Nowadays, common diseases that occur with symptoms that are not typical have become increasingly common.
Author's rating Author of the article Shutofedova Ksenia Yuryevna General practitioner Articles written 578 About the author V
Release form and composition of the drug In the pharmacy you can buy Nimesil in portioned opaque bags
Non-puncture method of treating purulent sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sinusitis Author: Yulia Yurievna Golonova, otorhinolaryngologist, director of the clinic
The effectiveness of inhalations with mineral water Mineral water is a source of microelements valuable for the body and
From the article you will learn what bronchodilators are, when they are used in medical practice, who they are contraindicated for,
Description of the drug Dexamethasone is presented by manufacturers in the form of a solution, which is intended for inhalation with
Useful tips Vietnamese star balm, just star balm, or Vietnamese balsam... Already from some
Author's rating Author of the article Elena Stanislavovna Zelenaya Otolaryngologist of the second category Articles written 665
What is the difference? Due to the different manifestations of symptoms, as well as the fact that