How smoking affects the throat with a sore throat The most common problem encountered is a sore throat
Color of sputum and disease Various impurities that may be in it affect its
Yellow nasal discharge: main causes In what cases does yellow liquid flow: 1 Cyst.
How to treat it in an adult Treatment of the disease involves the use of conservative methods. The type of pathology will determine
The Adam's apple is a part of the thyroid cartilage protruding above the surface of the neck, the largest of the cartilaginous
How long can an adult have a fever with the flu? Influenza is one of the most serious
General symptoms of tonsillitis We are all accustomed to the fact that developing tonsillitis, as in medical
Mastoiditis is an acute purulent inflammation of the mastoid process of the temporal bone, in the area behind the ear. Given
Features of the disease Lymphadenitis is a very common pathology, during which inflammation develops in
Pharmacological properties of the drug Galazolin Pharmacodynamics. Xylometazoline is an imidazoline derivative, has a sympathomimetic effect, is a direct