Compresses for bronchitis - popular methods

Cooking methods

Warming for bronchitis is used in case of zero results from traditional medicine methods and inhalations. If a positive outcome is not observed, then compresses can help reduce chest pain and cure obstructive cough, but they should be used in conjunction with the main therapy prescribed by the doctor.

Dressings soaked in a special solution do not themselves have practical significance. Their main feature is the ability to warm up a certain area of ​​the body, due to which the vessels begin to carry warm blood. Compresses are suitable for adults and children as they have few side effects.

The most common recipes are based on the following ingredients:

  • potatoes;
  • cottage cheese;
  • honey;
  • vodka;
  • garlic;
  • mustard powder.

Potatoes are a hypoallergenic product that is suitable for the treatment of bronchitis in adults and one-year-old children. It is approved for use by pregnant women. Traditional medicine includes this component in many recipes:


  • Soda, vegetable oil and potatoes. You need to take 4 medium tubers and boil them for 20 minutes, without removing the peel first. After this you need to make a puree, add 1 tbsp. l. oil and baking soda. The mass is formed into cakes and laid out on a couple of layers of gauze with parchment and placed on the chest. The compress should be removed after half an hour or as it cools down.
  • Potatoes, honey and mustard. The vegetable also needs to be boiled and crushed, then add 1 tbsp. l. remaining ingredients. The cakes are wrapped in gauze and placed on the area above the bronchi.
  • Mashed potatoes, honey and turpentine. The vegetable is boiled, pureed, then the remaining ingredients are added. The product is kneaded well, after which it is applied to the skin and covered with plastic wrap. The patient should warm up: put on a cotton shirt or T-shirt, and on top - a woolen sweater or blanket. Used for dry and wet cough.

A curd compress also helps cure bronchitis and relieve its accompanying symptoms. The fat content of the product does not matter, but it is recommended to take 5% cottage cheese. It is divided into 3 equal parts and wrapped in gauze. Compresses are applied to the chest, replacing each other every 20 minutes. You need to remember that the cottage cheese must be warm: you cannot use the product directly from the refrigerator.

Honey is an integral part of many warming procedures for chronic respiratory diseases. It is very useful as it contains a whole list of vitamins, micro- and macroelements.


However, it must be used with caution, since this beekeeping product is a strong allergen. To prepare a honey compress for bronchitis, you can use the following recipes:

  • Take rye flour, honey and mustard powder in a ratio of 2:2:1, respectively. You can use any flour, but rye retains heat better. From the ingredients, 3 cakes are prepared, two of which are placed on the back, and the third on the chest. In this case, you need to lay a couple of layers of gauze between the product and the skin. If the patient feels a burning sensation during the procedure, it must be interrupted.
  • If a wet or dry cough makes breathing difficult, then you can use wraps: melted bee product is mixed with olive oil in a 2:1 ratio and soaked in gauze patches. Two pieces are placed on the back, one on the chest area above the bronchi. The patient should be insulated by covering with a warm blanket.

Vodka compress can only be used by adults, as children should not inhale alcohol vapors. It is also prohibited during pregnancy. Water and strong alcohol are mixed in equal dosages, after which the gauze is soaked in the product. Before applying the compress, the patient's back and chest are lubricated with honey or oil.


Garlic remedy copes well with coughs, disinfects and warms. To prepare, take 1 head of garlic and 1 chicken egg. After mixing the ingredients, the mass is applied to a gauze bandage, which is applied to the patient's chest. From above you need to cover it with polyethylene and a warm blanket or shawl.

Compresses for bronchitis

Compresses for this disease, both in adults and children, are a fairly effective way to help quickly eliminate the inflammatory process in the bronchi. This procedure makes it possible to warm the chest well, since the drug directly penetrates into the site of inflammation. In addition, with their help, microcirculation improves, the muscles of the organ relax, this helps to remove phlegm and restore normal breathing. As with any other therapeutic event, when using compresses for bronchitis, you should adhere to certain rules:

  • The bandage can be applied to the chest, back and throat area
  • It is prohibited to place a napkin soaked in medicine on a naked body, especially for children. Be sure to place a napkin or wax paper between the body and the bandage. It is advisable to secure the compress at night.
  • You cannot apply lotions to damaged skin.
  • The compress must be insulated; for this you can use a warm scarf, handkerchief or blanket. This will help enhance the effectiveness of the active substance.
  • After the procedure, it is advisable to lie down in a calm environment; under no circumstances should you become hypothermic after applying the compress.
  • In case of high temperature in adults or children, compresses are prohibited; this can only worsen the patient’s condition.
  • The duration of the procedure depends on the patient’s well-being and the course of the disease.

It is necessary to take into account that in acute cases of bronchitis, compresses are only an additional method; in this case, there is no way to do without drug therapy.

Features of application

Compression therapy for bronchitis has the following therapeutic effects:

  • relieves muscle spasm;
  • components in warming agents enter the bronchi area;
  • improves blood circulation in the chest.

Thanks to this, breathing becomes free and phlegm does not accumulate. This helps stop the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, for which bronchial secretions are a good environment for development.

Compresses should not be prescribed independently to yourself or a child, since due to some contraindications, their use must be approved by a doctor. Warming up cannot be used for:


  • diabetes mellitus;
  • oncology of any localization;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • skin pathologies;
  • blood diseases;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system.

If the patient is allergic to a component of the drug, the prescription can be changed. It is also worth seeing a doctor for treatment of an allergic reaction.

It must be remembered that at the acute stage of bronchitis, compresses are prohibited, since with elevated body temperature and chills the patient should be kept cool. If there are wounds, burn marks or ulcers on the patient’s chest, then the product should not be applied either.

To treat a child under one year of age, consultation with a specialist is necessary. Also, alcohol-containing solutions are not used for rubbing into the chest. Firstly, they penetrate the blood and cause poisoning in infants. Secondly, the body of an infant and teenager has a reduced sensitivity threshold, and alcohol can cause allergic reactions.

Folk advice for patients with bronchitis - honey and aloe:

Tip #1

Aloe with honey for ordinary bronchitis can be consumed in the form of various recipes, for example, you can turn them into an excellent miracle cure. Aloe leaves should lie in the refrigerator for about a week, they should be washed well and crushed using a blender. Then honey, preferably from linden, should be thinned using a water bath. Next we make a decoction of linden blossom and young birch buds (150 grams each), leave it for an hour. When the infusion has cooled, add honey, chopped aloe and olive oil (30 g). To improve the patient's condition, this mixture should be taken three times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon for a week.

Tip #2

A combination of aloe juice and honey is a good remedy for bronchitis. To do this, you need to take these components in a ratio of five to one. To make the result more effective and quick, aloe juice should be taken fresh and squeezed right before using the medicine. Take the mixture three times a day after meals, 1 tsp. about a week or so.

Tip #3

For the next recipe you will need to add badger fat to aloe juice - this mixture is good for healing coughs in cases of bronchitis. If you add grated chocolate (or a couple of spoons of cocoa) and pour honey over it all, you will get a healing chocolate paste. It is very attractive when treating children: this way they are treated with great enthusiasm. However, you cannot give your child a lot of such a tasty medicine: no more than three times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon.

Tip #4

To prepare a medicinal tincture, you will need to cut four aloe leaves into 3 cm pieces, add 200 grams of red wine and two tablespoons of honey product. Aloe should be put in a jar, add honey and pour wine. Infuse the prepared product in a cool place for 3-4 days. You need to take the medicine one spoon three times a day for five days.

Tip #5

It is not difficult to prepare another healing remedy against bronchitis; for this you need to mix 2 tablespoons of agave juice (as aloe is popularly called), 200 g of butter and 400 g of honey. The medicine should be taken after it has infused; it is best to take it before meals.

People's advice on making medicines against colds and coughs using aloe:

Staging rules

Any method of treating diseases has its own rules. Warming compresses for bronchitis are no exception:

  • Usually the medicine is applied to the back and chest, but warming the feet is also effective.
  • The heart area cannot be heated: the compress must be applied over the bronchi, the pathological area of ​​the lungs and respiratory tract.
  • The product is not applied to open skin, especially if the composition includes vodka. They need to soak gauze folded in several layers.
  • There is no need to cover a large part of the chest or back with a compress, since a piece of gauze the size of the inflamed area is sufficient.
  • After warming up, wet clothes need to be changed.
  • It is recommended to carry out warming procedures at night for several reasons: during sleep, the body recovers better; Enough time will pass for the patient to get out of bed.
  • After the procedure, you can give the patient hot herbal tea. Sage, chamomile, coltsfoot are great, and honey will add effectiveness.
  • The gauze bandage should have a three-layer design, with the top layer wider than the middle one and the middle one larger than the bottom one. This method provides maximum heating effect.

Herbal tea
It is recommended to ask your doctor about all the intricacies of using compresses in order to do them correctly. He may also prescribe additional physiotherapeutic procedures to be carried out at home.

Compresses for the treatment of bronchial inflammation are good because they can be used by all ages. However, they differ in the ingredients allowed to be added to the medicine. Before cooking, it is recommended to check recipes that are suitable for children and pregnant women, as there are some restrictions for them.

Treatment of infants

Treatment for children differs from treatment for adults for many reasons. And this also applies to compresses. Its components should not only be effective, but also gentle on delicate skin.

These include an oil compress or a honey compress. In addition, you should not use strong heating agents such as mustard or alcohol.

Infants are given compresses at night - this makes it easier to fall asleep and the cough does not bother the child so much at night, allowing him to sleep and rest. In addition, there are certain rules that must be followed:

  1. Cough compresses must have a standard three-layer structure. One of the layers is impregnated with a medicinal solution;
  2. The next layer of compress is needed to prevent moisture from evaporating. Typically, it consists of an airtight material, such as polyethylene. A regular bag or packaging film is good for this purpose;
  3. The structure of the compress is completed by a warm, thick cloth necessary to retain heat. You can cover with a warm blanket or rug. But it is worth noting that it is also impossible to overheat too much.

The best compress recipes for adults

In folk medicine, there are many different compresses used in the treatment of bronchitis in adults. The most effective and fast-acting recipes are:

  • Lotion with dimexide. This is a drug that has a local anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Before use, it is diluted in proportions 1:3 with water. The napkin is moistened in the resulting solution, wrung out well and applied to the back or right half of the chest. A layer of polyethylene and cotton wool are placed on top and wrapped with a warm scarf. Keep for no more than 20-30 minutes. Such a compress cannot be overexposed, because burns may appear on the skin. It is good to use for dry coughs; this method promotes better sputum discharge.
  • Vodka compress. A piece of gauze or a bandage folded in several layers is generously moistened with vodka. Apply to the skin, apply oilcloth and a layer of cotton wool on top. Wrap well in a warm scarf and cover with a blanket on top. This compress is left overnight. After removing it, you should not go outside for three to four hours.
  • Honey, alcohol and sunflower oil. These components are taken in equal proportions and mixed. Moisten a clean cloth with the resulting liquid and make a lotion according to all the above rules. Leave until morning. This compress with honey, alcohol and oil is most effective for exacerbation of chronic bronchitis and eliminates old cough well.
  • Mustard powder, honey and flour. Mix everything in equal proportions and make a flat cake. It is applied to the skin of the back, a layer of polyethylene and cotton wool is placed, and wrapped well with a warm cloth. Leave it like this for 8-10 hours. Honey must first be heated. This method has a good warming effect, but does not burn the skin like mustard.
  • Essential oils. For the base, take 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil. A few drops of menthol and eucalyptus oils are added to it. A napkin is moistened with this solution and applied to the chest or back. Or you can thoroughly rub this mixture into the skin. Place a bandage, compress paper, cotton wool on top and wrap it with flannel fabric. This method cannot be used for allergic bronchitis and bronchial asthma. Ether fumes can cause bronchospasm.

Such compresses are usually used for 7-8 days. For greater effect, they can be alternated. In the treatment of bronchitis, combination therapy is used: anti-inflammatory drugs, expectorants and compresses.

A flatbread is made from honey, mustard powder and flour.

What procedures are allowed

You can warm the chest when you cough in different ways, each of them is good in its own way. But first you need to consult with your doctor which method of treatment is suitable in this case.

Mustard plasters

Mustard plasters have a mild analgesic effect and help quickly eliminate inflammation. You can put mustard applications on the back, chest and legs. On the back, mustard plasters are placed parallel to each other; on the chest, one or two mustard plasters are placed on the area of ​​the bronchi.

It is strictly forbidden to place mustard plasters on the area of ​​the heart, liver and thyroid gland. It is prohibited to apply applications to the mammary glands, moles and birthmarks.


In ordinary home conditions, you can carry out a unique physiotherapeutic procedure that will not only warm you up, but also improve blood circulation. Medical cups are preheated over a small fire source and applied to the back. Due to the resulting vacuum, the jar is tightly attached to the skin.

When treated with cupping, small capillaries burst, which is why red spots appear all over the back. Thanks to this, biologically active substances are formed, which are carried by the bloodstream throughout the body and have a beneficial effect. Such procedures are especially useful for severe, dry coughs.

Warming compresses

  1. Treatment layer.
  2. Insulating layer.
  3. Insulating layer.

Doctors often recommend vodka compresses for adults; according to the doctor’s indications, they can also be used for older children. To do this, take a piece of gauze or thin cotton fabric, soak it in heated vodka and place it on your back. Next, the wet gauze is covered with a layer of cellophane and covered with a terry towel, after which the patient is covered with a blanket.

To warm the chest of children, you can make a compress with boiled potatoes. A similar compress is prepared according to this recipe:

  • Boil a couple of potatoes in a small amount of water, and then mash them until puree.
  • Add a tablespoon of linden honey and the same amount of aloe juice to the resulting puree.
  • Some doctors recommend adding an ampoule of Eufillin.

The resulting slurry is mixed well, a flat cake is formed and placed on a piece of cellophane, after which it is placed on the chest. The top is insulated with a scarf. It is advisable to spend a couple of hours warming up the potatoes. Possible for nap time.

Compresses made from warm cottage cheese and honey are very helpful in treating tracheitis. To do this, the cottage cheese is slightly heated in a steam bath, then mixed with a tablespoon of honey, formed into a flat cake and placed on the chest, covered with cellophane and a layer of cotton wool on top. You need to keep this compress for about 3 hours.

Warming up with salt

A glass of table salt is heated in a dry cast-iron frying pan, then poured into a bag or clean sock. The resulting heating pad is used to warm the back and chest. To prevent the burning sensation from being too strong, first lay a thin towel on your back and then successively move a bag of hot salt over your entire back.

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