Causes of edema Swelling of the tonsils occurs when lymphocytes with weakened function begin to swell and
Not everyone can protect themselves from viral diseases, flu, colds, especially in cold weather.
Features of the course of a cold during HB ARVI - a disease that everyone has to deal with from time to time
The healing properties of cranberries have been known since time immemorial. Cranberry juice has unique properties: anti-inflammatory; antipyretic;
Meningococcus Pure culture of meningococcus. Gram stain ICD-10 G0-G3 ICD-9 320-322 DiseasesDB 22543 MedlinePlus
Methods of using the drug for the treatment of sinusitis For sinusitis (this is sinusitis of the paranasal sinus of the upper jaw)
Composition and effect of the drug The active component of the Dlynos solution, which ensures vasoconstriction and a decrease in secretion
Inhalations with eucalyptus oil, tincture, leaves: indications Today, there are several dosage forms of eucalyptus:
Otitis externa This condition, like any other ailment, has a certain classification. Having dealt with
How to gargle Gargling effectively copes with unpleasant sore throat and dry cough. Here