Pharmacological action The drug has antimicrobial, immunomodulatory, antiviral effects. The medicine is made from plant components: root
Staphylococcus aureus in the nose can cause many pathological conditions. Under the influence of adverse factors
A runny nose of any origin always leads to severe injury to the nasal mucous membranes. Shell in response
When are hormonal nasal drops prescribed? Doctors prescribe drops or aerosols for chronic diseases
Description Pharyngitis is a group name for inflammatory diseases occurring in the larynx. Lesion is observed
Properties of the drug - herbal lozenges “Doctor Mom” Herbal lozenges “Doctor MOM” in its complex
Saline solution is actively used in all areas of modern medicine. It is used to treat wounds,
Erespal Active ingredient – Fenspiridum Hydrochloride. This substance has the following effects: Anti-inflammatory. Blocking production
A dry paroxysmal cough can completely exhaust a person. Even when he represents
What is wax plug? Condensed sulfur with particles of the epidermis forms a sulfur plug. Sulfur plug.