Sinusitis of the shoulder joint symptoms and treatment

What is synovitis of the knee joint and how to treat it at home with folk remedies (photo)?

Some supporters of treatment with folk remedies are convinced that helminths (worms) further aggravate the course of the disease.
To cleanse the body of parasites, it is recommended to take black walnut tincture. The tincture is also believed to effectively cleanse the blood. It should be taken every day before meals, 1 tsp. Many people use the tincture for preventive purposes. To The actions of doctors are, of course, aimed at identifying the causes and eliminating them, as well as at removing, first of all, such obvious symptoms of the disease as pain and dysfunction.



One of the main functions of the synovial membrane is to maintain the required level of intra-articular fluid (production of this fluid and absorption of its excess). During inflammation, the functions of the membrane are disrupted, which leads to the accumulation of a huge amount of effusion in the joint. As a result, the person experiences severe pain and difficulty bending and straightening the leg.

Inflammation of the knee joint can be acute or chronic. In the first case, the acute onset and pronounced symptoms force the person to immediately go to the hospital. Chronic synovitis develops gradually, which is why the patient may not notice warning signs at first. Over time, aching, subtle pain appears more and more often, and walking becomes more and more difficult.

Depending on the nature of the effusion, synovitis is divided into purulent, serous and hemorrhagic (bloody). The approach to treatment of each of them has its own characteristics and differences. Therefore, any treatment can be started only after the diagnosis has been clarified.

Table 1. Types of pathology depending on the cause.

The severity of the clinical picture depends on the activity of the inflammatory process and the amount of accumulated effusion. In the presence of pus, the patient experiences severe bursting pain in the knee joint, and synovitis progresses very quickly. In the case of chronic inflammation, the disease has a sluggish course with mild symptoms.

Acute synovitis is characterized by:

  1. Painful sensations spreading to the entire knee.
  2. Increased pain while walking, at night and in the morning.
  3. Swelling of the knee due to accumulation of effusion.
  4. Decreased range of motion in the joint.
  5. Chills, fever, intoxication phenomena (with a purulent process).

Signs of chronic synovitis:

  1. Periodic pain that intensifies during an exacerbation.
  2. Significant limitation of movements in the knee.
  3. Frequent dislocations.
  4. Some difficulty walking.
  5. The appearance of swelling, redness and swelling of the joint during an exacerbation.

With synovitis, most patients experience fluctuation, a symptom indicating the presence of fluid in the joint. It is not difficult to identify it. To do this, you need to gently squeeze with your fingers and then release the knee area. If there is fluctuation, you may feel a slight jolt when you remove your hand.

Synovitis of the knee joint in a child is usually reactive. Unpleasant symptoms appear soon after suffering from influenza or acute respiratory viral infection. The baby is experiencing severe pain and lameness. An increase in body temperature and fixation of the diseased limb in an unnatural, forced position may be observed.

Diagnostic methods

Synovitis can be suspected based on its typical symptoms and the presence of fluctuations. However, additional examination is necessary to confirm and clarify the diagnosis. It helps to find out the cause of synovitis, the nature of the inflammation and the severity of the disease.

All this is necessary to select an effective treatment regimen.

Table 2. Research methods that help in making a diagnosis.

Synovitis of the knee joint, the symptoms of which are described above, can easily be confused with other pathologies (arthritis, Baker's cyst, meniscal damage, tendinitis, arthrosis). To distinguish between these diseases, you need to carefully analyze the symptoms, as well as the time and order of their appearance.

Table 3. Differential diagnosis of synovitis.

Patients with acute synovitis are hospitalized in a hospital. In case of purulent inflammation, they are placed in the surgical department, in case of aseptic inflammation - in the traumatological department. Treatment of synovitis of the knee joint at home is permitted only in the chronic stage of the disease.

During an exacerbation, the sore leg requires complete rest, and the patient needs bed rest. To immobilize (immobilize) the limb, a tight bandage, splint or plaster splint is used. Along with this, the patient is prescribed medications and physiotherapy. If necessary, intra-articular fluid is removed using puncture.

Chronic synovitis is usually treated conservatively. Doctors select medications for patients and recommend that they engage in physical therapy. Special exercises help restore joint function and increase range of motion in it. Surgical treatment is resorted to in severe, advanced cases.

You can do without a puncture in case of aseptic synovitis, which is not accompanied by the accumulation of pus, blood or a large amount of serous effusion in the articular cavity. Conservative treatment involves the use of medications, physiotherapeutic procedures and traditional medicine methods.

Patients must carefully follow the doctor's instructions. The timeliness and adequacy of the therapy largely determines the outcome of the disease. People who go to the hospital late often develop chronic synovitis of the knee joint, the treatment of which is much more difficult. Therefore, it is better to prevent the disease from becoming chronic.

Table 4. Pharmaceuticals that are used to treat synovitis of the knee joint.

Therapeutic puncture or surgery is more often required in patients with acute synovitis. In case of infectious inflammation, it becomes necessary to immediately remove pus from the synovial cavity. In cases of severe injuries, it is often necessary to remove blood, fragments of damaged tissue and parts of the synovial membrane, and suturing ligaments or menisci.

Joint puncture is performed under local anesthesia. After removing the accumulated effusion, the doctor rinses the synovial cavity with solutions of antiseptics and antibiotics. At the end of the procedure, he injects medications there (antibacterial, anti-inflammatory drugs). A person may need several similar procedures for a complete recovery.

Arthroscopic surgery is performed when:

  • severe inflammatory process;
  • meniscal damage;
  • ruptures and tears of ligaments;
  • joint instability;
  • complications of osteoarthritis;
  • ineffectiveness of previous treatment.

Arthroscopy is a low-traumatic operation. It avoids damage to the soft tissues of the leg. After surgery, several small incisions are left in the knee area. In the postoperative period, they are used to wash the synovial cavity. Soon after surgery, the holes heal and joint function is restored.

Physiotherapy methods are actively used for different types and forms of synovitis. Physiotherapeutic procedures have an analgesic and calming effect. They improve microcirculation and blood circulation in the affected tissues, thereby accelerating recovery.

Techniques that help cope with the disease:

  • medicinal electrophoresis;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • UHF;
  • healing mud;
  • galvanic currents;
  • sinusoidally modulated current therapy (SCT).

Exercises are indicated during the recovery period of acute synovitis and during the chronic course of the disease. Physical therapy helps restore normal mobility to the knee. In the presence of arthritis or arthrosis, it makes it possible to slow down the destruction (destruction) of cartilage.

All the possibilities of traditional medicine should be used as an addition to the main therapy. It is undesirable and even dangerous to replace them with a medical puncture or taking medications. For people who have acute synovitis of the knee joint, it is better to postpone treatment with folk remedies. First of all, they need to go to a clinic, a surgeon or an orthopedic traumatologist.

Treatment of synovitis of the knee joint at home is carried out using:

  1. Comfrey ointments or tinctures.
  2. Bay leaf.
  3. Kerosene compresses.
  4. Saline solution.
  5. Cabbage and plantain leaves.
  6. Garlic ointment.

Folk remedies can alleviate the course of chronic synovitis, but they are ineffective in acute purulent process. In this case, the patient requires immediate puncture. No decoctions or compresses can replace this procedure. Self-medication can only aggravate the patient’s condition and lead to serious consequences.

Acute synovitis responds well to treatment and can be completely cured with timely consultation with a doctor. The chronic form of the disease is much more difficult to combat. Advanced synovitis leads to dysfunction of the joint over time. If the patient has osteoarthritis or other concomitant diseases, the prognosis becomes even worse.

Without medical attention, the infection can spread far beyond the knee. In the worst case, it can lead to blood poisoning - sepsis. This condition is extremely dangerous as it often leads to death.

Complications of chronic synovitis:

  • deterioration of knee mobility;
  • difficulty walking;
  • damage to intra-articular structures.

The unpleasant consequences of the disease can be avoided with the help of proper treatment. Therefore, when the first alarming symptoms appear, you should immediately go to the hospital. This will help prevent complications and maintain health.

Complications and prognosis of pathology

Untreated arthrosis or untreated acute injury to the knee joint leads to chronicity of the process. What happens during the chronic stage? The products of inflammation lead to the destruction of the constituent components of the knee joint, that is, to the washing out of the cartilaginous plate from the bones, the cessation of the production of lubricating synovial fluid, to the development of osteophytes and ankylosis of the knee joint. The latter is a serious problem for the normal functioning of the leg and the performance of its intended function of support and movement of the human body.

Read also: Inflammation in the knee joint treatment

Damage to the knee joints changes gait and posture. When walking, a person tries to spare the diseased organ, thus transferring the entire weight of the body to the healthy limb. The leg does not bend or extend; it is constantly in a straightened state due to the fusion of the articular components. A person practically moves with the help of crutches or a cane. The organ of the locomotor apparatus itself is anatomically changed: thickened and increased in size.

Complications of the disease are very serious, especially in the purulent form. In this case, arthritis or arthrosis rapidly develops. The infection can infect periarticular tissues with the development of purulent abscesses and the formation of fistulas, and microbes can penetrate into the bloodstream quickly turning into sepsis. Septic complication is fraught with death. If the patient has overcome this pathology, the prognosis is positive, but chronic synovitis will have to be urgently operated on to completely eliminate the infectious focus.

How to treat synovitis of the knee joint?

There are many traditional methods of treating this disease. However, they are not able to completely cope with the disease on their own, even if the synovitis of the knee joint is moderate.​

Joint synovitis is an inflammation of the synovial (inner) membrane that covers the joint cavity. During the inflammatory process, effusion is formed, fluid accumulates in the joint capsule. When infection penetrates, the effusion turns into purulent contents - at this point purulent synovitis develops. More often, inflammation affects the knee joint, since it experiences significant stress.

​Why pain in the knee may occur on the side​​Knee injuries​

Regarding reducing the load on the joint. If I lie or sit, the mobility of the joint worsens. If you walk gently and evenly on the treadmill (low speed), it gets better.​

Stages of treatment

​If the disease persists, intra-articular administration of corticosteroid drugs is indicated, and if laboratory testing of the exudate confirms the presence of infection, we add broad-spectrum antibiotics. Treatment of synovitis with folk remedies

​Usually, when the knee joint is damaged, patients turn to a traumatologist. After examining the knee, an X-ray of the joint is prescribed, which provides information not only about the consequences of a fracture or bruise of the knee, but also the general condition of the joint, allowing one to suspect synovitis of the knee joint.

​Pain in the knee, increasing with movement and palpation.​

Treatment methods

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint is characterized by the process of destruction of the cartilage of the joint. Due to metabolic disorders, cartilage tissue does not receive the necessary nutrients and fluids, resulting in its degeneration. Elderly people usually suffer from this disease.

But, due to poor lifestyle, every year there is a tendency to diagnose the disease at an earlier age. The earlier arthrosis is detected, the more effectively it will be possible to cope with it at home, without resorting to drug or surgical treatment.


Treatment at home for a disease such as arthrosis of the knee joint involves the use of the following methods:

  • developing the right diet;
  • taking herbal decoctions and tinctures;
  • use of compresses, ointments, homemade lotions;
  • physiotherapy;
  • massage.

Since these methods have many contraindications, it is important to consult a specialist before you begin to treat arthrosis yourself.

Proper nutrition

Before you begin treatment for arthrosis of the knee joint, you first need to replenish your diet with foods rich in vitamins and minerals. The main useful elements can be identified as follows:

  1. Calcium - found in cottage cheese, dairy products, hard cheese, sesame seeds.
  2. Vitamin D is synthesized in the body under the influence of sunlight.
  3. B vitamins are found in sufficient amounts in baked goods and pasta.
  4. Plant fiber - found in salads, fresh vegetables and fruits.

Therapeutic nutrition for arthrosis of the knee joint should begin with cleansing the body. For 3 days, you must eat rice, raw vegetables and fruits, and also take a decoction of horsetail, birch, juniper and nettle leaves.

In the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint, the use of gelatin and dishes that contain it (jellied meat, jellied fish) is very useful. Gelatin contains natural animal protein - collagen, which serves to build and restore bone tissue. Fruit jelly, which is also considered a source of vitamins, will also be useful.

Synovitis of the knee joint. Treatment of synovitis with folk remedies

Proper nutrition

The knee joint is a complex biomechanical complex that allows a person to implement the most important functions: support, walking, running. For the normal functioning of the knee joint, which involves a large number of “rubbing parts,” nature has developed a special fluid that enters the joint space and serves as a lubricant and damper for the components of the knee joint. The absence of this lubricant, as well as its excess, is a pathology, causes pain syndromes of varying intensity and requires treatment.

  • Causes of fluid accumulation in the knee joint
  • Symptoms of synovial fluid accumulation
  • Diagnosis of the disease
  • Main stages of treatment
  • Traditional medicine Fluid in the knee joint: treatment with folk remedies

Synovitis of the knee joint is an excess of joint fluid that accumulates and can lead to inflammation of various types.

There are several main reasons for the development of knee synovitis, which are divided into three groups:

  1. Traumatic, resulting from mechanical impact. This group is characterized by extensive damage to the connective tissue of the knee joint.
  2. Infectious, which are caused by microorganisms of varying pathogenicity (a certain type of infection caused by a microbe) and virulence (the degree of activity of this microbe). These can be bacteria, viruses, protozoa and fungi. They penetrate into the articular area either through local wounds or through the lymph and blood circulation.
  3. Aseptic, appearing in rheumatological and endocrine diseases, metabolic disorders. In this case, changes occur inside the synovial membrane, leading to its loss of elasticity and mobility. This leads to gradual infection and the appearance of purulent inflammation.

Thus, during the exacerbation of rheumatological diseases, exudate accumulates, which is produced by the shell of the joint capsule in a large volume due to a specific reaction to the disease.

The main reasons causing the pathogenesis of the knee joint and the accumulation of synovial fluid include:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis of the knee;
  • Gonarthrosis of the knee joint;
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • Gout;
  • Polymyositis:
  • Ankylosing spondylitis.

The accumulation of synovial fluid in the knee can occur due to the penetration of various microorganisms into the cavity of the synovial bursa. The routes of their entry are different: from the external environment (as a result of traumatic exposure), from nearby inflammatory sources (purulent tissue inflammation or osteomyelitis), blood or lymph flow (systemic septic infections).

Separately, it is worth mentioning unusual allergic reactions that can lead to increased accumulation of synovial fluid. However, this is an extremely rare cause of knee synovitis.

Signs of developing synovitis of the knee joint are:

  • Swelling of the knee. This is especially noticeable against the background of a healthy knee.
  • Increased local temperature and redness of the skin.
  • Painful sensation when trying to fully bend the knee.
  • Painful sensations when moving the leg.

All these symptoms only signal pathological changes in the knee joint. This is not enough for an accurate diagnosis of the disease, identifying the etiology and degree of pathogenesis.

In any case, at the first signs of synovial fluid accumulation, an early consultation and further treatment of the knee by a specialized specialist is necessary. Often there is an understatement of the danger of the disease, which can lead to rupture of the joint capsule, cause deformation of the knee and blood poisoning (sepsis). This is typical for the infectious nature of synovitis.

To effectively treat a disease, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the cause of the disease, as well as the stage and phase of the pathology. Conducting a visual examination, palpation of the knee, a complete medical history and various instrumental examination methods allow us to obtain reliable data necessary for treatment.

The main instrumental methods for studying internal organs are used:

  • X-ray of the knee joint;
  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound);
  • Magnetic resonance and computed tomography (MRI/CT);

In case of pronounced synovitis, when the accumulation of a large amount of fluid in the joint capsule is obvious, a puncture is made and the collected fluid is sent for analysis to identify infection.

In cases of severe pathology and unclear medical history, arthroscopy of the knee joint is performed (introduction of an arthroscope into the damaged joint through a microincision).

Like any disease, synovitis begins to be treated after an accurate diagnosis. At the first stage, a puncture of the knee joint is performed to remove excess fluid. Then the joint cavity is cleaned and then special antibiotics are administered to avoid possible infection.

It is important to reduce the dynamic and static load on the sore knee. For these purposes, fixing bandages are used to ensure immobility of the knee joint. It must be done after the puncture and worn for about 5 - 7 days.

To reduce the risk of relapse of the disease, drug treatment is carried out. For this purpose, parenteral or oral administration of targeted nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) is used. In order to increase therapeutic effectiveness, the use of various ointments and gels that have warming, irritating or anti-inflammatory effects is prescribed. They cope well with various symptoms of the disease (edema and swelling).

In some cases, antibiotics are prescribed. The reason is re-infection or ineffectiveness of the chosen treatment methods. To do this, a study of the intra-articular fluid is carried out to determine the causative agent of the disease. Depending on the results of bacterial culture, antibiotics of both broad and narrow spectrum of action are prescribed. Intramuscular or intravenous injections are used.


Over its centuries-old history, traditional medicine has accumulated a variety of means to eliminate the main symptoms of the disease, which successfully complement the main therapy of the disease.

Like the medications and ointments used, traditional medicine has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiseptic effects, increases the body's immunity and joint resistance.

​Sinusitis (Novolat. sinusitis, from Lat. sinus - sinus and Lat. -itis - suffix meaning inflammation; synonym: sinusitis) - inflammation of one or more paranasal sinuses, occurs as a complication of acute runny nose, flu, measles, scarlet fever and other infectious diseases.​

​Synovial membrane - 5.4 mm (norm is up to 3 mm).​

​The same procedure is the first stage of treatment for the disease synovitis of the knee joint. Treatment begins in a small operating room; general or local anesthesia is usually not required. A thin needle is used to suck out part of the fluid, after which antibiotics are injected into the joint cavity (even in the absence of a primary infection, they are needed for preventive purposes). The item is sent to the laboratory for research, which we discussed above.​

  • ​Bay oil – 2 tablespoons of chopped bay leaf should be poured into 200 g of sunflower oil. Close tightly and leave for 7 days. This oil should be rubbed into the knee several times a day and at night, securing with an elastic bandage.​
  • ​Acute - symptoms of synovitis are characterized by constant progression and include severe pain, large swelling, redness of the skin.​
  • ​is an inflammation of the synovium of the joint, resulting in the accumulation of fluid (effusion) in the joint cavity. The effusion accumulates in the joint capsule and the areas where the tendons attach to the bone. This kind of inflammation can occur in any joint, but synovitis of the knee joint is more common. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the knee joint bears the maximum load when walking or running, as well as the lion’s share of bruises and injuries, which is the cause of many diseases of the knee joint, including synovitis.​
  • ​It is possible to completely fix the leg without bending it.​
  • In addition to the treatment of this underlying disease, treatment can include joint puncture, application of a pressure bandage, immobilization of the limb with a plaster splint, and physiotherapy. In case of acute synovitis, treatment must be done in a hospital.​
  • ​Dietary supplement. You should take the prescribed vitamin and mineral complex.​
  • ​2 tbsp. spoons of crushed bay leaves pour a glass of olive or sunflower oil. Leave for 2 weeks, shaking occasionally. Then strain and rub into the affected joint.​
  • ​These signs may have varying degrees of severity depending on the causes and characteristics of the course of synovitis of the knee joint. They are often accompanied by general symptoms - fever, general weakness, disorders of other organs. In this regard, acute and chronic synovitis are distinguished. Synovitis is also divided into microbial and aseptic. Microbial - this is a consequence of injuries, sepsis, tuberculosis. The cause of aseptic symptoms is gout, degeneration (arthrosis) of articular cartilage, allergic reactions.​
  • Synovitis is an inflammation of the synovial membrane lining the inside of the joint cavity. This inflammatory process can develop in any joint. But the most common symptom is synovitis of the knee joint. After all, our knee performs complex functions when walking, running, and carrying heavy loads. And therefore, the knee joint is more susceptible than others to trauma and various inflammatory, degenerative diseases, including synovitis.​

​Thickening of the PCL.”


​After the puncture, the knee joint should be provided with maximum rest. For this purpose, they resort to immobilization using a tight pressure bandage, a knee brace or special knee orthoses. The goal is not to completely eliminate mobility in the joint; you just need to reduce the load as much as possible.

  • ​Egg compress - beat 1 egg, salt well and lubricate the affected area on the knee, wrapping it with a regular bandage on top. Leave for half an hour, then rinse with running water.​
  • ​Chronic - symptoms are mild, but periodically worsen, which is due to the lack of timely treatment.​
  • ​Athletes and people whose professional activities involve heavy physical labor (builders, miners, loaders, etc.), elderly people, as well as people suffering from arthritis or arthrosis of the knee joint, regardless of age and gender, are most susceptible to synovitis of the knee joint activities.​
  • ​The only option that can be counteracted with this form of the disease is to treat it surgically.​

Reasons for development

The leading role in the development of sinusitis is given to the Pfeiffer bacillus (Haemophilus influenzae) and pneumococcus (Streptococcus pneumoniae), which are the causative agents of the disease in more than 50% of cases. Less commonly, hemolytic streptococcus (Streptococcus pyogenes), Moraxella catarrhalis, Staphylococcus aureus, various viruses, fungi and anaerobes are sown.

Causes of inflammation of the sinuses and blockage of their anastomosis:

  • congenital anomalies of the nasal concha and ethmoid labyrinth;
  • deformations of the nasal structures acquired during life, which arose after unsuccessful surgery, various injuries, chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa, for example due to hypertrophic rhinitis;
  • acute viral infections;
  • therapeutic and diagnostic in-hospital procedures: nasotracheal intubation, nasogastric intubation, nasal tamponade;
  • a consequence of sensitization of the body, manifested in the form of allergic vasomotor rhinitis or seasonal rhinoconjunctivitis (hay fever);
  • nasal polyposis, adenoids;
  • smoking;
  • poor-quality extraction of the teeth of the upper jaw, after which a bacterial infection occurs, ascending to the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses;
  • mycotic infection that develops as a result of prolonged and unjustified use of antibiotics and decreased immunity against this background;
  • frequent hypothermia;
  • forced inhalation of aggressive chemicals, for example, while working in hazardous enterprises.

Risk factors:

  • diseases of the dental system;
  • diabetes;
  • cystic fibrosis or other genetic diseases caused by increased secretion viscosity;
  • diseases accompanied by immunodeficiency;
  • allergic diathesis;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • Kartagener's syndrome;
  • use of steroids, etc.

Inflammation of the sinus mucosa, caused by infection or other etiological factors, is accompanied by swelling. The glands begin to actively produce a large amount of mucus, which, accumulating in the sinuses due to the narrowing of the anastomosis of the paranasal cavities, thickens. The sinuses cease to be fully cleansed. As a result of stagnation of secretions, disruption of natural ventilation and oxygen deficiency in the tissues of the sinuses, favorable conditions are created for the life of opportunistic flora, which causes a chronic infectious process.

At the beginning of the disease, nasal discharge is serous in nature; as inflammation develops, it transforms into mucous-serous. Purulent exudate, which contains a large amount of detritus and leukocytes, is observed when an infection of a bacterial nature is attached. In this case, severe swelling is accompanied by a violation of the permeability of the capillary walls.

Acute sinusitis can last up to 2 months. and longer, ending with either recovery or transition to a chronic form, in which there is a persistent change in the membranes of the sinus mucosa. This makes the patient more prone to frequent sinus infections.

Synovitis of the knee joint. Treatment of synovitis with folk remedies

​Fever, general weakness.​

In order to completely eliminate this condition of the body, potent medications are used. Such treatment of synovitis of the knee joint includes the use of ointments based on diclofenac and heparin, as well as salicylic acids.​

An alcohol tincture and a decoction of the roots are also good for internal use. Proportion for preparing the tincture: 20% ground roots and 80% vodka, leave for half a month. Take thirty drops three times a day. The decoction is prepared by steeping a tablespoon of roots in a glass of boiling water.

You can prepare an infusion for drinking. To do this, mix crushed herbs of mistletoe, echinacea, eucalyptus, yarrow, tansy, thyme, oregano, and birch leaves. Take a spoonful of the mixture and pour a cup of boiling water, leave for about an hour. The solution is then filtered and drunk throughout the day between meals.​

A person should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Treatment of patients usually involves complex therapy, taking into account the causes of the disease, as well as the course of the pathological process.​

Synovitis of the knee joint should be treated comprehensively, using methods such as:

​Respiratory, intestinal and urological infections​

​And most importantly: how long can you try to treat this way without pumping out the fluid, so that there are no unpleasant consequences?​


​Protection of the knee joint with knee pads, for example, when roller skating or playing sports.​


​Sometimes – enlargement of the inguinal lymph nodes.​

If the effectiveness is low or if chronic synovitis is being treated, medications such as Indomethacin and Aimotrypsin are used orally. In addition, to ensure complete disappearance of all manifestations of the disease, it is recommended to undergo a course of treatment with glucocorticosteroids.

Comfrey roots, ground equally with unsalted pork lard, are an excellent ointment for rubbing joints and fractures.

Symptoms of the disease

Why is the knee joint more often affected? There is a subjective answer to this question: the knee joint is a vulnerable place in the human skeleton. The heaviest load is placed only on it, and plus, mechanical damage constantly affects the knee.

Injuries, bruises, contusions and physical activity (running, long walking, carrying heavy objects, working in an upright position and intense sports) are the driving mechanism for the development of such a pathology as synovitis. Most often, athletes, loaders, miners and shop workers are exposed to this disease, but the elderly and children are at risk. Synovitis also occurs as a consequence of inflammatory-destructive diseases such as arthritis and arthrosis of the knee.

It is important to know! Inflammation of the synovial bursa can develop not only in the knee joint, but also in all other joints that are part of the structure of the human body or the locomotor system.

Inflammation of the synovial bursa of the knee joint has a number of specific symptoms. These symptoms are characteristic only of synovitis, namely:

  • an increase in anatomical size and hyperemia of the skin over the affected joint (swelling smoothes the boundaries between the tibia, fibula and femur);
  • local increase in temperature in the area of ​​the affected joint;
  • pain when walking, bending and straightening;
  • pain when pressing during palpation of the joint;
  • restriction of movement;
  • immersion of the patella in exudative fluid (fluctuation);
  • general malaise (weakness, low-grade fever, less commonly: nausea and dizziness);
  • enlargement of the inguinal lymph nodes (more often observed with purulent synovitis).

More details about the clinical picture of synovitis of the knee joint, symptoms and treatment photos can be viewed on specialized websites of medical centers.

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