutab is indicated for:

  • otitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • dermatological infections;
  • bone and joint infectious pathologies;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis;
  • cystitis

The medicine is prohibited for use in cases of intolerance to the ingredients of its composition and severe liver diseases.

If necessary, an antibiotic can be used during the 2nd and 3rd trimester of gestation. In the 1st trimester, its use is undesirable.

During lactation, the product is used only after a thorough risk analysis. If a child has diarrhea, feeding should be stopped.

During treatment with Flemoclav, the following side effects may occur:

  • urge to vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • anemia;
  • abdominal discomfort;
  • dry mouth;
  • headache;
  • candidiasis (vaginal);
  • superinfection;
  • convulsions;
  • leukopenia;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • manifestations of an allergenic nature.

The maximum duration of treatment with Flemoklav Salutab is 14 days.

If the recommended dose is exceeded, the severity of negative reactions increases.

For adolescents and adults weighing over 40 kg, it is advisable to take 500 mg of the medicine three times a day. In case of severe pathology, the dosage is increased to a maximum of 1 g three times a day.

In minor patients weighing 12-37 kg, dosages are taken at the rate of 20-30 mg of active substance per 1 kg of body weight. The daily dosage is divided into 3 doses.

The maximum duration of drug treatment is 14 days. Therapy should not be stopped within 3 days after the symptoms of the pathology have resolved.

The dosage regimen and duration of treatment are determined by the doctor.

Flemoxin or Flemoklav which is better

So what to choose - flemoxin or flemoklav?

Let the final decision on what to choose in each specific case - flemoxin or flemoclav - be made by the attending physician, taking into account the characteristics of the disease and the properties of the drugs.

When treating peptic ulcers, the choice is Flemoxin, which is included in the treatment regimen. Reproductive tract diseases: Flemoxin is used only in two cases - chlamydia and gonorrhea. And then, preference is given to other drugs.

For bronchitis, pregnant women and newborns are prescribed Flemoxin, which helps immediately. Sore throat is similarly treated with the drug, including late pregnancy. It is strictly prohibited for those who are intolerant to antibiotics, weakened intestinal microflora and immediate adverse reactions.

Flemoclav is recommended for young patients after pneumonia, bronchitis, or surgery. Progress in treatment has been noted for thrush.

According to the difference that exists in the composition of the active components of the drugs Flemoklav Solutab and Flemoxin Solutab, the difference will also be observed in their therapeutic effect. Flemoxin cannot effectively fight bacteria that can produce beta-lactamases.

But the introduction of clavulanic acid into the composition of Flemoklav allows you to achieve the following advantages:

  1. expand the list of sensitive microorganisms (and therefore expand the indications for use);
  2. reduce the dose of antibiotic;
  3. increase the clinical effectiveness of the drug.

Many studies have been conducted to find the optimal combinations of amoxicillin and clavulanate. Nowadays, the ratios most often used in pharmaceuticals are 14:1, 7:1, 4:1, 2:1. In the drug Flemoklav, the ratio is 4 or 7 parts of antibiotic to 1 part of inhibitor.

A comparative assessment of the effectiveness of the two drugs allowed us to establish the following. In the treatment of reactive arthritis in children, after only a month of taking amoxicillin in combination with clavulanate, an improvement was observed in 58% of patients compared to 48% of patients in the group taking amoxicillin alone.

Observations in operative dentistry have shown that taking a combination of amoxicillin/clavulanate shortens the recovery period after surgery, relieves swelling faster and reduces the subjective feeling of pain compared to a single antibiotic.

The use of amoxicillin in combination with clavulanate as part of combination therapy for peptic ulcer disease associated with Helicobacter pylori resulted in recovery in 92% of patients, while the rate in the group taking only amoxicillin was 85%.

However, simple and combined antibiotics, including Flemoxin or Flemoklav, differ not only in their therapeutic properties, but also in their safety profile. The fact is that clavulanate can cause adverse reactions on its own, regardless of amoxicillin. This increases the list of contraindications and increases the risk of side effects when taking Flemoklav compared to Flemoxin.

Clinical trial data indicate a higher incidence of gastrointestinal symptoms (diarrhea, vomiting, nausea) after taking the combination drug. Retrospective studies show that liver disease is 6 times more common in patients taking clavulanate-based drugs.

Thus, without consulting a doctor, you should not decide whether Flemoxin Solutab or Flemoklav Solutab is better to buy. Otherwise, you can cause harm to your health, and you will never be cured of pathogenic bacteria.

As it became known above, Flemoklav has a wider range of effects due to the presence of clavulonic acid, which gives it the ability to fight pathogens that produce beta-lactamase. Despite the fact that Flemoxin exhibits less activity against such microorganisms, it copes faster and more effectively with a number of infectious pathologies.

As a general rule, when a specialist could not identify the causative agent of a particular disease, a composition with clavunate should be taken. This drug has a high chance of combating the inflammatory process. Moreover, the presence of clavulonic acid reduces the concentration of the main substance, while at the same time increasing the effectiveness of the drug.

The lower the dosage of amoxicillin, the lower the negative impact on the intestinal microflora.

It should be remembered that when using antibacterial compounds, one should not neglect probiotics. They help maintain the normal microflora of the gastrointestinal tract without impairing their functionality. The doctor should prescribe such drugs based on the patient’s health condition, the presence of other pathologies, and the duration of antibacterial therapy.

Despite the apparent superiority of Flemoklav, Flemoxin is indicated for use when the causative agent of the disease is those species of bacteria that are highly sensitive to amoxicillin. Moreover, the likelihood of developing adverse reactions with this drug is lower than with its rival (the presence of clavulonic acid in the composition increases the risk of developing negative manifestations from various organs).

Having assessed the similarities and differences of both pharmaceuticals, we can conclude that they are both suitable for drug therapy if a person has a source of infection in the body. When the bacterium that caused the disease is precisely determined, Flemoxin should be used, otherwise, its competitor will be the best choice.

Experts highlight several more advantages of using Flemoclav:

  • a wide range of drug-sensitive microorganisms;
  • low doses of antibacterial substance;
  • high efficiency of the drug.

Several facts indicate the high effectiveness of the product with clavulonic acid:

  1. During a study in children diagnosed with reactive arthritis, the following data were obtained: excellent results of therapy using only amoxicillin were in 48% of subjects, the use of a combination of clavunate/amoxicillin increased the effectiveness to 58%.
  2. The medicine is actively used for use in surgical dentistry, alleviating the patient’s condition after undergoing manipulations, reducing the rehabilitation period.
  3. The drug is used for the complex treatment of diseases of the digestive tract, the development of which was caused by Helicobacter pylori. According to studies, the use of Flemoxin gave a positive result in 82% of cases, while while using Flemoklav, up to 95% of the tested people recovered.

Flemoklav is able to eliminate bacteria that produce beta-lactamases. Flemoxin is destroyed under the influence of enzymes secreted by microorganisms. This makes the drug ineffective against some infectious agents.

Clavulanic acid binds to the antibiotic, reducing the negative impact of the latter on the body. You need to choose a medicine taking into account the doctor’s recommendations.

Flemoclav is effective for pathologies caused by microorganisms resistant to amoxicillin. It is advisable to prescribe this drug for undiagnosed pathogens.

It is up to the doctor to choose the antibiotic.

"Flemoxin Solutab" and "Flemoklav Solutab": what is the difference between them, which is better

Patients are often interested in: what is the difference between Flemoxin Solutab and Flemoklav Solutab. Both of these drugs are designed to suppress the pathogenic environment.

The main active ingredient of the drug is amoxicillin. And they are prescribed in cases where there is an urgent need to destroy bacteria or weaken their effect on the body. But their range of applications is somewhat different.

Composition and form of release of drugs

Both drugs are based on amoxicillin. This is the main component of the drugs. The products are marketed in the form of water-soluble tablets of white or yellow-white color. active ingredient is indicated on the tablets.

Both medications are designed to effectively relieve patients of bacterial throat and respiratory tract infections.

"Flemoxin Solutab"

Flemoxin tablets have notches with numbers. Each notch reflects the amount of active element. It ranges from 125 to 1000 mg. Correspondence:

  • 236-1000;
  • 234-500;
  • 232-250;
  • 231-125.

The active component is supplemented by:

  • crospovidone;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • flavorings;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • vanillin;
  • saccharin;
  • cellulose dispersible.

The medicine is placed in a plastic blister containing several tablets. It comes with a cardboard box and instructions.

"Flemoclav Solutab"

The active component is present in the drug in an amount of 125-875 mg. Flemoklav tablets belong to the group of semisynthetic antibiotics of the penicillin type.

The active ingredient has been added:

  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • flavorings (tangerine, lemon);
  • magnesium stearate;
  • vanillin;
  • saccharin;
  • clavulanic acid (it is not in Flemoxin).

The tablets are packaged in a plastic blister. Together with instructions, they are contained in a cardboard box.

Mechanism of action

Patients often wonder whether these medications are the same thing or not. According to the principle of treatment, they are identical.

The tablets dissolve in a glass of purified water. It is possible to swallow the antibiotic and wash it down with water. It is permissible to prepare a syrup (dilute the tablet in a small amount of water). The drug has a pleasant sweetish taste, so some patients prefer to chew the medicine and then swallow.

The medicine should be taken simultaneously with food, before or after it. When used, the product inhibits the pathogenic flora of the body, inhibits the growth and reproduction of bacteria. The result is recovery.

Comparison of "Flemoklav Solutab" and "Flemoxin Solutab"

The principle of action of the two drugs is identical. But at the same time, there are differences between the means:

  1. "Flemoclav" is characterized by the presence of clavulanic acid. This leads to increased stability of the drug in the fight against complex infections.
  2. The simultaneous effect of clavulanic acid and amoxicillin on the body increases the versatility of Flemoklav. Doctors are prescribing it on a larger scale.
  3. High reliability and a wide spectrum of action make it possible to reduce the mass fraction of the antibiotic itself in the Flemoklava tablet. Efficiency and reliability are fully preserved.

It is important to know: both drugs are produced by the same manufacturer. This is a pharmaceutical company in Holland.

Which drug is more effective?

An independent laboratory conducted a study on the comparative effectiveness of the products. "Flemoklav" turned out to be 10% more effective than "Flemoxin". Improvement in well-being after the course of treatment was noted by 60% of those who used Flemoklav. Patients taking Flemoxin noted a positive result in only 50% of cases.

This study indirectly answers the question: is there a difference between them and what is it?

Which drug is safer?

At the pharmacy, customers often ask the question: what is the difference between Flemoxin and Flemoklav, which is better to buy. Antibiotics destroy all forms of life in the body: harmful and beneficial. Therefore, treatment should be as short as possible (while maintaining a positive result).

From this point of view, Flemoklav Solutab is safer. The mass fraction of the antibiotic is slightly lower, and the effectiveness is enhanced by clavulanic acid. But the final decision must be made by the doctor. He will conduct a competent examination and prescribe a drug.

Which is cheaper?

A minor difference between Flemoxin and Flemoklav is the price. But the difference is approximately 1.9%.

Can children take these antibiotics?

Semi-synthetic antibiotics are intended for the treatment of patients of various ages. "Flemoklav Solutab" is allowed to be used by children:

  • those under 12 years of age and weighing more than 40 kg can take Flemoklav 500 3 times a day;
  • under 12 years of age and weighing less than 40 kg, it is permissible to take Flemoklav 250;
  • over 12 years old and weighing more than 40 kg, Flemoklav 1000 2 times a day is indicated.

In case of severe disease, according to the doctor’s decision, it is permissible to increase the dose by 2 times.

"Flemoxin Solutab" is prescribed:

  • for children over 10 years old, Flemoxin 500 2 times a day, 350 - 3;
  • children 3-10 years old “Flemoxin” 375 2 times a day, 250 - 3.

When prescribed for the treatment of chronic diseases, the dose and regimen are developed by the doctor. It is important to take into account contraindications and possible individual intolerance to the components of the drugs.

Which drug is better to choose?

"Flemoklav Solutab" is a new generation antibiotic. It is less aggressive due to its lower amoxicillin content. Its effect is enhanced by the presence of clavulanic acid. “Flemoklav” easily copes with harmful flora without causing damage to the body.

"Flemoxin" is a semi-synthetic antibiotic. The mass fraction of the active substance is represented by a wide range. It is allowed to be given to children from 3 years of age.

But you should not make a decision about treatment on your own: Flemoxin and Flemoklav are semi-synthetic antibiotics. It is recommended to consult a doctor before starting use.

Yulia Kalashnik

(1 5,00 out of 5)


Source: https://VipLor.ru/preparaty/flemoksin-solyutab-i-flemoklav-v-chem-raznitsa

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