A piece of food stuck in my throat, what should I do?
The list of diseases characterized by obstruction of food in the larynx is quite extensive. Impression of the presence of foreign bodies
Treatment of purulent otitis at home
Ear massage: how beneficial is it?
Ear congestion is not a separate disease, but a consequence, or symptom, of inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs.
Difficulty breathing when inhaling causes
Breathing is a natural process of human physiology. This work activity continues continuously, and
Runny nose without fever in a child: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods and prevention
How to treat a runny nose and severe cough without fever in a child
Rhinitis is a common symptom of colds or viral diseases. Most often, this sign signals
How to cure a cold during pregnancy and its prevention
A common cold during pregnancy can be very dangerous. Most mothers are afraid of getting sick
How to identify and treat hearing loss in a child?
Degrees of hearing loss, how is it determined? Degrees of hearing loss are determined based on sound parameters such as
Egg mixture is an effective cough remedy
Effective treatment of colds Unfortunately, today we are quite neglectful of our health, more and more often
Chamomile tea for coughs
Why do you want to cough when you inhale? Cough when exhaling - what to do.
Pathogenesis The mechanism of occurrence of a reflex cough during deep inspiration is as follows: chest pressure increases, as a result
Laryngitis treatment at home
Author's rating Author of the article Shutofedova Ksenia Yurievna General practitioner Articles written 578 About the author Erroneous
Sinusitis - description and treatment at home
Breathing exercises for sinusitis Strelnikova Breathing exercises are an excellent preventative method for sinusitis
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