Feeling the smell of acetone in the nose

An unpleasant nasal congestion haunts many people. Its nature is different and is associated with certain diseases. An alarm signal warns of an imminent illness and develops for various reasons. Only contacting a specialist can dispel doubts, and the results of computed tomography of the paranasal sinuses, nasal cultures and endoscopic analysis of the nasopharynx will allow the specialist to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

The smell can be felt for a few moments or when you tilt your head, but in any case, it causes discomfort to others and puts the person himself in an awkward position. This phenomenon in the medical literature is called cacosmia, which can be subjective and objective. In the subjective form of the disease, the smell of acetone in the nose refers to olfactory hallucinations and causes damage to the cortical analyzer. This phenomenon is caused by traumatic brain injury, inflammation, a tumor of the pituitary gland or temporomandibular region, schizophrenia or epilepsy. The same picture can be observed with influenza, neurasthenia or hysteria.

To make an unambiguous conclusion, you need to be examined by a neurologist and ENT doctor and have an echoencephalography of the brain and MRI.

With objective cacosmia, the smell of acetone in the nose signals diabetes, liver disease, pancreas disease, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, arthritis and kidney problems.

The smell of acetone can appear with sudden weight loss and significant physical activity. Fat molecules, when broken down, release glucose and ammonia, which, released in large quantities, permeates all the pores of the body. This phenomenon is observed extremely rarely and only in cases where intense exercise continues for several hours, and the intake of sugar into the body was 2 hours before the start of fat breakdown. The high speed of the process in this case is explained objectively by excess weight. As you lose weight, the smell begins to disappear and decrease significantly.

A person is a complex biochemical structure and any changes in the body are accompanied by odor. In the old medical literature there was a section devoted to identifying diseases by smell. The appearance of the smell of acetone in children, called acetone syndrome, occurs due to poor diet, which is dominated by fatty foods, cakes, chocolate cheesecakes, sausages, rolls containing preservatives and dyes. These elements strongly irritate the liver and pancreas. Irritation of the mucous membrane of the food system is fraught with the appearance of abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, loss of appetite, weakness, fever up to 38.5 ° C, enlarged liver and the smell of acetone. In this case, the child should be fed with dried fruit compote, alkaline mineral water, and strong tea with lemon. Concentrated mushroom, meat and fish decoctions, chips, chewing gum, soda, chocolates, and drinks containing caffeine should be excluded from the menu. Acetone crises in children disappear after 14 years of age.

Sometimes, fortunately, quite rarely, people encounter a rather strange phenomenon: the smell of acetone or ammonia that haunts them. If you start to look into it, it turns out that the smell of acetone is localized in the nose, specifically in the nasal passages.

The reasons for this phenomenon are so diverse that it is quite difficult to combine them into one group or somehow classify them.

Where does the smell come from?

What questions arise when a person encounters the smell of acetone in the nose. What is this? Where did it come from? What to do about it? To accurately answer them, you cannot do without contacting a specialist.

Yes, most of the problems, about 80%, are indeed associated with problems in the nasal cavity, another 10% with problems in the oral cavity, but the remaining 10% are a whole range of very diverse diseases.

They can relate to different body systems, which makes diagnosis difficult.

Important! Many diseases, a symptom of which may be the smell of acetone in the nose, are very serious, and it is dangerous to let things take their course or self-medicate.

This is the main difference between this symptom and many others. If a prolonged runny nose suggests sinusitis or other types of inflammation in the nasal area, and a cough indicates respiratory diseases, then in our case we can talk about a problem in various parts of the body, not just the respiratory system.

Similar problems can arise with unpleasant odor behind the ears. This pathology can also indicate problems not directly related to the ear.

Causes of fishy smell in nose

Unpleasant smells repel us and make us treat people differently.

What should you do if a strange, bad “aroma” comes from your own nose? For example, not only ourselves, but also those close to us feel emanating purulent notes or a pronounced hint of burning, ammonia. What are the reasons for this phenomenon, can it be treated?

You should not ignore the appearance of an unpleasant odor, because this is an “alarm bell” - something is wrong with the body.

The body's response is to secrete pus, which serves as a source of odors. True, sometimes only the patient himself feels a strange spirit; the unpleasant smell from the nose is illusory - then we are talking about a violation of the sense of smell.

recent surgery on this organ or its disease; poor environment; unfavorable housing and living conditions; poor diet; weakened immune defense.

It happens that even after examinations, doctors cannot clearly name the cause of the strange aroma in the nose.

Runny nose and throat

Foreign bodies can be a cause of concern. Parosmia. This is what is called a malfunction of the sense of smell. This is the same case when a foreign spirit is a subjective sensation. Rhinitis (acute, chronic, atrophic).

Specific types of runny nose inherent in chronic ENT diseases (laryngitis, tracheitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, etc.), as well as diphtheria and syphilis. Complications after sinusitis.

A distinctive feature - an unpleasant odor from the nose - appears only with a certain position of the head, its tilt.

Dental pathologies, in particular, are characterized by a “taste” of iron not only in the mouth, but also in the nasopharynx. The presence of a foreign body. This is how the odor from a child’s nose is most often explained: a foreign object provokes inflammation of the mucous membrane and the appearance of an “aroma.”

Note. An obsessive constant sensation in the nose of a repulsive or foul smell, such as cigarette smoke, urine, chlorine, etc.

, happens with neuroses and changes in hormonal levels in women (for example, during pregnancy).

In any case, it would not be superfluous to consult an otolaryngologist.

The most unpleasant situation can be the diagnosis of “ozena” - an ailment that is also called fetid runny nose. It mainly affects young women.

At the final stage of the disease, the bone tissue of the wings of the nose and the nasal septum are destroyed.

One of the methods for diagnosing nasal disease.

The etiology of the disease has not been precisely established; there are several theories on this matter - from infection with Enterobacterium Klebsiella (it is found in 80% of people suffering from this disease) to problems with managing the nutrition of cells and tissues by the central nervous system.

A fetid runny nose is diagnosed not only using rhinoscopy and pharyngoscopy, standard for ENT diseases, but also electronic studies that help identify bone tissue atrophy - radiography, computed tomography.

Treatment consists of taking courses of antibiotics, strengthening the immune system, careful hygienic care of the nose, and constantly moisturizing it.

The disease has a protracted, chronic course; success in the fight against it depends on the persistence of the patient.

An unnatural odor from a child’s nose requires constant parental involvement.

burning, something burnt (from time to time).

This condition can be caused by inflammation of the mucous membrane, irritation of the olfactory receptors (for example, with a chronically runny nose, excessive use of nasal drops); rot (constantly or periodically), pus (all the time).

This is due to infectious diseases of the nasopharynx, allergies, and blood. The smell of blood in the nose occurs with pharyngitis; fish.

This may indicate trimethylaminuria, a rare genetic or acquired disorder caused by a deficiency in the activity of one of the enzymes in the liver (in addition, sweat smells unpleasant, the smell of urine changes), as well as worms; ammonia.

In general, the range of sensations that patients describe is quite wide: they can feel the “smell” of dust, metal or iron (in addition to dental problems, this is typical for gastrointestinal diseases, observed when taking certain medications), vinegar, ammonia, chlorine, cigarette smoke or flavoring of electronic cigarettes.

If you constantly have an unpleasant smell from your nose, you should immediately make an appointment with an otolaryngologist.

To make a diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe bacterial culture from the nasopharynx, computed tomography, and endoscopic examination.

drug treatment (local, painkillers, antibacterial drugs); physiotherapeutic procedures; surgical procedures, surgery.

Note. The help of surgeons is resorted to only in difficult cases.

If the reasons behind the unpleasant odor in the nose lie in problems with other systems and organs, it is necessary to eliminate the identified pathology.

Herbal medicine and treatment with folk remedies are often effective. Tips for making them can be found in electronic media or newspapers that publish proven recipes.

For example, during ozena an infusion of equal parts of sage, peppermint and wormwood is offered.

Proven folk remedies for getting rid of unpleasant odors are also sea salt, aloe juice, onion, dissolved in water and used for irrigation and rinsing the nasal cavity.

True, folk methods do not help everyone in different situations. Treatment with “grandmother’s” remedies sometimes gives the opposite effect.

For example, even with banal sinusitis or sinusitis, they do not always help the pus to come out, which is fraught with dangerous consequences.

So in a severe case, it is still better to go to the doctor immediately.

This phenomenon, as a rule, indicates that inflammatory and infectious diseases are present in the human body.

An unpleasant odor in the nose can be removed after the main causes of its occurrence are determined.

A smell in the nose appears in the following situations: a huge number of bacteria, as well as other pathogens, begin to function in the nasal cavity, which the immune system cannot cope with.

The otolaryngologist’s task is to understand exactly what processes occur in the nasopharynx, which will allow for effective treatment.

A smell in the nose can appear not only due to purulent contents, but also when crusts appear, which is observed in some diseases. Nasal stench also appears when the sense of smell is impaired, but in this case it will only be felt by the patient himself.

Common reasons that lead to bad breath also include foreign bodies entering the nasal passages.

This phenomenon is especially common in young children, so parents should remember that the smell of rot in a child may indicate not only an infection of some kind.

What are the reasons for an unpleasant odor in the nose and how to deal with it?

Do you have a chronic runny nose?

There is a solution, more details at


Unsanitary living conditions and poor nutrition can also lead to this phenomenon.

The main symptom of this disease is an unpleasant odor and a feeling of dryness, but breathing remains free.

If the problem is in the nose

Most often, the smell of acetone in the nose is associated with foreign bodies entering the nasal passage.

Moreover, even after the object has been successfully removed, unpleasant sensations may persist for some time.

If the discomfort does not go away for a long time, you need to make sure that there are no wounds on the mucous membrane that could become infected.

By the way, the second most common reason is damage to the mucous membrane and the development of small foci of infection.

In this case, it is necessary to treat the infection with antiviral or antibacterial drugs. Some of them will have to be taken orally, others are available in the form of a spray and drops.

Remember! One of the reasons that causes unpleasant odors in the nose is ozena: a complex but, fortunately, rare disease.

Causes of ammonia odor from the nasal cavity and options for solving them

When we touched on the issue of mechanisms, we can find out the specific reasons for where the unpleasant aroma comes from the nasal passages. We will start with diseases of the nasal cavity, since they occur most often in this situation.


The sinuses, which are normally filled with air, are connected to the nasal cavity by thin passages. But with the development of inflammatory processes (sinusitis, sinusitis, and so on), the sinuses are filled with pus, which emits unpleasant odors. Also, such diseases are often accompanied by a runny nose, headache and fever.

Most often, treatment of sinusitis involves complex therapy. It includes the administration of antibiotics intramuscularly, rinsing the nasal cavity with medicinal solutions, the use of drops with antibiotics, vasoconstrictors to facilitate breathing, and drugs to reduce the viscosity of mucus. If the disease has not yet progressed too much, you can cope with it on your own.

To do this, you may need drops with antibiotics (you can buy them at a pharmacy, for example, Isofra, or prepare them yourself from cefazolin, dioxidine, diphenhydramine, lidase and adrenaline), vasoconstrictor drops to ease breathing (for example, Naphthyzin, Nazivin, “NokSpray”, “Lazolvan”), mucus-thinning drugs (“Sinupret”) can also help.

Other reasons

The reasons can be very different. One of them is diabetes. Problems with the liver and kidneys cause similar symptoms.

In this case, it becomes difficult to remove processed products from the body and intoxication begins.

The ammonia smell literally permeates every cell of the body.

Naturally, a person begins to feel it everywhere.

Important! The smell of acetone can accompany people actively engaged in weight loss.

The fact is that when fatty tissue breaks down, it forms two main compounds: glucose and ammonia. During intense training or other methods of sharply burning a large number of calories, a person may well feel an unpleasant odor.

Or maybe it seemed?

In some cases, the smell of acetone in the nose is just an olfactory hallucination. But even in this case, the symptom should not be taken lightly. The fact is that the list of mental and neurological diseases and injuries that cause this effect is very wide. And among them there are few pleasant points:

I can cause discomfort:

  • traumatic brain injury;
  • various inflammatory processes in the head;
  • hysteria;
  • neurasthenia;
  • epilepsy;
  • pituitary tumor;
  • schizophrenia.

However, everything is not always so scary; sometimes an unpleasant odor can occur during the period of influenza.

Important! Only a specialist can determine the exact cause.

Smell of blood in the nose: causes

Obsessive unpleasant odors in the nose are a common problem that worries a large number of people. The constant smell of blood can especially alarm a person.

In fact, if he does not experience bleeding from the mouth or nose, the causes of this phenomenon are no different from other causes of impaired nasal perception.

These may be inflammatory processes, olfactory hallucinations, systemic diseases such as diabetes. Often the nose smells of blood with pharyngitis.


In order to figure out what is happening to you, you first need to see a therapist. He will give you referrals to an ENT specialist and a neurologist. In addition, you will most likely have to have your blood tested for sugar, have an MRI and an encephalogram.

Based on these studies, a diagnosis will be made and treatment will be prescribed.

Directory of main ENT diseases and their treatment

All information on the site is for informational purposes only and does not claim to be absolutely accurate from a medical point of view. Treatment must be carried out by a qualified doctor. By self-medicating you can harm yourself!

Our body can tell us about its condition in many ways. One of them is smells. Every person intuitively or quite consciously knows which odors are inherent to him and which are unusual. The smell of ammonia in the nose can cause suspicion in anyone, because normally a person cannot emit such an “aroma.” In this article, we will figure out what causes the smell of ammonia in the nose and what to do if you notice such aromas.

A smell in the nose can appear due to various reasons, which implies a variety of mechanisms for the occurrence of this symptom. We point out the fact that the feeling of acetone in the nasal cavity is not a problem, but a consequence of the presence of some pathology. The sensation of acetone and ammonia can be caused by many ailments, which we will discuss below.

The first mechanism of action is associated with the development of pathogenic microflora in the nasal cavity. The human mucosa is populated by an abundance of microorganisms. While the immune system is strong, it easily restrains the growth of our single-celled “friends”, preventing them from growing. But when the immune system fails, bacteria begin to actively multiply, producing a huge amount of their own waste products into the nasal cavity. Many of them may smell unpleasant.

  • If the cause of the unpleasant aroma lies in bacteria, then both you and those around you will feel this smell in your nose;
  • If the smell is heard only by you, but others cannot hear it, then there is a disorder of smell. There are many reasons: injuries, abuse of vasoconstrictors, colds, acute respiratory viral infections with a runny nose, and so on.

Acetone breathing from the nose appears in another case - when the concentration of acetone in the blood increases above normal. This occurs only in about 10% of cases, and we will talk about the reasons for this phenomenon further. Most often, when a person complains of the smell of ammonia from the nose, the doctor suspects diseases of the nasal cavity (80%) and oral cavity (10%).

Cases have been recorded when the smell of acetone does not haunt a person all the time, but only in certain situations or at a specific time of day. And sometimes this is nothing more than a hallucination - with brain damage and some mental illnesses this is possible.

When we are talking about a child, it is possible that a foreign body could get into the nose and the body reacts to this aspect in this way. Actually, this can also happen with adults.

When we touched on the issue of mechanisms, we can find out the specific reasons for where the unpleasant aroma comes from the nasal passages. We will start with diseases of the nasal cavity, since they occur most often in this situation.

The sinuses, which are normally filled with air, are connected to the nasal cavity by thin passages. But with the development of inflammatory processes (sinusitis, sinusitis, and so on), the sinuses are filled with pus, which emits unpleasant odors. Also, such diseases are often accompanied by a runny nose, headache and fever.

Most often, treatment of sinusitis involves complex therapy. It includes the administration of antibiotics intramuscularly, rinsing the nasal cavity with medicinal solutions, the use of drops with antibiotics, vasoconstrictors to facilitate breathing, and drugs to reduce the viscosity of mucus. If the disease has not yet progressed too much, you can cope with it on your own. To do this, you may need antibiotic drops (you can buy them at a pharmacy, for example, Isofra, or prepare them yourself from cefazolin, dioxidine, diphenhydramine, lidase and adrenaline), vasoconstrictor drops to ease breathing (for example, Naphthyzin, Nazivin, “NokSpray”, “Lazolvan”), mucus-thinning drugs (“Sinupret”) can also help.

Rhinitis ozena

This disease is accompanied by the development of pathological microflora in the nasal cavity, but the symptom of unpleasant odor appears due to drying of the mucous membrane and the accumulation of microorganisms and mucus residues in the form of crusts on the walls of the nose. Ozen rhinitis is characterized by atrophy of the mucous membrane and occurs due to a number of factors: genetic failures, endocrine disorders, vitamin deficiencies and lack of microelements, due to frequent use of vasoconstrictors, viral infections.

Even a “neglected” runny nose can be cured at home. Just remember to drink once a day.

Treatment for a given disease is always consistent with its cause. The disease can be eliminated conservatively or surgically. Conservative methods include administering antibiotics intramuscularly or locally, moisturizing the mucous membrane, administering a glycerin solution of glucose to eliminate the unpleasant odor, administering iodine orally, and eliminating fetid crusts with alkaline solutions. The surgical method involves modifying mucosal tissues, transferring the ducts of the parotid glands and other manipulations. Rhinitis ozena should be treated only as prescribed by a doctor and under his supervision.

If viruses are raging in the nasal cavity, some patients experience an unpleasant odor. ARVI is usually accompanied by fever, weakness, sweating, and drowsiness, so you will immediately recognize this disease.

For the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, drugs based on interferons are prescribed, and to facilitate breathing, vasoconstrictor drugs are prescribed, including Nazivin and Vibrocil.

Postoperative period

If during or after the operation the rules of sterility and care of the nasal cavity were not followed, then it is quite possible for pathogenic microflora to develop in the organ that has weakened after the operation.

If this happens to you, you should immediately consult a doctor for help. He will determine the cause of the pathology and decide which treatment option will be successful. Most often these are antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, which will reduce symptoms and allow antibiotic drugs to eliminate pathogenic microflora as soon as possible.

Foreign body in the nasal cavity

Most often this occurs in children who happily stick all sorts of objects into their nose, mouth, and ears. It is impossible to see an object in the child’s nasal cavity with the naked eye. To eliminate the problem, the doctor must do an endoscopy of the nasal cavity, make sure that there is a foreign body there and remove it.

Causes not related to the nasal cavity

These include, first of all, diseases of the oral cavity. Purulent sore throat due to the proliferation of pathological microflora can cause a foul odor; this also includes stomatitis, pulpitis, and abscesses in the oral cavity.

Such a phenomenon as parosmia is also possible. This is a disorder of smell perception that is associated with neurology. Having discovered such a symptom, you should contact a neurologist and undergo an examination to accurately find out the cause of parosmia and eliminate it.

A serious cause of the smell of ammonia in the nasal cavity can be kidney failure. With this disease, all metabolic products remain in the body, accumulating in the blood and tissues. These include ammonia, which is a product of renal metabolism. Renal failure has a wide range of symptoms, including anuria or decreased diuresis, blood in the urine, protein in the urine, pain, and symptoms of intoxication. If you suspect such an illness, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. The doctor finds out the cause and eliminates or stops the kidney failure.

The list of dangerous causes of the smell of ammonia from the nose includes gout and vascular diseases associated with the accumulation of metabolic products in the body.

A well-known disease in which we hear the smell of acetone in the nose is diabetes. With this pathology, ketone bodies, including acetone, accumulate in the human blood. Acetone can be excreted through the respiratory tract.

If you still find an unpleasant odor in your nose, analyze:

  1. How often does it appear and at what moments?
  2. Is the smell noticeable to you or is it heard by other people?
  3. What is the smell like?
  4. What symptoms are present?

By answering these questions, you will determine the cause of the unpleasant odor and find a solution.

Sometimes, fortunately, quite rarely, people encounter a rather strange phenomenon: the smell of acetone or ammonia that haunts them. If you start to look into it, it turns out that the smell of acetone is localized in the nose, specifically in the nasal passages.

The reasons for this phenomenon are so diverse that it is quite difficult to combine them into one group or somehow classify them.

Causes of the phenomenon

Modern research shows that the causes of bad breath include:

  • in 80% - to diseases of the nasal cavity;
  • in 10% – to diseases of the oral cavity;
  • the remaining 10 percent lead to more serious diseases of individual organs or entire body systems.

In addition, the ammonia odor may not constantly haunt a person - in some diseases it appears at a certain time or after a certain event (for example, if the patient has eaten well). In some cases, in addition to the unpleasant odor, a sickly sour taste appears in the mouth.

Most often, the problem is in the general condition of a weakened body: it is constantly attacked by harmful bacteria, and some reach their goal. An infected spot appears in the nose, which over time begins to produce pus, becomes covered with an unpleasant crust, and sometimes gives the feeling of ammonia in the air. Local treatment allows you to quickly deal with the affected areas of the mucous membrane, after which the patient can again breathe without foreign odors.

In some cases, the smell of acetone in the nose is nothing more than an illusion; in fact, nothing smells. The patient literally invents the unpleasant sensations that he should experience when smelling this odor. This syndrome can be caused by a number of injuries and diseases:

  • pituitary tumor;
  • inflammatory process in the head;
  • any traumatic brain injury;
  • epilepsy;
  • schizophrenia;
  • flu;
  • neurasthenia;
  • hysteria.

In any case, if no other reasons are found, and a person continues to smell acetone, this is a reason to think about his physical and psychological state. In the initial stages, problems can be controlled with the usual medications and adherence to a fairly strict regime.

A full decision is made by specialists only after the patient undergoes an examination by an ENT specialist, a neurologist and receives the results of echoencephalography.

Any foreign body that gets into the nose can cause an acetone or vinegar smell. The symptom will not disappear immediately after removal - in some cases it may take time. If the smell does not disappear, but, on the contrary, only intensifies, it is recommended to check whether there are unhealed wounds on the mucous membrane left by the passage of a foreign object through the respiratory tract.

Chronic renal failure gives an acetone smell in the nasal cavity. Decay products that were previously excreted through the kidneys accumulate in the body.

The patient begins to literally feel like he is poisoning himself. The smell itself can be almost imperceptible from the outside, but very noticeable in close communication.

Athletes often also complain of unpleasant sensations, including the smell of ammonia in the locker room. Fat broken down during and after exercise produces glucose and ammonia, so if a person is losing weight too quickly, a permanent smell of ammonia in his life is normal.

Pathology in the nasal cavity that causes discomfort in the nose


Often, with this nature of the disease, patients are diagnosed with a pathologically abnormal structure of the frontal sinuses or their complete absence.

The second cause of unpleasant odors in the nose is wide wings of the nose or pathological facial structure.

The risk group includes patients who do not monitor their diet. With frequent consumption of fatty or salty foods, patients may be accompanied by the smell of ammonia for quite a long time. The same reason includes living in inappropriate conditions.


The sensation of ammonia odor is formed during inflammation of parosmia. This inflammation is characterized by a painful condition in which the function of smell is impaired. The root cause of this disease is damage to the temporal lobe of the brain.

This inflammation does not act as an independent disease, but only as a sign of unhealthy nervous system.

Foreign object

Paint or ammonia odors are often caused by

Most often, this symptom occurs in young people. Children most often stick small parts into their nose or ears.

In the future, the foreign object causes severe pain and shooting sensations, as well as the appearance of unpleasant odors.

However, this symptom can also develop in adults if they work in places where dust or dirt accumulates. Particles of construction waste penetrate the upper respiratory tract and form a favorable area for the development and reproduction of harmful microelements. Thus, purulent or mucous discharge forms in the patient’s nose, which has a nauseating odor.


Sinusitis is an inflammatory process in the cavities of the skull. The sinuses are the first to be affected by sinusitis.

The disease is formed due to the penetration of viruses or bacteria, as well as some types of fungi.

It is necessary to treat sinusitis at the first sign of mucous discharge from the nose, since the lack of treatment is characterized by serious inflammation in the ears and nasopharynx.

In more serious cases, sinusitis causes the formation of meningitis.

Other symptoms of sinusitis include:

  • unpleasant odor from the nose and mouth;
  • dysfunction of the sense of smell;
  • change in body temperature;
  • sore throat;
  • fatigue and fatigue.

Keep in mind that sinusitis is accompanied by purulent discharge from the sinuses that has a foul odor. If these symptoms are present, immediate medical attention is required.

Rhinitis ozena

Atrophic rhinitis is characterized by pathological changes in the nasal mucosa, in which the main cause lies in environmental exposure.

The negative process in the nasal cavity affects not only the mucous membrane, but also cartilaginous tissue and bone structures. This disease leads to an increase in the lumen in the nasal cavity, which causes an increase in the effect of the stream of inhaled air, which invariably leads to the formation of crusts.

The main symptoms of the disease include the formation of crusts and impaired nasal breathing function. Almost always, atrophic rhinitis is accompanied by unpleasant odors.

In addition to the listed signs of inflammation, patients complain of loss of the sense of smell and the pursuit of a foul odor. An unpleasant odor in this case becomes a sure sign of crust formation.


Infectious inflammations that provoke colds or flu are common causes of the smell of ammonia in the nose. This sensation occurs at the last stage of inflammation, when the mucous discharge has almost disappeared, but its character becomes thicker. With such signs, an unpleasant odor indicates a complication of the disease.

If such a symptom is not given importance, inflammation will provoke the appearance of sinusitis or otitis media.


Sore throat is an inflammation accompanied by a sharp change in body temperature and painful sensations in the nasopharynx.

When a more complex form of sore throat develops, when the disease is accompanied by purulent discharge and mucous lesions of the nasal cavity, patients often complain of the presence of unpleasant aromas that are felt by both the patient and those around them.

Sore throat often appears after rhinitis or sinusitis. Therefore, in the presence of these inflammations, it is necessary to be more careful and carefully adhere to the prescribed course of treatment.

The unpleasant smell of ammonia is accompanied by enlarged lymph nodes, a change in the color of the tonsils and palate. Treatment can last up to one week.

With the formation of purulent discharge from the nasal cavity, which is accompanied by unpleasant odors

There is no need to be alarmed, but it is necessary to take appropriate measures to treat the affected area.

Kidney dysfunction

Unpleasant odors in the nose may indicate the presence of

The reason for the ammonia smell lies in the increase in creatinine and urea levels.

The cause of kidney dysfunction lies in pathologies that negatively affect kidney tissue.

If the disease is not treated, disastrous consequences and symptoms can develop.

Another reason for the smell of ammonia in the nose is serious hormonal imbalances. In this case, patients may smell not only ammonia, but also other odors.

Pathology in the nasal cavity that causes discomfort in the nose must be treated by identifying the root cause of the disease. Often, with this nature of the disease, patients are diagnosed with a pathologically abnormal structure of the frontal sinuses or their complete absence. The second cause of unpleasant odors in the nose is wide wings of the nose or pathological facial structure.


The sensation of ammonia odor is formed during inflammation of parosmia. This inflammation is characterized by a painful condition in which the function of smell is impaired. The root cause of this disease is damage to the temporal lobe of the brain. This inflammation does not act as an independent disease, but only as a sign of unhealthy nervous system.

Foreign object

Often the cause of the smell of paint or ammonia is the penetration of a foreign object into the nasal cavity. Most often, this symptom occurs in young people. Children most often stick small parts into their nose or ears. In the future, the foreign object causes severe pain and shooting sensations, as well as the appearance of unpleasant odors.


Where does the smell come from?

What questions arise when a person encounters the smell of acetone in the nose. What is this? Where did it come from? What to do about it? To accurately answer them, you cannot do without contacting a specialist.

Yes, most of the problems, about 80%, are indeed associated with problems in the nasal cavity, another 10% with problems in the oral cavity, but the remaining 10% are a whole range of very diverse diseases.

They can relate to different body systems, which makes diagnosis difficult.

Important! Many diseases, a symptom of which may be the smell of acetone in the nose, are very serious, and it is dangerous to let things take their course or self-medicate.

This is the main difference between this symptom and many others. If a prolonged runny nose suggests sinusitis or other types of inflammation in the nasal area, and a cough indicates respiratory diseases, then in our case we can talk about a problem in various parts of the body, not just the respiratory system.

Similar problems can arise with unpleasant odor behind the ears. This pathology can also indicate problems not directly related to the ear.

If the problem is in the nose

Most often, the smell of acetone in the nose is associated with foreign bodies entering the nasal passage.

Moreover, even after the object has been successfully removed, unpleasant sensations may persist for some time.

If the discomfort does not go away for a long time, you need to make sure that there are no wounds on the mucous membrane that could become infected.

By the way, the second most common reason is damage to the mucous membrane and the development of small foci of infection.

In this case, it is necessary to treat the infection with antiviral or antibacterial drugs. Some of them will have to be taken orally, others are available in the form of a spray and drops.

Remember! One of the reasons that causes unpleasant odors in the nose is ozena: a complex but, fortunately, rare disease.

Smells in the nose: types and causes

An unpleasant odor occurs in the nose infrequently. According to patient complaints, this phenomenon usually accompanies the underlying disease in the anamnesis. There are many reasons for the occurrence of the symptom, so a comprehensive examination cannot be avoided. At the reception, people complain about a specific unpleasant aroma. Most often it is felt clearly. Such manifestations indicate pathological processes or changes occurring in the nasal cavity.

sulfur; burning; rot; acetone; gland; ammonia; dust.

The burning smell in most cases is a side effect or reaction of the body to long-term use of medications. Classes of medications vary, so the symptom occurs in people with different medical conditions.

A putrid aroma manifests itself in the nasal cavity under the influence of the corresponding microflora. It is a symptom of suppuration of the paranasal sinuses, which can lead to sinusitis or sinusitis. The cause of the ammonia odor is a pathology that occurs in the liver or kidneys. In order for the smell to disappear, you will need to undergo therapy that will eliminate the problem in these organs.

A metallic smell can occur in the event of bleeding in the nasal cavity, injuries that cause damage to blood vessels or tissues.

It may also indicate poisoning or a side effect of certain medications. Particles from the environment enter the nasal cavity when inhaled, resulting in an iron smell.

The sensation of acetone in the nasal cavity occurs due to complications caused by diabetes mellitus. In this case, complex and lengthy therapy will be required. The smell of sulfur occurs when there are problems with the liver, allergic reactions of the body, or disorders of the nervous system.

Odors arising in the nasal cavity can be felt not only by people who encounter them, but also by those around them.

That is why it is necessary to undergo a special examination by a specialist.

All scents cause discomfort to a person, so getting rid of them is a top priority.

Extraneous odors that cause obvious discomfort in 99% of cases occur when there is a certain progressive disease in the body - a certain cause that requires immediate elimination.

In 5-6% of cases, the presence of aroma in the nasal cavity becomes idiopathic, that is, permanent, the cause of which could not be determined after examination.

ozena or offensive rhinitis; acute form of sinusitis; inflammatory processes in the sinuses; sinusitis; metabolic disorders; problems with the gastrointestinal tract; kidney pathology; liver disorders; allergic reactions occurring in acute form; bacterial form of infection; thyroid diseases; diabetes.

A feeling of unpleasant odor in the nose also occurs with parosmia. In this case, disturbances in the function of smell are observed.

No additional stimulation is required to perceive the aroma.

To get rid of this disorder, additional therapy prescribed by a neurologist will be required.

The appearance of an unpleasant odor can also be caused by the presence of a foreign object/body of any diameter in the nasal cavity. As a result, the accumulation of fluid, under the influence of bacteria in which a purulent substance is formed. Pathological disorders are often caused by hormonal imbalance or the presence of olfactory hallucinations.

Other reasons

The reasons can be very different. One of them is diabetes. Problems with the liver and kidneys cause similar symptoms.

In this case, it becomes difficult to remove processed products from the body and intoxication begins.

The ammonia smell literally permeates every cell of the body.

Naturally, a person begins to feel it everywhere.

Important! The smell of acetone can accompany people actively engaged in weight loss.

The fact is that when fatty tissue breaks down, it forms two main compounds: glucose and ammonia. During intense training or other methods of sharply burning a large number of calories, a person may well feel an unpleasant odor.

Or maybe it seemed?

In some cases, the smell of acetone in the nose is just an olfactory hallucination. But even in this case, the symptom should not be taken lightly. The fact is that the list of mental and neurological diseases and injuries that cause this effect is very wide. And among them there are few pleasant points:

I can cause discomfort:

  • traumatic brain injury;
  • various inflammatory processes in the head;
  • hysteria;
  • neurasthenia;
  • epilepsy;
  • pituitary tumor;
  • schizophrenia.

However, everything is not always so scary; sometimes an unpleasant odor can occur during the period of influenza.

Important! Only a specialist can determine the exact cause.

Why the smell of pus in the nose: reasons

This phenomenon may be due to several circumstances. The terrible sweet smell of pus can occur due to inflammatory processes occurring in the nasal and oral mucosa.

rhinitis, of various etiologies; sinusitis; sinusitis; rhinoscleroma; Ozenu, etc.

In addition, it can appear with olfactory hallucinations (phantosmia) and distorted olfactory perception (parosmia).

Sometimes, when examining the oral cavity, it turns out that there is a smell of pus due to the destruction of tooth tissue.


In order to figure out what is happening to you, you first need to see a therapist. He will give you referrals to an ENT specialist and a neurologist. In addition, you will most likely have to have your blood tested for sugar, have an MRI and an encephalogram.

Based on these studies, a diagnosis will be made and treatment will be prescribed.

The appearance of strange odors in the nose may indicate the presence of some internal pathologies. The smell of acetone in the nose is a symptom that is quite rare. But if this happens, it causes discomfort both to the person himself and to those around him. You should definitely contact a specialist who will conduct an accurate diagnosis and find out the true causes.

The mechanism of occurrence of an unpleasant symptom

Every day our body is attacked by pathogens. The immune system actively fights the invasion of such microorganisms. If the immune system is weakened, they begin to actively multiply and provoke purulent discharge. This is the reason why the unpleasant odor occurs.

But not always the discharge of pus is the main provocateur. Dry crusts may form on the nasal mucosa as a result of certain diseases.

If the unpleasant sensation is noticed by the person himself, but others do not feel anything, then a violation of the sense of smell can be suspected.

Pathologies that cause discomfort in the nose are conventionally divided into three groups:

  • the smell of ammonia is the main symptom;
  • pathologies of the nasopharynx, which only in some cases may be accompanied by the appearance of this symptom;
  • disease of various organs and systems.

The disease is progressive, as the damage also spreads to the bone and cartilaginous systems.

It is still not known exactly what exactly causes the process, but people with the following characteristics are at risk:

  • underdevelopment of the frontal sinuses;
  • wide wings of the nose;
  • expanded facial part of the skull.

Poor nutrition, unsanitary living conditions, degeneration of the nasal mucosa - all this increases the likelihood of ozena.

Often the disease is treated conservatively, with the use of tampons, suppositories and rinses. In some cases, the shape of the nose is corrected. After the operation, the patient’s respiratory function is preserved, only constant dryness appears, leading to the appearance of dry crusts. It is they who provoke the appearance of an unpleasant sensation.

Types of pathologies

With reduced immunity, the possibility of penetration of viruses and infections increases sharply.
With such a pathological change, damage to the respiratory tract by pathogenic microorganisms is organized. When they multiply, mucous or purulent discharge is formed, which gives off a nauseating odor. Although unpleasant odors can be emitted not only by various secretions, but also by crusts. They are formed during inflammation of the nasal mucosa in the case of a number of inflammations.

Therefore, if a patient smells ammonia, it is likely that dry crusts have formed in the sinuses.

Only the patient himself can notice their formation. Unpleasant odors are rarely felt by people around them, but are clearly heard by the patient himself. At this time, a violation of the sense of smell and other processes occur.

If you smell ammonia, you need to determine the cause of the inflammation. This pathology is divided into three groups:

  1. If an unpleasant odor appears in the nose, the odor is not an independent inflammation, but a symptom of some disease.
  2. It is necessary to check the condition of the nose and pharynx, as polyps or cysts may be localized in this area.
  3. In some cases, pathological processes in the respiratory organs are noted.

In some cases, the smell of paint in the nose or other unpleasant sensations are caused by the penetration of a foreign object into the nasal cavity.

In any case, the resulting pathology affects the entire mucous membrane in the nasal area. In the absence of proper or timely treatment, the inflammation moves into the cartilaginous zone and affects the bones. Therefore, it is necessary to seek medical help as quickly as possible.

In some cases, the smell of paint in the nose or other unpleasant sensations are caused by the penetration of a foreign object into the nasal cavity. In any case, the resulting pathology affects the entire mucous membrane in the nasal area. In the absence of proper or timely treatment, the inflammation moves into the cartilaginous zone and affects the bones. Therefore, it is necessary to seek medical help as quickly as possible.

Causes that are not related to the functioning of the respiratory system

The symptom can be caused by severe diabetes mellitus, as well as pathological kidney disorders. These diseases lead to metabolic disorders, which causes the development of odor.

Oddly enough, increased physical activity can be another cause of an unpleasant sensation in the nose. The symptom may occur periodically, especially in those athletes who, due to a busy training schedule, are malnourished or follow a strict diet. In this case, the appearance of the odor is associated with the release of acetone after the breakdown of fatty tissues.

Causes of foul odors

Rhinitis ozena

Atrophic rhinitis is characterized by pathological changes in the nasal mucosa, in which the main cause lies in environmental exposure. The negative process in the nasal cavity affects not only the mucous membrane, but also cartilaginous tissue and bone structures. This disease leads to an increase in the lumen in the nasal cavity, which causes an increase in the effect of the stream of inhaled air, which invariably leads to the formation of crusts.


Infectious inflammations that provoke a cold or flu are common causes of the smell of ammonia in the nose. This sensation occurs at the last stage of inflammation, when the mucous discharge has almost disappeared, but its character becomes thicker. With such signs, an unpleasant odor indicates a complication of the disease. If such a symptom is not given importance, inflammation will provoke the appearance of sinusitis or otitis media.


Sore throat is an inflammation accompanied by a sharp change in body temperature and painful sensations in the nasopharynx. When a more complex form of sore throat develops, when the disease is accompanied by purulent discharge and mucous lesions of the nasal cavity, patients often complain of the presence of unpleasant aromas that are felt by both the patient and those around them.

Sore throat often appears after rhinitis or sinusitis. Therefore, in the presence of these inflammations, it is necessary to be more careful and carefully adhere to the prescribed course of treatment. The unpleasant smell of ammonia is accompanied by enlarged lymph nodes, a change in the color of the tonsils and palate. Treatment can last up to one week.

The role of chronic renal failure in the appearance of unpleasant sensations

In chronic renal failure, kidney tissue dies. This leads to disruption of the entire body.

Functioning kidney cells decrease, as a result of which the nitrogenous breakdown products of proteins increase. The kidneys cannot cope with the increased levels of urea and creatinine, so they are excreted through other routes. Most often, the mucous membrane of the digestive system and lungs suffer, which cannot cope with such a load.

Next, the body poisons itself. A person develops an aversion to meat products, vomiting, and extreme thirst. But the most obvious sign of chronic renal failure is yellowness and the smell of acetone when breathing.

So, the reasons for the smell of ammonia can be very different and indicate the presence of serious pathologies. Therefore, do not self-medicate, and if you experience any unpleasant sensation, consult a doctor immediately.

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