Otitis is an inflammatory disease of the ear. The pathology affects various parts of the hearing organs, which is why
Tooth root and maxillary sinus. Each person has individual characteristics of the structure of the jaw and bones
This article was written based on an interview with American obstetrician-gynecologist Alaine Park, who has more than
Blood from the nose during sinusitis can alert and disturb every person. And it is right,
Nasal congestion due to allergies: how to eliminate inflammation? Allergic rhinitis occurs quite often in patients.
Beneficial properties of honey and lemon with glycerin for cough Each of these components has
Vasoconstrictor nasal drops - pros and cons of use The nasal mucosa becomes inflamed
Efficiency and procedure for inhalation with Eufillin Inhalation procedures widely used today in complex
Thermal procedures Most often, warming up the knee is recommended for arthrosis or during recovery
Acute respiratory diseases (ARI) include infectious diseases that affect the upper respiratory tract. Main