Sinusitis is a serious disease, the characteristic feature of which is the development of an inflammatory process in the maxillary
What to do when you have a headache, weakness and runny nose Sore throat, runny nose, headache -
Sore throat and sinusitis Published by admin - Last updated: Saturday, January 6, 2020 - Save
Many patients wonder what medications can be used for sinusitis? The disease often does not want
Routes of infection Infectious agents are opportunistic microorganisms. This means that they live in small
Characteristics of Dioxidin It is a synthetic antibiotic with a broad bactericidal effect. Particularly active in relation to
Currently, almost every drug can be replaced with an analogue. It is worth saying that the substitute
The newborn body is very vulnerable to the environment, so often a baby at the age of two
Symptoms What does the expression mean - the child’s ears are blocked: many people understand its meaning differently,
Why does squeaking in the ears occur? A squealing sound in the ears is a high-pitched sound that connects