What to do if a child has an earache: first aid and treatment
16 Health • Children's health 10/03/2016 Dear readers, today we will talk about
A child's snot: transparent, thick, yellow or green - the main causes and methods of treatment. How to properly treat all types of snot in a child with or without fever.
How to treat yellow snot and what are the causes
Snot in a baby is the scourge of all parents. Difficulty breathing prevents the toddler from enjoying the world around him.
Rhinovirus or coronavirus: what will an ARVI screen test determine?
Rhinovirus infection is considered one of the most common types of ARVI. Within one year a person
Read reviews about using complex nasal drops for children.
Composition of complex nasal drops for sinusitis
A runny nose occurs quite often in children, and despite the fact that today pharmacies
Allergic rhinopharyngitis in a child
Rhinopharyngitis, symptoms and treatment in children
Rhinopharyngitis: symptoms and treatment in children In most cases, nasopharyngitis in children is a consequence
5 ways to relieve a child's coughing attack at night
How to relieve coughing attacks at night in a child
Coughing is a natural reflex through which the body clears the respiratory system of irritants, such as dust,
Fluifort granules in sachet
Fluifort syrup and powder: instructions for use and analogues
Release form and composition Dosage forms of Fluifort: syrup: transparent, dark yellow, has a characteristic odor
Effective treatment of a runny nose in a child
Caution for parents If a runny nose is detected in a child at 1 year of age, before treatment
Dry children's cough medicine instructions for children
Cough medicine for children in dry powder
Release form and composition Dry cough syrup for children is available in powder form
Exudative otitis media
What is exudative otitis and how to treat it?
Otitis exudative type is a pathological process in the ear, the course of which is traditionally associated with