How to cure nasal polyps

How to cure nasal polyps in an adult?

Nasal polyps are the result of hypertrophy of the mucous membranes of the nose, in which cell layering occurs and a new growth is formed. Nasal polyposis is rarely a concern from the moment of its formation. Only as the altered mucous membrane grows does the polyp begin to block the lumen of the nasal passages and prevent full breathing.

Any persistent nasal breathing disorder should undergo a thorough diagnosis. If polyposis of the nasal passages is confirmed, the doctor will determine the tactics for further treatment.

Despite the effectiveness of surgical intervention, they first try to get rid of tumors using a conservative method. The key to effective therapy is the elimination of symptoms along with the root causes of the pathology.

Nasal polyps. Treatment with folk remedies

Nasal polyps

also called polypous rhinosinusitis. This is a chronic disease that affects the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Gradually, the pathological process spreads to the area of ​​the nasal passages, causing difficulty in nasal breathing and turning the patient’s life into a constant nightmare. And indeed: losing free breathing, he cannot distinguish the variety of smells in the surrounding space, he begins to have more painful headaches, and other somatic diseases develop. Greetings to all friends and readers of the medical blog “Traditional Medicine Recipes”.

Nasal polyps. General information and causes

● Nasal congestion with polyps varies depending on their number: from initial (mild) to complicated (complete lack of breathing through the nose). Nasal polyps

affect the voice: it becomes nasal. The disease is often accompanied by mucopurulent or watery discharge from the nasal passages, coughing and mucus draining into the nasopharynx. The perception of taste and smell are often lost. When a secondary infection occurs due to weakened immunity, ethmoiditis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the ethmoid bone cells) and sinusitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal cavity) develop, and at the same time headaches.

● Nasal polyps in ⅓ of patients cause bronchial asthma and intolerance to diclofenac, analgin, aspirin and a number of other antipyretics and analgesics. Polyps are more common in men aged 40-50 years. The cause of the disease is still not well understood, despite the advances made in medicine in recent years. However, some factors have been identified that influence the formation of nasal polyps. The first place in this series is occupied by hormonal imbalance and allergies, genetic disorders with hereditary burden.

● The factors listed above lead to incomplete synthesis of proteins (amino acids) that make up the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses. Subsequently, the mucous membrane begins to synthesize special cells from which polyps are formed. The death of these parasitic cells does not occur due to the blockade of a special gene responsible for their death. It should be noted that many people mistake nasal polyps for tumors or neoplasms, but this is not the case: they are nothing more than areas of the mucous membrane with severe swelling.

Nasal polyps. Conservative therapy

● In medicine, there are many different methods for treating nasal polyps, but, unfortunately, none of them provides a 100% cure. Moreover, none of the patients is immune from the reappearance of polyps. For several decades, doctors have tested many methods of non-surgical drug treatment, but it is not possible to completely cure the disease, only to stop the growth of polyps for a while or to lengthen the intervals between relapses.

More details:

Drug therapy

Drug treatment, despite the non-invasive method and local application, has a powerful effect on the human body.

When choosing drug treatment, it is important to understand the following aspects::

  1. Compliance with discipline and precise treatment regimen;
  2. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
  3. Readiness for long-term therapy.

The results of drug treatment do not appear immediately. In addition, there are likely risks of side effects and complications from certain organs and systems.

Treatment is selected strictly individually, based on multiple diagnostic criteria:

  • Patient's age;
  • Localization of the polyp and its structure;
  • Tendency to proliferation and oncogenic transformation.

The results of drug treatment do not appear immediately. In addition, there are likely risks of side effects and complications from certain organs and systems.


Medicines for the treatment of nasal polyposis can be divided into local and systemic. Often these agents are combined to achieve maximum therapeutic results.

Medications for nasal polyposis are also classified into pharmacological groups.

Systemic hormonal drugs

Oral corticosteroids, or corticosteroids, are the mainstay medications in the treatment of nasal polyposis. The dosage is selected based on the patient's age and weight.

Treatment with hormones is especially effective for polyps caused by bronchial asthma, allergens, and chronic rhinitis.

The main drugs are:

  • Prednisolone . A hormonal agent with high therapeutic activity due to anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive, antiallergic and antiproliferative effects. Inhibits further growth of epithelial tissue, thereby stopping the growth of the polyp. The main dosage of drugs per day is 30-50 mg, the duration of therapy is 5-7 days. Next, a gradual drug withdrawal scheme is used, reducing the dosage. This allows you to reduce the risks of side effects and maintain normal weight.
  • Dexamethasone . Hormones in tablets have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect by reducing the sensitivity of tissues to allergens. At the same time, it suppresses the immune system and increases sensitivity to proteins of the outer cell membrane. Dexamethasone restores protein metabolism, affects the condition of the mucosa, inhibiting the further development of polyposis.

Other effective oral hormones include::

  • Polcortolon,
  • Medrol,
  • Urbazon,
  • Triamcinolone,
  • Celeston,
  • Kenalog,
  • Cortineff.

Important! All medications should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor, as they have many serious health consequences if used inappropriately.

Hormones for topical use

Local hormonal agents are intended to slow the growth of small polyps. The advantage of local use is the low likelihood of absorption into the systemic circulation, as well as a direct effect on the pathological neoplasm.

The main drugs are:

  • Flixonase, Nazarel - with the active component fluticasone;
  • Nasonex is the main active ingredient mometasone;
  • Tafen nasal, Beconase, Nasobek are the active components of budesonide.

The drugs immediately affect the structure of the polyp, reducing its volume. After only 3-4 days, patients experience relief in nasal breathing.


Antihistamines are used in cases of confirmed allergic rhinitis, as well as nasal polyposis of unknown origin. In otolaryngology, drugs without sedative and cardiotoxic effects are often used.

The main antihistamines are:

  • Cetirizine;
  • Loratadine;
  • Cetrin;
  • Erius;
  • Levocytirizine.

The duration of treatment with antihistamines is 7-14 days, depending on the severity of the pathology, the severity of the clinical picture and the nature of the occurrence of polyps.

How to make breathing easier?

Vasoconstrictor drugs are used short-term to restore nasal breathing by narrowing blood vessels and reducing swelling. The duration of the treatment course usually does not exceed 7 days.

The main drugs are:

  • Tizin,
  • Otrivin,
  • Naphthyzin.

Important ! Antibiotics are used only in the case of a secondary infection, increased flow from the nose against this background and an increase in other symptoms.

To treat infection with nasal polyposis, it is prescribed:

  • Ormax,
  • Azithromycin,
  • Flemoclav.

Even in the absence of a bacterial infection against the background of polyposis, the nose is washed with antibacterial solutions:

  • Chlorhexidine,
  • Miramistin,
  • Furacilin,
  • sodium chloride.

Washing is carried out at least 3-4 times a day.


The main goal of physiotherapy is to stabilize and stop the growth of the polyp during its active development, as well as to relieve the recurrent syndrome in its inactive phase.

There are no separate physiotherapy devices for the treatment of polyps, however, there are effective methods of physiotherapy that can significantly alleviate the patient’s condition:

  • acupuncture;
  • ozone-ultraviolet sanitation;
  • laser excision of polyps;
  • salt inhalation.

Polyps of small volume may completely disappear after 1-2 courses of physiotherapy sessions. The procedures are used in combination with drug treatment.

Treatment of nasal polyps without surgery at home

Water infusion of celandine

Leave for sixty minutes 1 tsp. herbs or plant flowers in 150 ml of boiling water, filter. 1-2 drops in each nasal passage for fourteen days. Then a week break, a course of treatment of 1-2 months.

Calendula officinalis solution

Add a couple of drops of calendula tincture to a glass of warm water. Nasal drops to get rid of polyps. The solution can be used to rinse the nasal passages.

pharmaceutical camomile

The infusion is used to rinse the nose for polyps 4-5 times a day. For a glass of boiling water 1 tsp. raw materials.

Beet juice

Place fresh juice of raw red beets into your nose while lying on your back. You can rinse your nose with fresh beetroot decoction.


1 tsp Brew the herbs with 200 ml of boiling water, filter after twenty minutes. Draw alternately into the left and then the right nostril or use a spray bottle. Carry out procedures up to ten times a day.

mix sage and calendula flowers (30g each), St. John's wort herb (20g), horsetail herb, greater celandine, spring primrose (10g each),

1 tsp collection, brew 200 ml of boiling water, cook for one minute over low heat, leave for two hours, filter. Nose drops or rinses. Insert cotton balls soaked in a decoction into the nostrils at night,

thoroughly mix St. John's wort herb and calendula flowers (4 tbsp each), chamomile flowers (2 tbsp), dry coltsfoot roots (2 tbsp), celandine herb (1 tbsp). Pour the mixture with 500 ml of olive oil, leave to brew for one month, remembering to shake occasionally, then filter. 3-4 drops in each nasal passage three times a day.


Add a little 9% table vinegar to boiling water, hide over the pan, inhale the vapors through the nose to treat polyps by inhalation.

Gently inhale the vapors of freshly grated horseradish root twice a day.

To prevent the transformation of a benign polyp into a malignant form, you should consume a medicinal mixture daily, consisting of two parts of natural honey and one part of fresh viburnum juice, one quarter of a glass thirty minutes before a meal.

What to treat - basic medicines

When prescribing drug treatment, the following groups of drugs are distinguished, which have advantages and varying degrees of therapeutic effectiveness:

  • Nasal drops for nasal polyps . Drops can have different pharmacological groups, bases, and regimens of use. To treat polyps, combined anti-inflammatory and hormonal drops are prescribed. Remedies from homeopathy and traditional medicine recipes based on celandine, white lily oil and others are effective. There are Nasonex, Nazivin, Loromax.
  • Ointments and liniments . Lubrication of the nasal passages for polyps is considered a secondary method of treatment. For lubrication, we recommend “Acacia” balm, homemade ointments based on honey, aloe juice, apricot and lily oils. Pharmacy products are Prednisolone, Bactroban, Oxolinic ointment, antibacterial liniment Mupirocin, vasoconstrictor Evamenol.
  • Sprays for polyps . The spray is distinguished by its spraying feature, which consists of irrigating the nostrils. The method is effective if the polyp is located closer to the external passages. Among the popular drugs are Avamis, Naphthyzin, Physiomer.

Drops and ointments can be prepared independently at home using:

  • celandine juice,
  • aloe,
  • chamomile decoction,
  • pharmaceutical lily tincture,
  • propolis,
  • honey and other ingredients.

Vasoconstrictor drugs are used short-term to restore nasal breathing by narrowing blood vessels and reducing swelling.

Proper use will significantly ease breathing and reduce polyps, subject to regular daily efforts. Information on how to treat nasal polyps with folk remedies is in this article.

Treatment of polyps at home

Changing your diet can help eliminate the causes of nasal polyps. It is recommended to exclude foods that form mucus. These primarily include milk and dairy products.

You should include more fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily diet.

It is advisable to diversify your diet with vegetable side dishes and various whole grain porridges. Drink herbal teas and compotes made from dry fruits regularly.

Drinking liquid during meals is prohibited, preferably 0.5-1 hour before it. After a meal, it is advisable to drink compote or tea no earlier than 1-2 hours later.

Otherwise, the liquid neutralizes stomach juices, thereby worsening the digestion process. Insufficiently digested food contributes to the formation of mucus in the nose.

It is recommended to cleanse the intestines with Ivanchenko’s triad at home:

tansy flower powder 1.0 g

crushed wormwood 200-300 mg

freshly prepared clove powder 0.5g

Place all ingredients in an empty gelatin capsule and take orally immediately. As a last resort, if there is no capsule, swallow all the powders at once with water.

You can get more detailed information about colon cleansing from the author of the article (write in the comments).

Home treatment for nasal polyps in children can sometimes help avoid surgery to remove the polyps by simply putting fresh baby urine into the nostrils.

List of effective drugs

The most popular and frequently prescribed drugs for the treatment of polyps are the following:

  • Nasobek;
  • Prednisolone;
  • Aldecin;
  • Avamis;
  • Nazarel;
  • Fluticasone;
  • Flixonase;
  • Teucrium glycerin (homeopathic remedy).

Among the popular and effective folk methods are drops based on aloe, celandine, and St. John's wort. All drugs for polyposis are prescribed strictly as prescribed by the doctor in order to avoid complications from difficulty breathing.

Watch the story of successful removal of polyps and the recipe for treatment in this video:

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