Bones, muscles, ligaments Ear pain can have internal and external manifestations. Ear
How to properly bathe a child when he coughs In our modern society, it is hardly worth raising
Using traditional methods A polyp is a benign tumor that has formed on the mucous membrane. IN
One of the popular folk methods of treating colds are procedures using mustard: mustard plasters, compresses,
Causes of the development of the syndrome At the initial stage of the disease, unpleasant sensations are caused by inflammatory processes in the nose,
Author's rating Author of the article Shutofedova Ksenia Yurievna General practitioner Articles written 578 About the author Seniors
Causes of hoarseness Changes in voice timbre in children are associated with changes in the normal functioning of the structures of the larynx:
Breastfeeding mothers suffer from colds more often than others. After all, their immunity is weakened after childbirth,
Painful sensations Pain syndrome can occur in any person, no matter what age.
Adenoiditis is a common pathology in children. Preschoolers and younger children are most susceptible to it