Sofradex for adenoids in children

What is Sofradex

Sofradex is a medicinal drug for adenoids in children, which, due to its complex characteristics, is used for the treatment of diseases of the nasal cavity, eyes and ears. The drug belongs to aminoglycosides.

Eye drops are the most popular form of Sofradex and are characterized by positive reviews. In addition, the medicine is available as an ointment and is used on sore throats. Helps remove the inflammatory process. Nasal drops are produced in a bottle with a polyethylene dropper designed for comfortable use of the medicine. The bottle with the drug is made of dark glass. The composition is a clear liquid with the aroma of alcohol.

The ointment is produced in aluminum packages. Externally it is a homogeneous white mass. The active components in Sofradex are dexamethasone, gramicidin, framycetin.

Indications for use

Sofradex treats diseases caused by pathogenic microflora. Doctors assessed the effectiveness of the drug in the fight against adenoids in children. They prescribe it for this disease, since the medicine has a beneficial effect on inflamed tonsils. It also copes with pathologies in which damage to the eyes and ears is observed.

Sofradex has a powerful antibacterial effect, due to which the activity of pathogenic microorganisms on the mucous membranes of the nose is inhibited.

The complex drug is intended for the treatment of the following diseases:

  1. Blepharitis.
  2. Eczema of the eyelids.
  3. Infectious or bacterial damage to the eye, which causes suppuration.
  4. Allergic conjunctivitis.
  5. Rosacea.
  6. Adenoiditis.
  7. Internal or external form of otitis.

Sofradex is prescribed for adenoids in children if the patient has symptoms that this drug helps to cope with. After its use, patients experience a decrease in the severity of pain in the affected areas, the size of the tonsils and a decrease in the number of pathogenic microorganisms.

Composition of the drug

The medicine is characterized by antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous effect. Its healing characteristics for adenoids are determined by the pharmacological properties of the active elements. These include:

  • Gramicidin. Local antibacterial agent. It is characterized by a bactericidal effect, effective against gram-positive bacteria. Promotes disruption of the structure of bacterial cell walls, which leads to the death of the harmful microorganism. It is used for therapeutic purposes against various purulent and inflammatory pathologies of the skin and soft tissues. It is prohibited to use during dermatosis, lesions of the dermis.
  • Framycetin. Local antimicrobial agent. It can be included in Isofra and Framinazine drops as an independent component. Framycetin is active against staphylococcus. Like other aminoglycoside drugs, it is characterized by ototoxic and nephrotoxic effects, therefore its long-term use is prohibited.
  • Dexamethasone. Corticosteroid drug. Characterized by anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, anti-allergic effect. It is prohibited to use in isolated form in the presence of fungi or impaired tissue integrity due to a moderate immunosuppressive effect.

The active elements of the drug in question are characterized by antiallergic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effects. Thanks to the antibacterial drugs that are part of Sofradex, it is highly effective in the treatment of inflammation of the adenoids in children. Dexamethasone helps eliminate the inflammatory process and reduces swelling of the tonsils in the throat.

Instillation of the medicine into the nasal cavity during adenoiditis with a mild course (without inflammatory processes) helps to reduce the size of the adenoids and is a preventive measure for the pathology.

What does Sofradex contain?


At the moment, there are no analogues of Sofradex ear drops. This has to do with the functioning structural elements in the drug. However, there are drugs that are similar in their medicinal effect. They are also prescribed for bacteria in the ears and eyes.


"Dexona" is a medicine with an antibacterial effect.

The structure of the medicine includes an antiseptic drug, an antifungal agent , an inorganic compound, an acid salt of an alkali metal sodium, a specialized salt and purified water .

Used for acute and chronic external otitis, etc.

Do not use the medicine in children under seven years of age.

It is not advisable to use it in case of smallpox, eye damage by a virus or fungus, tumors and corneal erosion . Approved for use from seven years of age.

Stick to the dosage of the drug and instill four drops twice a day .


When considering analogues of the drug Sofradex, stop at Garazon . This is a local medicine, based on an artificial glucocorticoid drug and broad-spectrum aminoglycoside
antibiotics The medication is prescribed for patients with acute and chronic otitis media, as well as for skin inflammation and itching, the appearance of blisters, pustules, and scales.

For ear diseases, instill the drug into the outer ear, three drops twice a day.

The use of the medicine is allowed for children, but only from six years of age.


The last antimicrobial agent on the list will be Otinum .
It should be used for bacterial conjunctivitis, otitis externa and others. However, you should consult your doctor before making a purchase. This analogue of Sofradex should be used four drops in the outer ear three times a day.

The drug is prohibited for fungal infections of the eyes and hearing organs, as well as diseases of viral etiology, such as chicken pox and herpes

Do not use the medication for more than a week . It is also prohibited for young mothers who are breastfeeding on their own. The medicine is strictly prohibited for use in the treatment of otitis media in children.

Spectrum of action

Sofradex is used in the presence of pathologies such as:

  • barley;
  • pink rash on the cornea;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • inflammatory process of the membranes of the eyes;
  • otitis of the external ear;
  • eczema and other inflammations.

The active components of the product are antimicrobial substances with antiallergic and anti-inflammatory functions. A component such as Dexamethasone is important in the treatment of adenoids. A glucocorticoid that relieves inflammation and eliminates allergic reactions. Active elements help destroy harmful microflora that provoke inflammation in the nasopharynx.

These antibacterial drugs are used to counteract harmful bacteria such as staphylococcus, streptococcus, fungal infection, etc. The resistance of the listed microorganisms to the medication in question appears gradually, and therefore the therapeutic effect increases.

Spectrum of effects of the drug Sofradex. The photo illustrates conjunctivitis.

Release forms

Sofradex can be produced as drops. They are widely used in the treatment of adenoids. Available in a bottle with a polyethylene dropper designed for precise dosage calculation. The drug is prepared in glass containers with a volume of 5 ml. They look like a clear alcohol-based liquid.

In addition, the medication is available as an ointment and is used on inflamed areas of the oral cavity. The ointment is produced in aluminum tubes. Suitable for external use. The choice of dosage form should be based on the symptoms of the disease and selected by the attending physician.


Sofradex is a combination product in the form of drops or ointments. It contains several active ingredients combined into a single active mixture:

  • Framycetin sulfate.
  • Gramicidin.
  • Dexamethasone.

The solution also contains substances that have auxiliary value. To create a dosage form, it was necessary to supplement the composition of the drug with lithium chloride, citric acid, sodium citrate, polysorbate, ethanol and water. The ointment base additionally contains white paraffin and an emulsifier. These substances are neutral and do not have a significant effect on the body.

Sofradex drops - ear and eye in one bottle. It is a liquid, almost transparent and almost colorless, with a characteristic odor. The drug is equipped with a dosing device (dropper) and is available in a volume of 5 ml. The ointment, which has a white color and homogeneous consistency, is produced in a tube.

Treatment regimen for adenoids

The drug is mainly prescribed for inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx or eyes. However, there is an indication when Sofradox will be extremely effective - inflamed adenoids. The hormonal substance Dexamethasone, included in the medicine, effectively fights pathogenic microflora. Treatment often takes 7 days, but with intense inflammation, recovery will take longer.

To shrink adenoids, drops must be instilled into the nose so that they settle directly on the inflamed area. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the manipulation in a horizontal position. At this time, the child should not turn his head to the sides.

In any situation, after relieving inflammation in the adenoids, it is necessary to identify the source of the disease, which is mainly localized on the nasal mucosa. This directly provokes regular sinusitis and, as a result, inflammatory processes. When the source of pathology is not eliminated, the effect after using Sofradex will not last long.

Treatment of adenoids with nasal drops.

Can Sofradex be dripped into the nose of children?

In the process of instilling Sofradex, children need to lie on their backs and their heads tilted back. It is imperative to ensure that the baby is immobilized for 2-3 minutes, without turning his head to the sides.

During illness, experts prescribe a few drops to the baby in each of the nostrils for 10 days; then 5 - 3 drops twice a day; another 5 - 2 drops once a day. After 7 days, the effect of the drug will be noticeable in the reduction of swelling and easier breathing. Some experts recommend using the product only for 7 days, 7 drops per day. In fact, right there, after the first 5 days, the adenoids become smaller in size, the swelling goes away, and it will become easier for the child to breathe.

Sofradex in drops for adenoids in a child is not actually absorbed and does not enter the body in large volumes (if the patient’s skin integrity is not compromised, there are no microcracks or wounds).

Sofradex for children with adenoids.

How to use Sofradex for adenoids

Therapy is prescribed based on the patient’s age and symptomatic picture

Sofradex is used for adenoids in children according to a regimen that was selected by an otolaryngologist or pediatrician. The drug must be instilled into the nasal cavity.

The treatment procedure consists of a number of successive stages:

  • Initially, you need to take care of clearing the nasal passages of mucus that may accumulate in them. If you skip this stage, the active substances of the drug simply will not reach the site of inflammation, so the treatment will be ineffective. To rinse the nose, it is customary to use saline solutions or pharmaceutical compositions.
  • Before instilling drops into the nose, the child must be placed on his back and his head tilted back slightly. Due to this, the medicine can penetrate as deeply as possible into the organ cavities.

The treatment regimen is calculated by a specialist. This is done individually for each patient. When determining the optimal dose of the drug, the current condition of the child and his age are taken into account. The size of the inflamed tonsils at the time of selection of drug therapy is taken into account.

Reference! On average, treatment with Sofradex takes from 7 to 20 days.

Throughout the course, you must adhere to the following scheme, to which adjustments may be made:

  1. On days 1-10, a patient with inflamed adenoids instills 4 drops into each nostril. Therapy is carried out about 3 times a day.
  2. On days 11-25, only 2 drops are required to be instilled into each nostril up to 2 times a day.
  3. On days 16-20, nose drops should be instilled, 2 drops into each nostril, once a day.

Already on day 5, a significant improvement in the painful condition of the patient with adenoiditis can be observed. His breathing through the nose improves, the itching in the throat goes away and snoring at night decreases.

Sofradex can be used during therapeutic inhalations. They are also useful for children with adenoids. The procedure requires the use of a nebulizer. A composition is poured into it, which is made from 3-5 ml of saline solution and 2 drops of the drug.

To achieve a quick therapeutic effect, it is recommended to use a special nozzle during inhalation, which allows you to inhale therapeutic vapors through your nose. If the child does this through the mouth, this will not affect his painful condition in any way. This is because an insufficient concentration of the active substances of Sofradex will reach the lesions.

Side effects and contraindications

When using this product for adenoids, experts advise adhering to all recommendations, since Sofradex in excessive quantities can provoke allergies such as burning, itching and, in some situations, dermatitis.

Regarding side effects, when a drug is instilled into the patient’s nasal cavity, the following negative manifestations may form:

  • Irritation of the mucous membranes of the larynx and nose, which is expressed in the formation of swelling and redness.
  • The appearance of pain, burning, dryness, itching.
  • With prolonged use of the product, in particular, in the process of instilling it into the nasal cavity, there is a possibility of secondary inflammation, which is caused by a deterioration in the functioning of the immune system. Therefore, therapy with Sofradex for adenoids should be carried out directly under the supervision of a physician.
  • If your baby develops various negative signs of using the product, you must immediately stop taking it, since continued therapy can cause unpleasant consequences.

As with other therapeutic methods, treatment of adenoids with Sofradex is characterized by a number of contraindications. It should be noted that the use of the drug in any dosage form is prohibited during pregnancy and lactation, due to the ototoxic effect on the child. In addition, such drops should not be used under the following circumstances:

  • After surgery: the slight immunosuppressive effect of Dexamethasone contributes to delayed wound recovery, Gramicidin provokes discomfort when penetrating the wound.
  • For dermatosis and other skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema).
  • For fungal infections on the skin and mucous membranes: Dexamethasone helps suppress the local immune system, Gramicidin and Framycetin eliminate harmful bacteria and are not active against fungi. The complex of these effects leads to the progression of the fungus.
  • Sofradex should be used with caution in any form by children receiving systemic steroid treatment.

It should be noted that, in accordance with the instructions, the likelihood of an overdose with the drug in question is extremely low, however, the use of other antibacterial drugs during treatment of adenoids in children with Sofradex should be reduced.

The photo shows dermatosis, a contraindication to the use of Sofradex.

First question: what does Sofradex treat?

The main thing parents must understand is that adenoid vegetation (adenoiditis) affects with its pathogenic influence not only a narrow “locality” in the children’s body - the nasal canals, palatine tonsils. The areas most affected by adenoviral infection are the head, facial and cervical areas.

Adenoid pathogenesis invades (primarily, as a cause-and-effect factor) the apparatus of vision, hearing, and throat location. Adenoiditis poses a huge risk to brain structures. Especially if the main causative agent of adenotoxication is meningococcus.

Therefore, we will briefly go over the diseases that are treated with Sofradex. This will include pathogenesis that unites the tonsillar organs - with a runny nose, hyperemia of the palatine tonsils. Both ENT diseases and diseases related to ophthalmology. The lighting perspective is presented, of course, in the anamnesis of chronic forms that have reached moderate stages and stages:

  1. Nasopharyngeal adenoiditis.

The attached photograph shows a schematic distribution of damage to the nasopharyngeal organs by adenoid pathomicroflora. "Sofradex" is necessarily prescribed in the initial stages of adenoid degeneration of the nasopharyngeal tonsils. With a complex treatment method: rinsing with saline solutions, physiotherapeutic procedures, and light antibiotics, significant progress is achieved in reducing adenoid growths.

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Of course, adenoid growths in the nose and throat cannot be treated and cannot be cured with Sofradex alone. This medication works successfully only in combination with vasoconstrictor components, hormonal (corticosteroids) and antibiotic support. Although, in itself, it consists of the same potent components. Used in the form of drops, dispersion irrigation of the nasopharynx (sprays), adding to nebulizer solutions.

  1. Viral adenoid conjunctivitis.

Primary symptoms:

  • Redness of the eyes (sclera), bright red blood on the white of the eye;
  • “Souring” of eyelashes and eyelids with purulent exudate (especially after a night’s sleep);
  • Hyperemia (swelling, swelling) of the eyelids, near the eye skin epidermis;
  • Burning, itching, feeling of “sand in the eyes”;

The child is restless, he constantly reaches out to rub his eyes with his hands. If pathological signs appeared recently (1 day), without concomitant adenoidoplasia, this indicates that the child has a local infection. By contact (contagious) method with an infected object: in the sandbox from the excrement of sick animals, unsanitary conditions at home. Adenoids in the nose and larynx have nothing to do with it. In such circumstances, ophthalmologists prescribe Albucid eye drops and wash the eyes every morning with strongly brewed tea (fresh tea leaves).

"Sofradex", as effective antibacterial, antiviral drops, can be used to prevent further invasion of pathogenic microflora into the adjacent nasal tonsils. Or, if you have a current history of adenoiditis (nasal, throat, ear), introduce Sofradex as an additional remedy to an already used treatment program.

  • Adenoid otitis.

According to statistics from WHO, the World Health Organization, according to ICD code 10 (childhood otitis): out of 100 cases of diagnosed otitis in children, 80% are of adenoid etiology. Therefore, Sofradex, as a drip bactericidal technique (instillation into the ears), is mandatory. Together with Otipax, this “duet” provides a fast-acting analgesic effect and suppresses the reproduction of adenoid pathoflora in the ear canals.

  1. Adenoid-laryngeal tonsillitis.

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An extremely formidable, dangerous manifestation of adenoid infection. Pathogenesis is characterized by a rapidly increasing picture of intoxication:

  • A sharp increase in temperature;
  • Sore throat (difficulty swallowing reflux);
  • Chills, fever;
  • Clearly expressed hyperemia of the palatine vault (almond arches);
  • Pasty swelling that closes the lumen into the larynx.

Most often, this type of tonsillar adenoanginal pathogenesis occurs against the background of:

  • chronic adenoiditis in the nasopharynx (in general);
  • sluggish forms (modifications) of the adenoid layers: on the almond gland, which runs along the posterior wall of the larynx, in the region of the posterior choanae;
  • adenoid otitis, which has spread through thin auditory septa;
  • Infection with adenoviral influenza strains of the upper respiratory tract (catarrh, bronchitis).

"Sofradex" is an indispensable participant in antibiotic therapy for such pathological clinics. Acts as a nasal disinfectant, perfectly sanitizes infected pharyngeal tonsils, disinfecting purulent discharge in the pharyngolaryngeal vault.

Important! It exhibits clinical characteristics best when poured in large quantities in the form of solutions for a sore throat. If a child can vary the throat gurgling (when gargling) for 5-6 minutes, this is wonderful! The longer Sofradex vibrates the medicinal mixture in the larynx, the greater the benefit. Thus, the pathogenic layer of adenotoxins is thoroughly cleansed and purulent mucus is washed away. Of course, the child must definitely spit out the “used ” medicinal portion. Do not swallow it under any circumstances!

Reception features

The effect of adenoid therapy often varies depending on the correct use of the drug. For these purposes, the child takes a horizontal position and does not turn his head to the sides. To shrink adenoids, Sofradex must penetrate into 2 nostrils, flowing onto the inflamed tonsil of the pharynx. With such a pathological process, it is important for the patient to follow the therapeutic regimen.

Before using Sofradex directly, you need to completely clear the baby’s nasal cavity of accumulated mucus and pus. For these purposes, it is possible to use this product after first stirring it with filtered water or saline solution. The duration of the therapeutic course of the drug Sofradex by instillation of drops into the nose reaches approximately 5 - 10 days. The numbers may vary depending on the course of the pathological process, the personal characteristics and age of the baby.

Specialists often prescribe Sofradex. This medication is suitable for the treatment of a large number of pathologies, including adenoids. With a small number of possible side effects, it is an effective anti-inflammatory agent, and therefore has become widespread among doctors and patients. There are also negative reviews about the lack of effect after therapy, but this is associated with an advanced stage of the disease, untimely therapy, or individual characteristics of the body. When the drug is used at the initial stage of the disease, recovery will be faster and without difficulties.

The video contains information about the drug Sofradex for adenoids.


A typical condition that limits the use of Sofradex drops is individual intolerance to any of the components. The drug is not recommended for use for viral, fungal infections, tuberculosis. Its introduction into the nose should be avoided during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Sofradex is a combination drop intended for administration into the eyes and ears.
But extensive clinical experience allows ENT doctors to prescribe them in other situations - with a runny nose, sinusitis, adenoids. Possessing antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiallergic properties, the drug has a complex effect on the pathological process. But it is prohibited to use it, especially in children, without first consulting a doctor. se»>Google+

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